View Full Version : Forum Rules / Infractions & Points

01-03-2015, 04:35 PM
I tried doing a search for it, but could not find a set of rules that defined it. How does it work on here?


01-03-2015, 04:39 PM
Don't curse, don't threaten people and don't be rude. You will get a PM from a moderator if any infractions happen. You have to try pretty hard for it to happen.

01-03-2015, 04:41 PM
Moderator(s) apparently assign infraction points/ban based on their opinion of what is warranted. At least that has been my experience. Not saying that is bad or wrong, but it is not like math or objective standards.

01-03-2015, 05:14 PM
Just act like you would in front of your mother and there will be no bad PMs.

01-03-2015, 05:18 PM
Just act like you would in front of your mother and there will be no bad PMs.

Well said.
Most members here never get an infraction.

01-03-2015, 05:19 PM

Learned this one myself, DO NOT call out MODS.

IF you don't agree with em, don't think of a smart aleck way of getting your point across, and when/if you get a warning, LEAVE IT BE!!!! And all will be well.

OH and THIS:

http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by RED333 http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?p=3075960#post3075960)
Just act like you would in front of your mother and there will be no bad PMs.

01-03-2015, 06:43 PM
Moderator(s) apparently assign infraction points/ban based on their opinion of what is warranted. At least that has been my experience. Not saying that is bad or wrong, but it is not like math or objective standards.

Not exactly correct, there is a system in use that we abide by...

Below is the list of offenses which we moderate. The system is set up with 1st, 2nd and 3rd instances of each. The first instance of an offense earns (moderators discretion) either a warning or 5 points and remains active for 90 days. 2nd instance of an offense earns 10 points and remains active for 180 days and 3rd instance of an offense earns 15 point which results in a temporary ban from the site, a review of your status as a member and remains active for 365 days. A member can also receive a ban by earning 15 Point during any period. Once a you reach the 3rd instance of any offense we review of your status to determine if you will remain a member.

Before any infraction is issued we review your history of offenses listed on your profile page then issue the next instance for the offense. All infractions are reviewed after issue to determine if they are valid and reversed if determined to not be.

For those who think a moderator is "after" them rest assure it does not happen however there have been cases when an offense is so severe I and only I opt for a more serious penalty.

Below is the list. It was smaller in the beginning but as members found loopholes we added more offenses. I reserve the right to modify the rules at any time as required to maintain a family friendly atmosphere.

Expires In

Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
90 Days

Conduct which violates the Terms Of Service
90 Days

Baiting or Trolling
90 Days

Circumvention of Board policy or rules
90 Days

Continued action after Staff Warning
90 Days

Inflammatory and without merit
90 Days

90 Days

Selling same item on multiple forums
90 Days

Inappropriate Language
90 Days

Insulting Other Member(s)
90 Days

Conduct which violates the Terms Of Service
180 Days

Inflammatory and without merit
180 Days

Continued action after Staff Warning
180 Days

Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
180 Days

Circumvention of Board policy or rules
180 Days

180 Days

Baiting or Trolling
180 Days

Selling same item on multiple forums
180 Days

Inappropriate Language
180 Days

Insulting Other Member(s)
180 Days

Conduct In Chat
90 Days

Baiting or Trolling
365 Days

Circumvention of Board policy or rules
365 Days

Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
365 Days

Continued action after Staff Warning
365 Days

Inflammatory and without merit
365 Days

Conduct which violates the Terms Of Service
365 Days

Selling same item on multiple forums
365 Days

Insulting Other Member(s)
365 Days

365 Days

Inappropriate Language
365 Days

Spammed Advertisements

There are at least 3 reasons one can receive a perma-ban:
1) Spamming the board (spammers)
3) Frequent flyer in the infraction department

I hope this answers your question.

10-08-2017, 08:06 PM
The Forum Rules:

The forum Rules are structured with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offenses. Receiving the 3rd offense of any rule will get you Perma-Banned from this forum. If you disagree with an infraction you have received please feel free to contact me.

1st Offense, Inflammatory Without Merit
1st Offense, Chat Room Violation - Unacceptable Conduct
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Feeler Thread
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 5 ads per month
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Unwarranted Comment
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Open Ended Sale
1st Offense, Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
1st Offense, Unacceptable Attachment
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Adding items to established ad
1st Offense, Baiting or Trolling
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 10 Items
1st Offense, Insulting Other Member(s)
1st Offense, Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation
1st Offense, Swapping & Sellin Rules Violation - Selling Same Item on Multiple Forums
1st Offense, Condescending\Arrogant
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Attempted sales outside of S&S
1st Offense, Continued Action After Staff Warning
1st Offense, Discrimination against Race / Gender / Ethnicity / Sexuality / Religion
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Open Ended Sale
2nd Offense, Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
2nd Offense, Chat Room Violation - Unacceptable Conduct
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 10 Items
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Adding items to established ad
2nd Offense, Continued Action After Staff Warning
2nd Offense, Discrimination against Race / Gender / Ethnicity / Sexuality / Religion
2nd Offense, Inflammatory Without Merit
2nd Offense, Swapping & Sellin Rules Violation - Selling Same Item on Multiple Forums
2nd Offense, Insulting Other Member(s)
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Feeler Thread
2nd Offense, Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation
2nd Offense, Baiting or Trolling
2nd Offense, Unacceptable Attachment
2nd Offense, Condescending\Arrogant
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 5 ads per month
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Unwarranted Comment
3rd Offense, Unacceptable Attachment
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Feeler Thread
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Open Ended Sale
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Attempted sales outside of S&S
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Attempted sales outside of S&S
3rd Offense, Chat Room Violation - Unacceptable Conduct
3rd Offense, Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
Spammed Advertisements
3rd Offense, Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation
3rd Offense, Baiting or Trolling
3rd Offense, Condescending\Arrogant 1
3rd Offense, Swapping & Sellin Rules Violation - Selling Same Item on Multiple Forums
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 5 ads per month
3rd Offense, Inflammatory Without Merit
3rd Offense, Continued Action After Staff Warning
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Unwarranted Comment
3rd Offense, Insulting Other Member(s)
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 10 Items
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Adding items to established ad

01-07-2018, 08:16 AM
1st Offense, Inflammatory Without Merit
1st Offense, Chat Room Violation - Unacceptable Conduct
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Feeler Thread
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 5 ads per month
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Unwarranted Comment
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Open Ended Sale
1st Offense, Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
1st Offense, Unacceptable Attachment
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Adding items to established ad
1st Offense, Baiting or Trolling
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 10 Items
1st Offense, Insulting Other Member(s)
1st Offense, Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation
1st Offense, Swapping & Sellin Rules Violation - Selling Same Item on Multiple Forums
1st Offense, Condescending\Arrogant
1st Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Attempted sales outside of S&S
1st Offense, Continued Action After Staff Warning
1st Offense, Discrimination against Race / Gender / Ethnicity / Sexuality / Religion
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Open Ended Sale
2nd Offense, Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
2nd Offense, Chat Room Violation - Unacceptable Conduct
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 10 Items
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Adding items to established ad
2nd Offense, Continued Action After Staff Warning
2nd Offense, Discrimination against Race / Gender / Ethnicity / Sexuality / Religion
2nd Offense, Inflammatory Without Merit
2nd Offense, Swapping & Sellin Rules Violation - Selling Same Item on Multiple Forums
2nd Offense, Insulting Other Member(s)
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Feeler Thread
2nd Offense, Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation
2nd Offense, Baiting or Trolling
2nd Offense, Unacceptable Attachment
2nd Offense, Condescending\Arrogant
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 5 ads per month
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Unwarranted Comment
3rd Offense, Unacceptable Attachment
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Feeler Thread
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Open Ended Sale
3rd Offense, Discrimination against Race / Gender / Ethnicity / Sexuality / Religion
2nd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Attempted sales outside of S&S
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Attempted sales outside of S&S
3rd Offense, Chat Room Violation - Unacceptable Conduct
3rd Offense, Swearing at or Telling off a Staff Member
Spammed Advertisements
3rd Offense, Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation
3rd Offense, Baiting or Trolling
3rd Offense, Condescending\Arrogant
3rd Offense, Swapping & Sellin Rules Violation - Selling Same Item on Multiple Forums
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 5 ads per month
3rd Offense, Inflammatory Without Merit
3rd Offense, Continued Action After Staff Warning
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Unwarranted Comment
3rd Offense, Insulting Other Member(s)
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - More Than 10 Items
3rd Offense, Swappin & Sellin Rules Violation - Adding items to established ad

09-24-2024, 09:18 PM
Bump for the masses as it had fallen way down the list of sticky’s.