View Full Version : Pepper Mills

ol skool
10-17-2017, 12:25 AM

I need some advice on a pepper mill. The ones we've tried are all about he same. I'm looking for a pepper mill that just flat out puts out some pepper. Manual type, no electric. Prefer a cranks style but that doesn't matter as much as output.

Does anyone make a high geared pepper mill? Any other pepper lovers out there found the holy grail of pepper mills.

Appreciate any and all advice.

10-17-2017, 01:01 AM
Following this thread as I also am seeking a hight output pepper grinder. I like about a teaspoon of course fresh ground pepper on my cottage cheese and it takes long time twisting on my current pepper mill. Searched Amazon dot com, but found nothing promising enough to cause me to buy one. Still searching. May check with Red Lobster Restaurants. I recall in days of old the servers carried a pepper mill and offered to pepper the customer's salad. If they had one that put out pepper volume like their Parmesan cheese grater, it would be a winner. I would think the crank handle types would be faster than the twist your wrist types.

10-17-2017, 01:42 AM
I've never found a pepper mill that produced consistently. I keep store bought medium and course grind in the spice cabinet as backup, but grind my own as needed with a mortar and pestle.

10-17-2017, 02:14 AM
Plenty of on-line tests


Testers seemed to consistantly put Unicorn Magnum Plus as one of the highest producers - http://www.unicornmills.com/

10-17-2017, 03:49 AM
Thanks very much Artful. I just scanned the reviews and ordered a Unicorn Magnum. :)

10-17-2017, 05:12 AM
I have my own mortar pestle.
The mortar is a little cast iron bowl from Cracker Barrel store, it has that as-cast roughness inside and grinds well, the pestle is a hunk of hard walnut I turned on the lathe.
it good for many other spices also

The Governor
10-17-2017, 05:39 AM
I find Mills with removable tops that can be operated with a cordless drill.

country gent
10-17-2017, 11:17 AM
Wood crafters used to have a pepper mill kit for wood turners. The grinder and parts were there and you made the wood outer. You could have a matching peppermill and rifle stock. Actually You could make a very nicely finished pepper mill and have it as a one of a kind.

10-17-2017, 12:02 PM
I have my own mortar pestle.
The mortar is a little cast iron bowl from Cracker Barrel store, it has that as-cast roughness inside and grinds well, the pestle is a hunk of hard walnut I turned on the lathe.
it good for many other spices also

Walnut is a very good choice for food prep items. Hardness means long life and the tannins in it make it anti-bacterial.

10-17-2017, 12:13 PM
I will agree the Unicorn Magnum is the best pepper mill I've ever used. I didn't have a clue what it was, the wife picked it up at Good Will for $3 or $4 and it works really good!

10-17-2017, 08:36 PM
Brass Turkish coffee mill. Mine says coffee mill. Solid brass, adjustable grind.
This is similar to mine. https://www.amazon.com/Pepper-Mill-Imports-Traditional-Coffee/dp/B000WCRKHC/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1508289479&sr=8-8&keywords=brass+pepper+mill

ol skool
10-17-2017, 08:46 PM
Saribachi's seem to me to work better and faster than the mortar and pestle for grinding up spices.

But I want a mill for the table. That Unicorn Magnum looks interesting and I ain't gonna wait to find one at Good Will either!

Thanks for the replies, very helpful.

10-17-2017, 09:02 PM
Bit over a year ago I bought a coffee grinder, hand grinder. I happened to have gone through a couple over the previous year so I wanted one that would stand up.

While reading through the homemade black powder monster thread I started seeing several posts where they were using a coffee grinder to grind their powder after pressing into pucks and drying it.

I go now that is the coffee grinder I want. So I ordered it.

Very adjustable, plus it holds its adjustment. No slipping, no small plastic piece in a ceramic burr to strip out or break. This unit is built to stand the test of time.

I have in search of the perfect cup of coffee for the least amount of dollars spent gotten finer and finer with my grind over the last year. Starting at 150 cranks I am down to 70. Very fine stuff, like fine pepper really.

2 piece unit, top is a hopper and crank with some good leverage. Bottom is a glass collection bowl that threads into the top piece. (or could be left off)

I know my dad liked pepper on his cottage cheese, bout black with it in the center.
I suspect this grinder would do that in say 10 or 15 turns of the handle.

It is worth taking a look at.

https://www.amazon.com/DuraCasa-Manual-Coffee-Grinder-Espresso/dp/B00XS1UTCC/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1508288495&sr=1-1&keywords=DuraCasa%2BManual%2BBurr%2BCoffee%2BGrind er%2Bfor%2BEspresso%2B-%2BRoasted%2BCoffee%2BBean%2C%2BBlack&refinements=p_n_srvg_2947266011%3A2972982011&th=1

10-17-2017, 09:27 PM
Yes Alton Brown LOL he was the one who started that I think!

I find Mills with removable tops that can be operated with a cordless drill.

10-17-2017, 09:32 PM
If I need bulk pepper I use the electric coffee mill dedicated to spices only, otherwise I use a Penzy's wood mill.

dagger dog
10-19-2017, 08:45 AM
Check out Campmor they have a small coffee burr mill, hand cranked and adjustable, I have 3, 1 for pepper 2 others for spices.
They will flat put out the pepper!

10-19-2017, 12:21 PM
I just tried my new Unicorn Magnum for the first time and what a difference! This is exactly what I have been wanting for years. Thanks again for the information.


Plenty of on-line tests


Testers seemed to consistantly put Unicorn Magnum Plus as one of the highest producers - http://www.unicornmills.com/

10-19-2017, 03:29 PM
Glad to help

ol skool
10-19-2017, 08:14 PM
I just tried my new Unicorn Magnum for the first time and what a difference! This is exactly what I have been wanting for years. Thanks again for the information.


Glad to hear that, ours should arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to give it whirl.

10-19-2017, 11:04 PM
Might have to try one, the grinding bur stripped the screws out of the wood on my penzey's mill. Epoxied back in but that is a temp repair at best, that area sees a lot of stress. And I am a black pepper fiend! Made sloppy joes tonight and a pound of hamburger had over a tablespoon of black pepper in it!

ol skool
10-20-2017, 08:16 PM
Unicorn Magnum arrive today. Yup this is it. A pepper mill for pepper people. Happy Camper here. (I actually lived in Happy Camp for a while, lol...)

10-30-2017, 06:32 AM
Ok, after yet another frustration trying to grind pepper onto my fresh made breakfast migas, I see this. It is on its way to me from Amazon, free one day shipping. Alright!

ol skool
10-30-2017, 09:39 PM
Please provide impressions when you've used it.

11-04-2017, 10:42 PM
Alright, I have used it a little bit, enough to know what I think. Took some time because we were out of peppercorns.

The grinder portion looks well made and is made in Italy. The whole thing is made in the USA, so I guess assembled is a better description. It seems to be of good quality.

It holds a lot of peppercorns and is easy to fill. Two quick twists of the grinder results in plenty of pepper for most people. It really throws the pepper. Far more than any of the several grinders I have purchased over the years. If you love pepper, you'll love this grinder.

I really like it and am planning on buying more for Christmas presents. I just wish I had some cottage cheese to try it out on but that will have to wait until the next visit to HEB.

11-05-2017, 04:31 PM
I have one of these at my house and my GF had a thing she called a pepper grinder. Couldn't take it anymore so got one for her house now. I wouldn't say I like pepper (good pepper corns) but I'm the guy who takes the lid off the pepper shaker in a restaurant. Now if I could just find a mini grinder this good that fits in my pocket to take with me when I eat out.

11-05-2017, 09:24 PM
4" pepper mill with carry pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004Y69N/?tag=leosm1-20

3" with pouch http://www.unicornmills.com/MiniMill-Black/

I have one of these at my house and my GF had a thing she called a pepper grinder. Couldn't take it anymore so got one for her house now. I wouldn't say I like pepper (good pepper corns) but I'm the guy who takes the lid off the pepper shaker in a restaurant. Now if I could just find a mini grinder this good that fits in my pocket to take with me when I eat out.

ol skool
11-07-2017, 11:07 PM
Alright, I have used it a little bit, enough to know what I think. Took some time because we were out of peppercorns.

The grinder portion looks well made and is made in Italy. The whole thing is made in the USA, so I guess assembled is a better description. It seems to be of good quality.

It holds a lot of peppercorns and is easy to fill. Two quick twists of the grinder results in plenty of pepper for most people. It really throws the pepper. Far more than any of the several grinders I have purchased over the years. If you love pepper, you'll love this grinder.

I really like it and am planning on buying more for Christmas presents. I just wish I had some cottage cheese to try it out on but that will have to wait until the next visit to HEB.

Christmas presents is a great idea.

11-08-2017, 01:28 PM
Mary B, you are a life saver. Thanks
