View Full Version : Apology

10-24-2017, 05:46 PM
Fellow forum members I don't know if this is the right place to post this if not moderators feel free to move it . About two months ago I offered some brass to the needy I shipped out a bunch of 9 mm and I promised 250 45 cases to fellow for a member " toot". I want to take a moment and post a sincere apology I promise to ship those cases out to Toot over a month ago. Unfortunately I had a little personal crisis that the man did my immediate attention. It is not my intention to burden fellow for members with my problems so to make a long story short . About 2 1/2 years ago my son asked his mother and I to move from Florida to Virginia to help him with his two daughters or granddaughters. After pretty much draining my bank account my son informed his mother and I that he was moving, he no longer required our help, and we needed to find other living arrangements as he was moving into weeks and it would no longer be a place for his mother and I to live . The 45 cases were mailed out to two today and I sent him via a private message a personal apology for the delay . I have always been a man of my word and I feel horrible about taking this long to mail out the cases I promise to Toot. This forum and its members have been extremely good to me as I said in my original post I don't have much but I do from time to time acquire extra brass. Hopefully in a short period of time I'll be able to offer more out to those members in need unfortunately right now I have to try and get my wife and eyes life back on track. Once again please except my sincere apologies. That apology goes double for two and I thank him for his patients . Thank you one and all .
Ray Jankoski

Preacher Jim
10-24-2017, 06:32 PM
Ray, you are a man of your word. You just hit a wall that caused a delay.

10-24-2017, 06:53 PM
You honored your commitment and you are to be commended . Dang ! Sometimes things just go south for all of us . I hope you are settled and moving forward . Praying things fall in place for you .

10-24-2017, 07:18 PM
Good on you, Ray! Life happens for all of us. You took the time to share your story......which you really didn't HAVE to do, but you did.....and you took the time and remembered to make it right.

This is why this place is what it is.

God Speed!

10-24-2017, 07:26 PM
Ray, Life throws you curves but you obviously are of man of your word as shown here.

10-24-2017, 08:25 PM
I only have one question,,,,, what can I do to help you???

10-24-2017, 11:41 PM
Thank you for the offer "Pipefitter" I appreciate it. My wife and I have a place to live my service dogs are with us and we will be fine. If someone had suggested 6 months ago that my own son was capable of doing this I would have defended him with my life. I consider this just another life lesson. A rather tough one to swallow but a lesson learned all the same. The pain and anguish my wife is experiencing is the hardest thing to deal with. I've always said that when the going gets tough the tough get going. With all that being said I'll get through this. It definitely is not something I could have anticipated being 61 and disabled but my wife needs me and I have know intention of letting her down. As I said earlier Pipefitter your concern is very much appreciated.
Many thanks.
Ray Jankoski

10-25-2017, 10:51 PM
I’ve dealt with “toot” several times over the years and have found him to be a man who likely would not be upset about that kind of thing. You can through. You honored your commitment. Things happen in life, and sometimes we hit a snag in the road. I’m sorry to hear about your snag, but I wouldn’t worry about the 45’s.

10-25-2017, 10:58 PM
What can we do to assist you??????

10-25-2017, 11:57 PM
No worries Ray.

You're okay on my list.

10-26-2017, 12:01 AM
What can we do to assist you??????

I appreciate your concern. I'll get through this. I would never ask.
Again many thanks for your concern.
Ray Jankoski

10-26-2017, 08:22 AM
Life definately is not a smooth trail. I a so sorry you are coming out of a life changing eventEven though I am some distance away any way I can help?

10-27-2017, 10:05 AM
Some times allowing someone to lend a hand up helps them more than you.What a heart breaking situation.
I appreciate your concern. I'll get through this. I would never ask.
Again many thanks for your concern.
Ray Jankoski

10-27-2017, 10:22 AM
POPPY42, it sounds to ME like you handled things in as above-board and honorable manner as can be imagined. I've never spoken to Toot, but I'll bet he more than understands that sometimes bad things happen to good people.

We tend to be a stiff-necked lot in here, Ray, so asking for help on something big isn't seen or heard much. But I cannot help believing that, right now, you are surrounded by angels and friends, some of whom you've never met, who would consider it THEIR blessing to be of assistance or support in ANY way that is in their means. Even though you "would never ask", I think you've gotten a lot of "lemme help" messages on here, from people who did not WAIT for you to ask. I think their hesitation at this point is from their not knowing how best to assist you.

I can't remember where I heard/read this, but it sounds appropriate for this situation: "They who are assembled in the name of good, evil can never separate."

Just thinking out loud...

10-27-2017, 02:28 PM
Well done . Man with honor and pride ..

10-28-2017, 11:29 PM
Fellow forum members, WOW! The responses to my op have been overwhelming, to say the least. So many of you have sent me pms and response asking me what can I do to help! I never expected it. I can't thank you all enough! They were all greatly appreciated! I have always believed that a man is only as good as his word and I have always tried to live up to mine. I try to never make a promise that I can't keep. When I made my op it was truly ment to be an apology for not doing something that i promised to do. Along with an explanation of why it took me so long to ship out the 45 brass to Toot. I am very happy to say the brasses been shipped, Toot has received it and I have heard that his son is putting it to good use! I never in a million years expected so many offers of "what can I do to help". I'm not going to lie to anyone by saying everything is fine. My finances are just about non existent. It's going to take awhile for me to get out of this hole. I'm sure anyone who is on a fixed income knows what occurs when you experience a minor hiccup with your finances. Let alone what has happened to my wife and I. There won't be any reloading in my near future as primers and powders are not cheep and they are certainly not at the top of my priority list. But that's ok. I have all my reloading equipment, my firearms, and the rest of mine and my wife's possessions. Although, It was a real possibility for a while. I would have sold everything I own (including my body parts) if I had to before I let my wife part with anything of hers. Fortunately none of that was necessary. We have a place to live, that allowed my service dogs, food to eat and the basics. The rest wil come. This was just another speed bump on the highway of life. Although a rather large one. As far as excepting any of the help that was offered, some times a man has to stand on his own two feet and dig himself out of the hole he's in to be able to look himself in the mirror. When things were at their worst I knew there were those worse off than me. There is one thing y'all can do for me. As I am in no way going to be able to do any hunting this year. Any of you fellow hunter that are lucky enough to get a buck this year, send me a picture of your deer! That way I can at least live vicariously through everyone else's hunt this year! You can send pictures via a pm or if you can send me a printed picture, send me a pm and I'll send you my address! Again I can't thank you all enough for Caring!
Thank you again and y'all take care.
Ray Jankoski

10-29-2017, 12:01 AM
Ray, this is family here, and with very few exceptions we treat each other as such. In my handful of years here on this forum I've been a lot of things.....I've been a seller because I needed to raise money. I've been the guy that auctioned items....which a lot of folks frown on, but I needed to raise money. I've been a buyer, and I've gotten some great deals when I was in a position to buy. And I've been a giver.....when our lives have been blessed and we were in a position to give. I've been humble and honest in all of it....because this place allows us all to be at our best, or to be at our worst, and to be treated with dignity and respect in either extreme, or anywhere we may be in the middle. You're amongst good people here.

I don't know what offers were made, but I do know they were made genuinely and by folks with gracious hearts that want to help you. I appreciate your pride, and respect you for it. But I'm also one that, I think, really understands the value of a gift. A lot of times, and I think for a lot of people, there is great satisfaction in the act of giving. They wouldn't have offered if they didn't truly want to help....and they will find satisfaction if you were to accept. That is the gift that you can give back to them. I think I can speak for the masses here and say that no one here wants you to live vicariously through a deer season....we want you to live as part of this community, and as a part of this family, and to have those experiences yourself and share those with your 'other' family. :)

Welcome aboard....you're amongst some pretty good folks here.

God Speed...Trails.

10-30-2017, 12:03 PM
Ray, is a stand up guy. he came through and explained his situation to me. we are terry fortunate to have a member/ friend like him. if i never got the items it would have been alright he had a big load on his plate already. scene we talked back and forth on PM,S I feel I have made a great friend. and can only wish him the best forward. toot.