View Full Version : CH C press Universal press 201

10-08-2017, 03:47 PM
I recently purchased a CH C press which I believe is a Universal 201, I had to find and buy a manual separately so I am unsure of the exact model. It only came with a large primer cup but after trading emails with Dave Davison of CH4D he said they can mail me one, as well as a handle and he said they even had an old cast aluminum primer catch he can send me. I haven't done any serious loading on it yet, but got about 500 9mm to process and I will see how it works out for me. The manual I was unable to find online and want to post it somewhere, even if I just flip through the pages on my youtube channel and people can pause which part they need.

10-08-2017, 07:54 PM
Good catch, you were lucky to find a down stroke version as most were up stroke.
It is every bit as good as your Lee.

10-10-2017, 07:45 AM