View Full Version : rusty rcbs uniflow soaked in vinegar questions

10-15-2017, 07:27 PM
I picked up a rusty rcbs uniflow hopper at an estate sale that was completely seized for eight bucks. I have it all apart now still soaking in vinegar. My questions are about caring for it after taking it out of the vinegar bath. Do i need to neutralize the acid with baking soda? Whats the best way of drying it off so it doesn't flash rust? Finally whats the best way to lube the interior of the hopper so it doesn't rust. Thanks for any help :grin:

country gent
10-15-2017, 08:52 PM
I would rinse it good in hot water maybe even boil it if the plastic hopper is off. and lightly coat it with a preservative Most of the metal parts areas of the hoppers were painted the same green as the outsides were. If the vinegar removed or softened the paint then I would clean and lightly wire brush then primer and paint it If your talking about the drum area I simply wax the surfaces with auto paste wax, floor wax, or other wax. a very thin coat this provides both some corrosion protection and lubrication. They are a good measure and work okay. Be careful sanding or polishing as tolerances are somewhat free. I rebuilt my old one and lightly bored the drum body out and faced the sides square and true it up. Then made a new drum with sides one fixed and one a side plate bolted on. Had .001 drum clearance and .002 side clearance. I did the body on a jig grinder so have very smooth ground surfaces on both sides and bore. Now with truly square flat fitted surfaces its very smooth and easy to rotate. Its slightly better than before accuracy wise but not on the level of my Belding and Mull or Harrels with rifle powders. I also made a new stem with concave face for it.

10-15-2017, 11:22 PM
Rinse in hot water and dry. No need to lube it...powder contains a graphite coating and is self=lubricating. Do not use oil or wax of any kind. It will migrate into the powder and it will attract dirt; none of which belongs in a measure.

10-16-2017, 02:34 PM
For future reference Evapo-Rust is a great way to deal with items like that.

10-21-2017, 12:39 AM
It is recommended to clean relentlessly with a baking soda mix and something like a tooth brush to neutralize the vinegar.

11-19-2017, 10:45 AM
Nice find on your garage sale shopping! I had a Uniflow in about the same condition as yours from rust. Only I took a diff direction to bring mine back to life. I gave RCBS a phone call, told them my delima and they promply mailed me a new drum, powder tube, crank handle, lock nut and adjustment shaft for free. /Chris

11-19-2017, 01:05 PM
I've had satisfactory results with old fashioned kerosene , not fast working but it doesn't damage anything.
Evapo-Rust works faster , if you have it.
Watch the vinegar soak.... it is an acid .

11-19-2017, 01:35 PM
+ on Evapo-Rust
Just used it on a #55 powder measure. The only thing it's harmful to is rust
1 gal home depot 22.95
1 Qrt. HF 8.99 1 gal 25.99

I stuck the #55 in my PC oven after rinsing well and towel drying for 30 min @150°

Randy C
11-19-2017, 02:09 PM
I wonder if putting the parts that fit in a tumbler cleaner and or a vibrating brass media cleaner will help, the media keeps brass from tarnishing or rusting.

11-26-2017, 08:25 PM
waltherboy - how did it turn out?

I bought an old RCBS JR2 press with some rust, nothing major, mostly on the handle and linkage. I want to restore it as best I can and I also want to replace the bicycle handle grip with a ball.