View Full Version : Rude Surprise

10-17-2017, 07:46 AM
I was awakened at about 5:30 this morning to a really rude, and obnoxious, surprise: the horn in my F-350 going wide open. I jumped out of bed, half asleep, stumbling around trying to find clothes and keys. I woke the dog up, my wife, and every neighbor within ear shot. What a mess. I have an idea of what caused it - the contacts in the steering wheel are possibly in need of replacement. Anyway, since i never use the thing, I just pulled the fuse.

Hopefully somebody can read this, picture my mad scramble, and get a morning laugh from it.

10-17-2017, 08:54 AM
Yes i can see it. Only time I ever had that happen it was like 22 below. Figured the cover shrank so much it engaged the horn. Had to pull cable from the battery post. Good luck getting back to sleep after that happens.

10-17-2017, 09:41 AM
I've had it happen in an Oldsmobile Trofeo, had the pull the fuse as well.

10-17-2017, 09:54 AM
Yeah, that would wake you up for sure! My home alarm went off during the night, about a week ago. It turned out to be a faulty glass breakage sensor. But after I got up with the flash light and pistol and made the "rounds", I never went back to sleep. It did offer the chance for me and the Wife to practice our defense strategy!

If your fuse has anything else on it you can probably unplug the wire to the horn.

10-17-2017, 11:02 AM
You gotta be kiddddddding!! Yesterday morn about 5.30 am my neighbors horn on his 250 ford started blowing and blew for awhile!! What a coincidense or what!

DerekP Houston
10-17-2017, 12:07 PM
lmao I know that mad dash must have been fun, thanks for the chuckle. Guess I shouldn't complain about my wifes car alarm going off occasionally.

10-17-2017, 12:09 PM
This post sure reminded me of something that happened when I was a kid. Our next door neighbor was a TV repair man; B&W only (he said color would never catch on). He loved to tinker so he built a burglar alarm for his truck. Basically it was a washer with a length of piano wire hanging through it with a fishing weight on the end. He added an under dash switch & did some other stuff to make it hard to disable easily.

In the middle of the night, a big wind came up & sure enough the truck started to honk intermittently until it finally stuck "ON" for some reason. After waking the whole neighborhood he ran out in his underwear & after a frustrated minute or two, he just started ripping out wires until it stopped.

BTW: He had a dirt floor in his garage so he dug a pit so he could change his own oil. Had to fill it back in when his wife fell in it.


Dusty Bannister
10-17-2017, 12:11 PM
Well it was not a horn, but close. Back in the days before fancy electronic sirens, we had the old mechanical ones and it was decided to wire the siren into the same circuit as the car horn. It was an either/or choice and when you needed the siren you just flipped the switch and pressed on the horn ring. After making an emergency run, it was the custom to tap the horn to be sure you had remembered to flip the switch back to "horn". So there I was in a quiet residential area after the dust had settled when I tested the horn. The relay stuck, and it was still in "siren" mode. And it would not unstick. I calmly exited the vehicle, opened the hood, and tapped smartly on the relay with the wood baton which caused the relay to unstick and the siren wound down. And the audience went back into their houses. I suspect it added a laugh at the dinner table that evening. Dusty

10-17-2017, 01:06 PM
Dusty Bannister,


yours, tex

10-17-2017, 03:00 PM
Once had a Jeep parked in front of my condo building that had the horn go....and go....and go....for an hour....I called the police, they came and said they really couldn't do anything to stop it.
Being a Jeep, they had some kind of latch on the side of the hood. I opened the hood and asked the cop if I could remove the wires from the horn. He said he would look the other way.
I RIPPED the wires out of the horn, the cop left and everyone (except the owner of the Jeep) was happy. :)

10-17-2017, 06:22 PM
something like this?


10-17-2017, 07:10 PM
Haha...I’m glad I was able to bring a grin to some folks this morning. I anticipate tomorrow morning being much less dramatic.

10-17-2017, 07:37 PM
Of all the crazy things I have had happen to my vehicles, the horn has not been one of them so now it will, maybe at the VA hospital parking lot.
Ole Jack

10-18-2017, 12:00 AM
The anti theft on mine triggers if you use the fob to lock the truck then a key to unlock it(including tailgate). I came out of Walmart with a huge load of groceries, and without thinking I opened the tailgate with the key... alarm going, key fob wouldn't reset it until the key was near the ignition so I had to open the door, get in and hold keys by the steering wheel then push the button on the fob to turn that dang siren off. Soon as I got home I found the siren and cut the wires! Not like someone is going to steal a rusted out 16 year old F-150. I would totally disable that stupid anti theft garbage but it is wired into half the dash...

10-18-2017, 04:06 AM
Same as MaryB on the wife's hot rod sube.Can't stand that feature.I drive vehicles that folks wouldn't want to be seen in,much less steal?So just leave the keys in them.

10-18-2017, 08:16 AM
I'm immune to this type of thing. Horns and alarms are constantly going off. I'm situated between two major thoroughfares through town. EMS and police sirens are heard often. The bus service runs up and down the one road. I don't bother to check to see what the noise is all about anymore [emoji23]

10-18-2017, 09:51 AM
I haven't heard a car alarm go off for some time now,the person that was causing most of the alarms to go off is in jail on capital murder charges.Hope it is a situation that stays and we won't be bothered with the alarms any more

10-18-2017, 12:57 PM
It happened to me back in 1961 on a Mercury Monterray car while I was driving a (at the time) gal friend home. I pulled over and popped the hood to pull the horn wire. Wonder why she never went out with me again?Robert

10-18-2017, 01:44 PM
Has anyone seen the video of the guy who wired his buddies horn to the brake lights? Hilarity insued.

Sent from my XT1565 using Tapatalk

10-18-2017, 01:55 PM
The op's story reminded me of Maggie and the air horn. Back when I drove a truck over the road I had a dog (Maggie) that rode with me. When the price of fuel started going up manufacturers started putting the air horns under the truck and using a button on the steering wheel to activate it. Maggie learned that when she stood up with her feet on the wheel the horn would blow. From that it wasn't long before I'd be sitting at the fuel pump and when another driver came walking in front of the truck Maggie would blow the horn! The higher they jumped the more she enjoyed it, usually the other driver would laugh but a few wanted to kick my butt! Ahh I miss her and her sense of humour.

10-18-2017, 11:40 PM
Mary, I might be tempted to swipe your truck ! My "new" truck is a 1977 Dodge !
Pulling the horn wire ain't that easy anymore - my wife's horn quit altogether and took me a day to find it, hidden behind a headlight assembly ! !@#NEW CARS...

10-19-2017, 12:16 AM
Mary, I might be tempted to swipe your truck ! My "new" truck is a 1977 Dodge !
Pulling the horn wire ain't that easy anymore - my wife's horn quit altogether and took me a day to find it, hidden behind a headlight assembly ! !@#NEW CARS...

I took my car in for an inspection....they told me I needed new brakes....I told them to just make the horn louder....

10-19-2017, 11:22 PM
Box is rusted out and not safe to walk in, rockers are rusted off, one cab mount is about gone(I need to cut a block of wood to bolt under there..) trust me, my truck is no keeper LOL only has 150k miles on it though, engine will outlast the rest of it!

Mary, I might be tempted to swipe your truck ! My "new" truck is a 1977 Dodge !
Pulling the horn wire ain't that easy anymore - my wife's horn quit altogether and took me a day to find it, hidden behind a headlight assembly ! !@#NEW CARS...

mold maker
10-20-2017, 11:36 AM
After having the local Law to investigate ( 3 times), who was ringing my doorbell at 2-4 AM and disappearing, we discovered the bell button had become temperature sensitive and rang every time the temp dropped below 16*. The temp here rarely drops below 16 and during a cold snap, we had 3 nights in one week that met that criteria. It turns out we found it when the cops were standing on the porch when it rang for the last time. The shape of the curved thin copper switch drew more curved as it cooled and at below 16* the points made contact.
Same effect as a car horn, just fewer folks irritated, but when it's you......

10-22-2017, 12:38 AM
Lol that's funny now but probably wasn't at the time. Last year I was driving my old 72 Chevy truck to work and some moron decided to cut me off. I laid on the horn and the contacts locked up so had to pull it over and pull the wires off the horns. That truck is a garage queen but I still get a chuckle out of that and my colorful vocabulary that morning.