View Full Version : Just finnished cleaning up a powder measure

country gent
10-29-2017, 07:38 PM
Good Evening Gentleman, I just finished cleaning up the metal work and odd parts of an old powder measure. I had it apart and used a very fine scratch pad to rough clean machined surfaces with a little clp on it. Cleaned up good and cleaned final clean with alchlol then a wipe down with dry lube and assembled. It has an rotating drum ( 180*) and side dial for adjusting the cavity. Its good and smooth now looks good the brown paint on the casting is still good and a light wipe with clp made it near new. Heres the legend on side of dial

Waseca Minn
5A Model ( this is hard to make out might be 51 also)
Still have the plastic hopper to clean up and polish out not a big deal there. Its about 1 3/4" dia 8" long with a double baffle in it. Housing has a drain screw in the back also. Hopper is held in with 2 screws at 12:00 and 6:00. It a nice looking measure with 7/8"14 threads to mount it in a stand. Have the drop tube but missing the cap for the hopper. I have to do some measuring but might be able to make one from a copper pipe cap cut down fairly easily. I may pass on cleaning the old hopper and order a piece of tube and make a new one or convert to a powder bottle type mount. But will probably clean up the old one.

Also cleaned up a old 505 rcbs scales. basically heavy dust and some scale. Wiped down with clp and small soft rag. removed all the dust and 2nd pass removed the scale. Blew out the bearings with canned air and wiped lightly. These look like new still. Wiped down beam and installed it cleaned up pan hanger with the light scratch pad and clp wiped down and installed it. Cleaned pan with simichrome polish on a patch and wiped down with clean rap and alchlol. Scale looks new now is free moving and useable. I then set it on a leveling pad and zeroed, it zeroed a little higher on the screw than I liked so I "adjusted the weights under the pan to get the desired zero point. I then got out 2 sets of check weights and weighed every 1-5 grains then every 10 grains from 0-500 grns. It was dead on thru its range. Been a fun day day bringing these old timers back to working condition.

Any additional info on the herters measure will be appreciated. There is a knurled knob/ screw between the handle mount screws I suspect is a dial lock with a spacer missing, but not sure.

10-29-2017, 09:58 PM
I enjoy these kinds of projects. Thanks for the post.

10-30-2017, 07:48 PM
Agree,thanks for the post.

Always fun cleaning,fixing,tuning older equipment.Taking your time doing a nice job doesn't take that long but the rewards keeeeep paying you back.We have a shop brimming with full-on resto'd metal and wood equipment.....along with new.But the older pcs almost always have much better ergo's and are just sweeter to use.

10-31-2017, 10:15 PM
Doesn't look any different to me.:kidding: