View Full Version : Stupid Cat!!

10-16-2017, 07:35 PM
Wife called me today and said she "broke the cat". Huh, say again!! She "broke the cat". Over at Daughters house helping with my new Granddaughter and was outside, bringing in groceries. Screen door was closing and cat, who had been hiding in the flower bed, decided to come inside.

Too bad he didn't get all of himself inside as door closed all the way with a few inches of tail sticking outside. Needless to say, his tail lost most of the skin on the end. Had to take him to the vet to get few inches of tail removed. Cat will have a cone collar. He is going to be a pain. With a new baby, its going to be stressful to say the least. There went $600!!!!!:(

Stupid Cat

10-16-2017, 08:10 PM
Its amazing what we will spend on something that probably was free!! I hate to hear it for you, but am glad it was your cat instead of mine!!

10-16-2017, 08:23 PM
Ouch... $600??? That’s wild.

My parents have a cat that has probably been slammed in the door every day of its life. Dumb thing just doesn’t learn and insists on darting in at the last second.

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10-16-2017, 08:51 PM
We love cats and have three now. Never had one get hurt in a door, but our youngest (and dumbest) one will always dart in a closet or other place that is normally closed when you open it. We just shut the door when we're through and let the realization sink in that she's alone in the dark and confined. After a little while she will begin to cry to be let out and is glad to be released. But she NEVER learns and always does it again when that door is open again. I think it must be a game to her, though she clearly isn't as smart as the other two in much of anything.

Glad your kitty is gonna be OK. I passed a half grown black cat killed in the street this morning on my way to work and it broke my heart.

10-16-2017, 09:31 PM
My 2 cats are indoor only, neither has any idea what the outdoors is...

10-16-2017, 09:32 PM
My coonhound tried to play with one of my cats and ended up with a scratched cornea, $750.00 later it's healed, in total my free dog has cost me over 1500.00 in the last 3 months

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10-16-2017, 09:40 PM
I miss my cats...but my aim is improving. ;-)
My last few have been "feral conversions" but don't last long with the coyotes and dogs around here. They were all excellent mousers, wish I had one now with winter coming on. I have one that passes thru now and then but I seldom see it. Last one I took to the vet clawed me up pretty good when I caught him for his vet visit and died a few weeks after getting fixed and vaccinated, major bummer. Good personality, his tough & mean brother lasted a year or two but the neighbor's dogs finally got him. Sure miss him.

10-16-2017, 10:13 PM
lost my one cat two weeks ago. I have the stove burning to night. got three of them around it right now.

10-16-2017, 10:23 PM
I love cats! We have 4 family kitties that are all indoor cats. They stay at my parents house, I rent and can't have animals but I visit often and get to see them. I like dogs too and well most animals really but I identify as a cat person! Not at all ashamed either! Glad your kitty is going to be okay!

10-17-2017, 07:58 AM
Our three are indoor only. Two are fairly young, the ten year old one is our baby and snuggles down to sleep all night between us.

We had a big, friendly tomcat show up and hung out off and on for almost two years. Loved him to death and probably should have had him fixed and declawed and brought indoors, but he'd have hated it. Gotta get them conditioned to it when they're kittens. He didn't show up about six months ago and haven't seen him since. I miss him.

10-17-2017, 09:06 AM
friend of mine has two little girls and a cat. One day he noticed that hair was dropping from the cats tail about 6 inches from the tip, so a trip to the vet and some nasty news, the girls had been styling the cats hair and lost a rubber band in the hair, needles to say it effectively stopped circulation and the tip died. The vet just laughed and snipped it off said happens all the time with little kids cats and tails, said it is virtualy painless to the animal, apparently its quite common to castrate in this manner. No charge.

10-17-2017, 09:34 AM
Wife called me today and said she "broke the cat". Huh, say again!! She "broke the cat". Over at Daughters house helping with my new Granddaughter and was outside, bringing in groceries. Screen door was closing and cat, who had been hiding in the flower bed, decided to come inside.

Too bad he didn't get all of himself inside as door closed all the way with a few inches of tail sticking outside. Needless to say, his tail lost most of the skin on the end. Had to take him to the vet to get few inches of tail removed. Cat will have a cone collar. He is going to be a pain. With a new baby, its going to be stressful to say the least. There went $600!!!!!:(

Stupid Cat

Poor Kitty, That hurts just thinking about it. So does the $600! My Free Kitty is 12 or 13 and has never been outside. And does not want to be. We spent $600 or $700 on a bladder infection a few years ago! She does like to sneak into any closets that are usually closed off and is pretty content to spend the day in it sleeping. She spends lots of time alternating sitting in our laps when we are home and often sleeps with us. It hurts me too, to see one run over in the street.

10-17-2017, 09:40 AM
I love cats. They taste like chicken

10-17-2017, 10:32 AM
Yeah, that $600 bill kind of took my breath away. Its Denver and nothing is cheap there. Guess the cat kind of "de-gloved" the end of the tail. Wife said you could see bone.

At least the Daughter didn't do it, she would have been a basket case if she hurt her first "fur baby"!!

10-17-2017, 10:47 AM
My 2 cats are indoor only, neither has any idea what the outdoors is...
We had a brother and sister from the shelter for over 13 years. Always indoor kitties, dog pushed a door open that wasn't fully closed and kitty got out, door was closed, later cat was discovered missing. Frantic search for cat found her huddled against the wall in a corner of the porch by the front door. She was NOT interested in going for a stroll and had relocated to the place most likely to get her back inside.

Her brother was the one the grandchildren were referring to when they asked "is that one the mean kitty?" The vet could tell them apart, that is for sure. But both could be most affectionate, one just insisted on it being on his terms. Mean kitty played with mice, never really figured out a kill technique. Nice kitty hooked them with her claws and broke their little necks with her teeth.

Miss them both but won't have cats again, too destructive if kept inside and I won't let them roam for their own safety, and won't de-claw a cat so that means just dogs, which I also won't let run loose. Come to think of it our schnauzer is better mouser than at least one of those two cats.

10-17-2017, 11:24 AM
We had ours "fixed" at a young age and de-clawed. She has shown no interest in going outside. If we leave a door open she will peek outside all fraidy looking and turn tail for inside. We like it that way! She has been zero problems in the house except that She likes to chew on box tops and paper back books. Yeah, She has me wrapped around her little paws!

10-17-2017, 03:54 PM
My Mom recently asked why I didn't have a dog or cat for the kids....I told her Vet bills are more expensive than the pediatrician. I can't justify it.

Rattlesnake Charlie
10-17-2017, 04:08 PM
When growing up, little kittens would try to slip into the house at times. That old spring closing screen door broke the necks on probably three each summer. It was difficult watching them squirming their last, and it was my job to get rid of them. Dumb cats. And, I like cats.

10-17-2017, 04:14 PM
Glowing red knife and a hammer .. all done no cost :)

10-17-2017, 04:42 PM
Had a girlfriend once that got a little black kitten.
Stupid thing never did figure out- fire bad.
Would play with candles, batting them from one side until it felt the flame, shake it's paw, lick it and then walk to the other side and try again.
Wouldn't stop until you blew out the candle.
Needless to say, no more candles.

We now have 2 black cats. My daughter really wanted one, and a stray outside adopted her.
She came in the house to tell me the cat was out one day.
Went outside, didn't see the cat. My daughter started calling it, silly thing showed up from no where and started playing and chasing my daughter around like a dog.
Never seen anything like it, both of them running back and forth along the dry Creek bed.
Needless to say we fed her and brought her inside.
A few days later I was at home my mom and daughter got back from the vet, from having the cat spayed.
The look on my mom's face told me something was up.
She said surprise, you have 2 cats.
Shadow was pregnant, full term with 1 kitten, another full black.
Turned out to be one of the best surprises ever.
Most people cannot tell the two of them apart, even I have trouble at times, but my daughter never has any problems.
Two of the friendlies cats I have ever had, at least with us, and best friends with each other.

My daughter had been begging for a pet for a long time, almost adopted one once.
I told her if it was meant to be the right one will just fall into your life.
And it did.

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DerekP Houston
10-17-2017, 05:16 PM
We had a little black cat outdoors I nicknamed "lucky"....after a year or so she wasn't so lucky with the neighbors dogs. Broke my wifes heart at the time so i took her in and buried her in the flower bed. Sure was a friendly little thing but with my wife and kids allergies we'd never be able to keep them indoors and outside its just a matter of time before something gets them. Our neighbors finally got the message about keeping their dogs contained or on a leash....

10-17-2017, 07:23 PM
We had a little black cat outdoors I nicknamed "lucky"....after a year or so she wasn't so lucky with the neighbors dogs. Broke my wifes heart at the time so i took her in and buried her in the flower bed. Sure was a friendly little thing but with my wife and kids allergies we'd never be able to keep them indoors and outside its just a matter of time before something gets them. Our neighbors finally got the message about keeping their dogs contained or on a leash....

I believe if they'd been my neighbors, they'd have been burying some dogs. Can't understand people who want aggressive dogs. Could have just as easily been a small dog or a toddler as a cat. I like dogs, like them a lot and I sincerely believe it's in most of them's nature to be very friendly and playful, but if there was one around that had a demonstrated propensity to do stuff like that, I'd see it gone.

10-17-2017, 08:34 PM
:grin: I have two.Morris and Snowball.Morris loves to watch videos here and on the two car sites that I go to.Snowball is pretty laid back.Morris loves spagetti and meat sauce and just about anything he can get his teeth around.Found out the other day he likes Brats and saurkarut:shock::shock:.Sorry to hear about your kitty`s tail.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

10-17-2017, 09:16 PM
+1 on the dead dogs! I'm not necessarily a cat lover but I ain't a cat hater either. Just had to put down my big male Maincoon sire gonna miss that cat.

10-17-2017, 11:42 PM
40 pounds of kitty love on that chair, note the lack of space for anything else! Yup they are big boys(neutered of course) Oliver(Ollie) the orange one is actually longer than Oreo(Tuxedo kitty) at just over 2' long head to butt! Both are very loving but Ollie is special, he is the most gentle and polite cat I have ever seen, and affectionate. He likes to give nose kisses then rub his head under my chin. Both are rescues.


10-18-2017, 12:03 AM
Glowing red knife and a hammer .. all done no cost :)

At $600.00 that was my first thought too.

BTW, I am very allergic to cat dander ( but not kittens for some reason), So I am a dog guy. Never really cared for cats myself, if nothing else for that reason.

Hope your cat turns out well for ya.

And Congrats! on the new Grand daughter!

10-18-2017, 03:54 AM
We live in the country....animals stay outside.Last cat we had became a play toy for a cpl coyotes.Tug of war.It was nasty....basically left it on our doorstep.He was an excellent mouser,and even though he wasn't that friendly,or that good of a pet,it did upset me the way he met his end.I'll kill the yotes one of these days.

10-18-2017, 04:59 PM
The next door neighbor's boy got a kitten, he, the kitten, would slip through the fence and play with the cats that moved into our house and took over . A few months later the kid gets a Pit Bull dog... the kitty , T-Boy , decides he likes living at our house , the dog keeps trying to eat him ... One day T-Boy , who's now hanging around our house more and more , gets sick , looks like he's going to die and the kid has left town... I hate to see the thing suffer I was thinking about putting it out of it's misery but wife says " NO" , I wind up taking him to vet , ( the wife made me )...I end up spending $300.00 in vet bills on the stupid neighbors cat ....how bright is that?
Cat's aren't stupid......we are the stupid ones !

The cat recovers , the neighbors boy moves away and T-Boy moves in with us and all the other free loaders we got and lives a long and happy, pit bull free , life before passing away of old age. I'm not sure if he was worth $300.00 ...but I didn't have to sleep on the sofa so I guess it was worth it.
The boy came by to visit his Dad and we tell him the story....he says " I always wondered what happened to that cat . "
Cats....they are something else !

Rattlesnake Charlie
10-19-2017, 09:25 AM
No one owns a cat. Cats decide on their own who is going to take care of them.

10-19-2017, 05:45 PM
We love animals, 2 dogs, 4 cats, few chickens all outside pets. They all play together and love each other.

Little humor here if y'all remember Harry Chapin and his song Cats in the cradle.



10-19-2017, 08:05 PM
Got my first cat ever a little over a year ago, a rescue from the feral life. Little thing, took us awhile to get comfortable with one another, but she's my buddy now. Sure goes a long way towards making a house a home.

Rattlesnake Charlie
10-19-2017, 08:40 PM
We love animals, 2 dogs, 4 cats, few chickens all outside pets. They all play together and love each other.

Little humor here if y'all remember Harry Chapin and his song Cats in the cradle.



The Cat's in the Cradle is more about how your children turn out like you. In my case, the cat came home to roost. I was on the road a lot when my children were growing up, trying to make more money to take care of them better. Now, one is up near Chicago, one in Seattle, two in Colorado Springs, a granddaughter in Wisconsin, and I'm growing old in New Mexico.

10-19-2017, 09:20 PM
I was walking home one night about 6 years ago. Had a lanyard hanging out of my pocket. This fanged creaton was stalking me unbeknown to me. As I hit the stairs to my apartments, I was ambushed by a .5 pound fanged and sharp toothed shadow that was out for blood. As it pounced for the lanyard it missed, landing claws out into my calf. It decided it wasn't giving up and it wanted the dangling treat. it climbed my leg and furiously attacked the dangling lanyard. After I screamed and hollard I then jumped in surprise, which then dislodge the sharp tooth monster. As it fell it took with it my keys, its prized catch. Then I had to chase down the little monster because it had my keys. After retrieving the vile villain it decided to give me cute eyes and pur. At that point I knew it was destiny for our love hate relationship. I love her and she hates me. For 3 months when the wife would leave for work, I would let the little buggar in and feed it then go to bed and it was sleep with me. One day I forgot to let the mistress out and my wife comes home while I was at work. She looses her mind as she catches my new mistress in our bed, on her side, peacefully sleeping. That's the story of how I got my cat Mou mou. Little jerk hasn't left the house since. She refuses to walk outside and still loves to pounce on dangling things. She has since developed champagne taste on my beer budget. She is my spirit animal.

10-19-2017, 11:14 PM
Pets pick us many times. Misty my first black lab picked me. Her litter mates were all hiding behind mom making a fuss but Misty came waddling over, looked up at me, squatted and peed on my foot to mark me as her human... She stole that shoe and slept with it until she died from cancer. I buried it with her along with her favorite toys.

10-20-2017, 11:01 PM
My three dogs are my best friends. They will always come check on me where ever I am at. I can say for a fact I would spend every cent I have and all I could borrow on any of them. They really are part of the family

10-21-2017, 07:41 AM
I think I'll always remember our 135# dog (Leonberger/GSD mix) playing "Chase me, chase you!" with the GF's 6# cat... They were having a blast, the size disparity made it hilarious to us :) It's always sad when a fur-kid gets hurt.

10-23-2017, 01:54 AM
As much as i love my 2 cats my old gray one fried my laptop this weekend when she decided to hack up a hairball on me when I was tailing a drink, so I jumped and half a glass if soda need up on the laptop

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10-23-2017, 07:06 AM
I think I'll always remember our 135# dog (Leonberger/GSD mix) playing "Chase me, chase you!" with the GF's 6# cat... They were having a blast, the size disparity made it hilarious to us :) It's always sad when a fur-kid gets hurt.

Seems to me most dogs are Ok with cats. A few actually enjoy the cats company, but most seem pretty indifferent to them.

My son got out of the service recently and is back home along with his medium sized mutt, Bear. Bear has to be one of the best dogs I ever knew, playful, loveably goofy, loves everybody but is so obedient you can basically take him anywhere, no leash required. He comes over now and then and the cats seem OK with him, though are a bit intimidated since he is so much bigger and more active than our ancient Shih Tzu. For the most part, the cats may as well not even be there for Bear, he just seems completely indifferent. This is why it bothers me that people would have a dog that would kill one, especially in city limits.

10-23-2017, 11:26 AM
The last two dogs I had, were raised around cats. Sometimes the cats would join them in the dog box, to sleep. My half-Siamese tom cat would rub on them (one was OK with it, the other, not so much) and sleep in the dog pen, around them.

After my two dogs passed away, my tom cat was devastated. Meowes all the time and wants to be paid attention to constantly(or fed!). Total opposite of what he was. He really misses my dogs. The other cats, you would think I never had a dog, but that big tough tom has changed!!

10-23-2017, 04:26 PM
Cats don't have owners..they have staff..and we are guilty....3 indoor cats..all adoptions[....all about 12-14 neutered males....2 of them near 20# each and one little old guy that just weighs about 10#...and then there is "Igor"..Igor is "special"...we keep him all trimmed up so nobody comes into our house.

"Big Mac"




10-23-2017, 04:36 PM
$600 ouch It's easier with small rodents, hamsters, mice ...you take them away and come back with a brand new one that look's close enough to pass for the sick/hurt one :)

10-23-2017, 09:09 PM
Wow....$600.00! We adopted a cat from the Humane Society of Hopkins County that had its tail amputated by a fanbelt....apparently the cats cost was tooooo much for them so they surrendered her and we got her....when she healed she looked like a mini-bobcat.....her name is LUCY and boy is that appropriate...she is screwball and very entertaining.....