View Full Version : Be careful with that steel!

10-20-2017, 04:32 PM
Got out my 9mm 1911 today, hadn't shot it in several months, had 4 mags and fired off those pretty quick. Loaded up a couple more with some 147gr that I had made for use with my silencer. Light loads and actually easy on the hands,way more than the 95gr I had used earlier. Thought I had a case hit my leg, others kicked out 3 or 4 feet. Strange. Finished that mag and looked down to find this attachment my feet. Be careful shooting steel, I was 35 feet away. No issue before.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171020/eb166e30e374efcdc49f3e298bf345b0.jpg

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10-20-2017, 04:35 PM
Got out my 9mm 1911 today, hadn't shot it in several months, had 4 mags and fired off those pretty quick. Loaded up a couple more with some 147gr that I had made for use with my silencer. Light loads and actually easy on the hands,way more than the 95gr I had used earlier. Thought I had a case hit my leg, others kicked out 3 or 4 feet. Strange. Finished that mag and looked down to find this attachment my feet. Be careful shooting steel, I was 35 feet away. No issue before.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171020/eb166e30e374efcdc49f3e298bf345b0.jpg

Sent from my XT1097 using TapatalkOh, it lost zero weight. Weights 149gr....

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10-20-2017, 04:37 PM
Is your steel mounted firm,as in no swing? I have not had any issues ,,my plates have a downward tilt and are on free hanging chains.

That would bother me if that came back home...

Tom W.
10-20-2017, 04:59 PM
My son was shooting his AR and thought a horsefly bit him on the left bicep. No, it was a bullet that bounced back from his steel target and went through his arm. No serious damage.....

10-20-2017, 05:51 PM
I have had bits of boolits come back and hit me at indoor ranges several times. The owners told me that wasn't possible. After I complained about it on three separate days they finally checked and found out it really was happening.
I knew the bits were from my loads since they were powder coated.

10-20-2017, 06:02 PM
I've been to cowboy shoots as an observer and have seen lead shot from low power loads come bouncing back, I imagine not enough power to move the plate and deflect downward, the plates were heavy and hung from hook hangers not chain.

10-20-2017, 08:20 PM
Learned all about by the time I started school, with a bb gun, except it was a board instead of steel.

10-20-2017, 08:27 PM
Don't think I've been to a match with steel and not been hit by something, rarely draw blood. Angled down, falling, or free swinging it helps, but it's not 100%. I do not play about eyepro.

Full weight riccochets are less common, but low velocity will do that.

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Texas by God
10-20-2017, 09:50 PM
My first was a .41 special load swc fired at a junk tire, came back & hit me in the knee. It scared me more than hurt me. Several of my friends got hit by rebounds when we were into bowling pins. I got hit in the forehead & knocked down by a 19 gr piece of .45 acp that came back from a steel target. It happens. I don't shoot the above targets any more.

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10-20-2017, 10:08 PM
Angle that steel down. I don't shoot at any
steel closer than 50 yards with handguns and 100 with rifles.

10-20-2017, 10:22 PM
A buddy of mine shot some surplus 8mm Mauser at a short section of old railroad track. It swirled right back at him and put him in the hospital with a wound in the thigh. Another friend shot a bowling ball with a 30-06 and he got a plastic frag in the eye. Yes...be very mindful of what you are shooting at!

10-23-2017, 05:11 PM
Wow! That's scary. I've shot myself before by firing a cap and ball revolver at a tree - the ball bounced back and hit me. I was dumb enough to fire a second time, and the second ball hit me too.

10-23-2017, 09:10 PM
Had an Air Force buddy catch a Portuguese .308 slug on the rebound in his wrist after it hit the steel target holder leg. His buddy was aiming for it intentionally. He had to go to the hospital to have it cut out. It traveled about an inch under the skin and then came to a stop.

10-23-2017, 09:59 PM
Off and on over the years I've seen 45 ACP ball "rebound" from hitting the 25 yard steel turning frames at various USMC bases.

10-23-2017, 11:41 PM
My first was a 215gr 41 mag that was down loaded to the chest. Left a quarter sized bruised. That was over 20 years ago. Thankfully no major injuries over the years.

10-24-2017, 12:36 AM
Speaking of ricochets, I assume everyone has heard the stupid warning about shooting in creek beds? Never had any problems until the last time when the 22LR "zinged" past my head. Naturally I was wearing muffs to protect my hearing....charlie

10-24-2017, 12:44 AM
I have a scar on the inside of my right thigh from a .308 fired at a steel plate set at 100 Yards.
Just grazed my skin about 1/4" deep and cut the inner seam on my jeans.

10-24-2017, 07:10 AM
Hadn't responded since posting, I have three types of targets. One is hard popper headshaped on a 4x4. I think it was that one. Three swinging rounds on chains, do need to work on keeping them totally square wen shooting and a little dueling tree. Was a low velocity round that usually goes thru suppressed,but didn't. Several hits didn't always move the popper back, but is angled slightly down, need to move angle more I think. Yes always eye protection! For everyone!

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Petrol & Powder
10-24-2017, 07:54 AM
Angle that steel down. I don't shoot at any
steel closer than 50 yards with handguns and 100 with rifles.

That's a little extreme for handguns. I've shot steel for many years and a lot closer than 50 yards !

10-24-2017, 09:06 AM
I got a 22 frag in the belly recently, just a welt but scared me pretty good. I was testing a boolit trap I built, and I got the entrance angle to the spin chamber wrong. It did occur to me that I was glad I used a 22 and not the 45-70.

10-24-2017, 10:48 AM
Ous have a hard time cleaning my underwear after that one

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10-24-2017, 07:10 PM
I remember taking a shot at a ceramic/cast iron bathtub 100 yards or so distant once. The 240gr cast whooshed past my ear a split second later. It had entered the tub skimming the right wall, curved around the inside front end of the tub around to the left side and back out at me. It went BANG-WHOOSH. It was a most serious wake-up call. Could have been dead without suspecting anything was about to happen but God heaped on the mercy in that moment.

10-24-2017, 08:59 PM
While in the Corps once doing a live fire I was next to the crappy machine gun jamming every 3rd round. Right after cease fire called I heard pop pop pop. Felt something hit my arm. The bad rounds cooked off and I was hit by a chunk of brass! I was about 12 ft. away.

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10-24-2017, 10:01 PM
Check this 50 cal ricochet shown in this link:


10-28-2017, 11:48 PM
Check this 50 cal ricochet shown in this link:


Oh yeah........that one was a dandy. First time I've seen the slo mo video and notice the round strike about 40' in front of the shooter.

10-29-2017, 01:51 AM
I use this flowchart as a reference. Never shoot at mild or unknown steel, never shoot random junk just to see it explode, and I personally think Tannerite has been more of a plague than a boon. Always observe safe distance as well, and make sure they're mounted properly.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171029/78c88e2bfdf6917b03b42ca422845af8.jpg

10-29-2017, 11:04 AM
After read this post i am glad i made my bullet stop the way I did .I use chip board for to put the target on and sand is about 3 1/2' deep and rail road ties on the sides and back. I just change the chip board when needed .I have 2 layers of chip board space with a 2x4. with it being flat so little space. years ago did had a BB from a BB gun came back on me and that was the last time.
When in the navy I did had brass hit me from the others gun on the side of me when I was honer guard doing Mil. funerals .At the time.

10-31-2017, 03:45 PM
Many years ago I shot a plate match as a side match during a PPC match. Second round I fired came back and grazed my neck. I missed the next two plates but hit the last two! Felt like a hard slap but just raised a welt that bled only enough to cause a wardrobe (shirt) change. I haven't shot much steel since then.

12-22-2017, 08:13 PM
Was in a quarry many years back. Had a metal tree setup with steel plates on Chains at 100 yds. Shooting 7.62 x39 steel core and heard a metallic bang behind our shooting line. There was a nice dent in the rear panel of my pickup truck. Went right between the 4 of us shooting that day. So yeh things happen.


12-23-2017, 06:01 PM
I had a swedged 45acp bullet bounce back off of the bottom of a 55gal steel drum and hit me in the chest right where my heart is. It barely hit me hard enough to feel it. I felt it, looked down and picked it up. It was almost completely flat like a silver 1/2 dollar.

What worst than steel is porcelain toilets. Those thing SHOOT BACK !!!!!!:!:


12-27-2017, 12:01 AM
I wish my boolits would hold together when I shoot Steel so I could recover them. They pretty much vaporize.

12-27-2017, 11:28 AM
IIRC when IHMSA first started the Field Pistol game, the steel chickens were placed at 25yards. Due to several reports of bullet fragments returning to the firing line, the distance was changed to 40 yards. I have Field Pistol sized targets set at 40 yards at my range, and in the past 18 years, I can recall of only two bullets that came back. Thankfully no one was injured, and I require all shooters to use both ear and eye protection.

12-27-2017, 11:47 AM
So do OLD refrigerators with 12ga. loads - they don't even dent - from 3 ft, both barrels! & I did it 3 times! Don't know what kind of load, just bought a box at the local gas station but it didn't knock the porcelain off the fridge. We do stupid things when young. Fortunately I was wearing jeans - no glasses - dummy. SIL wanted to shoot an old propane tank with 9mm, I recommended he not do that at any close range.

Cary Gunn
01-25-2018, 11:50 PM

I've had .22 rimfire bounce back and tickle my belly when shooting at several stacked thicknesses of plaster board.
The bounce-back caused no injury, but, had it struck an eyeball instead of a belly, the result might have been different.

My grandpa used to laugh as he told the story of his boyish experience shooting his BB-gun at the heads of loaded 12 gauge shotshells. Seems he and a buddy were plinking away to see who could "pop the cap" on a shotshell placed atop a fence post, and grandpa was apparently the better shot.

When his BB connected with the shell's primer, the uncontained shell case became a very formidable projectile that -- at a range of about 20 feet -- popped him squarely between the eyes and raised a painful lump on his forehead.

On another topic, I'm not sure I understand "Charlie3tuna's" admonition in post #16 about danger of plinking in creek beds. Are you referring, Charlie, to the danger of ricochets off the surface of the water, or is there some other inherent danger in creek beds of which I'm unaware?

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --

01-26-2018, 02:04 PM
A friend and I bought a box of old bowling pins and the guy at the store warned us not to shoot them at close range cause they will shoot back. While I was loading my magazines my buddy started shooting at them and was struggling to hit them. He walked up a little closer and hit it and the dang thing came back and hit him on the ankle. His ankle swelled up instantly and he couldn’t walk on it. Had to take him to the ER to make sure it wasn’t broken. It did chip a small piece off the bone but not big enough for the doctors to do anything about.
After that one I didn’t shoot the pins with anything smaller than 357mag full house loads and much further away.

Local indoor range near where I used to live they had a bowling pin league. Most of the guys were using 10mm but a few were using 45acp. One guy was using 230gr ball ammo and had one come back and hit him square in the head. Knocked him out and cut him pretty good. Everyone thought the bullet had went into his skull but it just broke the skin. He was rushed to the ER and the pin league ended. I only got to shoot two matches.

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01-26-2018, 02:36 PM
Back when I was a teenager, a friend gave me an old Iver Johnson breaktop revolver and a tobacco sack full of 32 S&W Long's. I then proceeded down to the railroad station and set up some tin cans on a stack of newly creosoted oak railroad ties. I fired my first shot and was immediately thumped right in the knee cap. At first I didn't realize what had happened until I looked down to where I was standing and saw a bullet lying on the ground. The bullet didn't penetrate the skin or do any lasting damage but I nursed a mighty sore knee for a while and learned a very valuable lesson-be certain of a SAFE backstop!!

01-27-2018, 10:08 AM
Shot at a 45 gal oil drum full of ice with an old webley in 380/200. At 12 paces the bullet would hit, flatten right out and bounce back and land about a pace in front of me.
Be careful shooting at ice and frozen trees, most bullets get deflected but had one come back toward me, that was enough.
Be safe

Plate plinker
01-27-2018, 10:36 AM
More velocity less bounce back. If your rounds are scooting down range fast they splatter and you don't have much trouble, but if we load mouse farts well ya better stick to paper. Placing the steel at a slight downward angle is also good practice. I like shooting steel and Bowling Pins too bounce backs happen but it shouldn't happen often if we use common sense and good practices.

01-29-2018, 11:51 PM
I was shooting a .45 Colt at a steel pepper popper during a cowboy match and my bullet hit the target and came back and hit me in the chest. This happened in two other matches and I could see the bullet coming back at me and couldn't move as I watched it come back and hit me in the chest. It stung, but God was watching over me.

03-18-2018, 04:47 PM
nobody ever shot a frisbee with a bb pistol, i have the chip in my tooth still.

charlie b
03-18-2018, 10:07 PM
Before thinking angling down solves it, each little crater on the plate is a source of 'shoot back'.

I don't shoot steel or other stuff anymore. Paper is good enough for me. I have still had an issue or two with some target holders.

03-18-2018, 11:12 PM
I was at the range one day and about 3 stations over there were a couple guys shooting steel targets at about 25' with pistols. They were raining lead everywhere on me, my wife and son, at least when they actually hit the target. I told them what was happening and they just shrugged it off and said it wasn't possible. Needless to say we moved to the next range over.

03-19-2018, 07:52 AM
I got hit by a copper jacket fragment that came over the berm from another shootin bay. Got me on the side of my face just back of my eye. Drew blood. Glasses, glasses glasses........

03-19-2018, 08:00 AM
Before thinking angling down solves it, each little crater on the plate is a source of 'shoot back'.

I don't shoot steel or other stuff anymore. Paper is good enough for me. I have still had an issue or two with some target holders.

Thats the nice thing about cast boolits. At moderate velocities they will not crater quality steel. I have three brand new A500 targets that will only see cast boolits at less than 2000 fps. The mounts are made for steel post and hang them angling down. I doubt I will ever have trouble with back splatter.

Outer Rondacker
03-19-2018, 08:10 AM
I have a steel range. Raining lead is common. Splat back very common. Angled down and a slight bit to one side always helps reduce it. My guests have had some bounce back at them nothing bad has happened. Eyes and ears is the rules. I think the reason I have not had anything come back at me yet is I shoot the smaller targets.6" and 4" at 20-35yrds. Or I try to anyway. They shoot the larger ones closer. As for rifle I still shoot the smaller 4" plates at 100-150yrds. I have been looking into frangable ammo for up close training on steel. After seeing the price I think I will just make some cardboard target stands and use real ammo in the pit.

As for AR500 steel. That is all I have and let me tell you it dents with heavy rounds. My 10mm has left small craters. Same with the 50ae and even my 22tcm at 20yds. Most of my steel has been gifts from shooting friends they have ordered off shoot steel and other places like shooter 7 or something like that. They have all been told we used armor piercing rounds. I know for a fact they where not. I have a 4" plate at 100yrds hanging on a strap. Its round and I pull up and drop a simple 55g soft point rem bullet on it from my RAR and it leaves a small crater.

03-19-2018, 10:46 AM
Copper jacketed boolits will dent the steel, particularly out of a rifle. I can't pound steel posts into the frozen ground or I would have tried some cast handgun loads on my steel. I was at a Glock match years ago and we were shooting steel at seven yards. As long as the steel is in good shape and everyone is wearing glasses no problem.

04-17-2018, 07:16 PM
I was in an indoor range in my hometown. My cop buddy and I were shooting at paper targets with a sloped steel backstop. I was shooting a S&W M28 in .357 mag he was shooting a S&W M39 using some Czech 9mm surplus. We kept hearing noises behind us we thought were rats scurrying around. I had finished shooting and moved off to my friend's left to spot for him. Suddenly I was hit in the leg, upper right thigh. After checking to see if I was bleeding, I found a steel mushroom at my feet. It was the core of the 9mm's he had been shooting. You need to check your ammo before shooting steel.

04-21-2018, 01:27 PM
I remember taking a shot at a ceramic/cast iron bathtub 100 yards or so distant once. The 240gr cast whooshed past my ear a split second later. It had entered the tub skimming the right wall, curved around the inside front end of the tub around to the left side and back out at me. It went BANG-WHOOSH. It was a most serious wake-up call. Could have been dead without suspecting anything was about to happen but God heaped on the mercy in that moment.
Aint nothing like a boolit or bullet humming just past your ear to really make you think about what you are doing. Been there, done that, and once was plenty. Heard of reactive targets before but didn't know they shot back!!!

04-22-2018, 05:57 AM
On another topic, I'm not sure I understand "Charlie3tuna's" admonition in post #16 about danger of plinking in creek beds. Are you referring, Charlie, to the danger of ricochets off the surface of the water, or is there some other inherent danger in creek beds of which I'm unaware?

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --

It was late summer and the creek was dry. The rock bed was exposed. But I haven't shot in any creek again, PERIOD !!!....charlie

Outer Rondacker
04-22-2018, 06:24 AM
Working on getting my hunting club a steel pistol range. Its proving hard to explain the difference in steel and why they can not just call Bubba down the welder shop to get them steel plates. Guys make sure your shooting good AR500 and 550 plate. Dont mount it firm unless it is angled down and away from shooter. Lastly using wood is ok for mounting just be careful of the jacketed spalding when touching the wood. Be safe and enjoy shooting.

04-22-2018, 12:17 PM
Shoot the plate rail at my club a lot! We demand that all have eyes and eye protection! The steel roof of the cover firing line sounds like rain at times and makes a good point that the **** is coming back. Want to see a bunch of the stuff lay a big trap out infront of the rail and catch the spatter.

Tom W.
04-22-2018, 02:19 PM
I was invited again to the RCSO range the next time it's open to the public, the 2nd Saturday of the month, and to please bring my SRH. We're going to try to hit steel silhouettes @100 yards. Before I got sick I could do it with my .480 hitting clay pigeons off hand with a 2x scope, but that was then. I was a bit younger then,too. I may bring my #1 and see if I'm still accurate with it. I never shot steel with it....

04-22-2018, 08:29 PM
Took a 230 grain .45 to the groin once at a speed steel match. Flattened out to the size of a quarter. The term "hot lead" is a factual description. The disc stuck to my jeans after impact and scalded my tender portions. Insult to injury. :shock:

After that, I held my hand up in front of my throat whenever I ROed.

Walter Laich
04-30-2018, 08:45 PM
well known at cowboy matches. sort of part of the 'excitement' of this type of shooting

04-30-2018, 09:05 PM
I still have a .22LR bullet in my left calf. Cowboy Action .22 Sidematch, I picked the wrong day to wear moccasins. Doc would have had to cut deeper to reach it. So it was just left in. 2 Whole stitches.

04-30-2018, 09:38 PM
Been hit twice, but neither was steel targets.

Once was jacket fragment to the side of the nose . Another shooter, unknown loads, indoor range , backstop 25yds downrange.

Other was .22lr fired at remains of old car back in the woods . Stung my thigh , but didn't tear.my blue jeans .

Always wear eye protection, but don't otherwise obsess over it.