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View Full Version : Anyone been to a gun show since Las Vegas?

10-08-2017, 02:02 AM
If you have gone to a gun show since Las Vegas please tell what was the mood, were people panic buying or talking about bad things to come due to that shooting?

Prices, product availability, price changed much since the whole bump stock thing. Or are people stocked up well enough now that they just don't worry about what congress might do.

10-08-2017, 08:22 AM
I've been seeing bumpstocks going for 2x the price up here. Other than that pretty normal

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10-08-2017, 08:36 AM
Trying to decide whether to make the run to Mason this afternoon or go to the range Roger. I think Range and maybe the LGS are going to win the discussion though.

10-08-2017, 09:15 AM

I'm going to one this AM & looking again (SIGH!) for 9.3x62mm ammo/cases and for another Model 760 in .257 Roberts.

yours, tex

10-08-2017, 09:47 AM
The show yesterday was DEAD. I was surprised at the low turnout.

10-08-2017, 09:49 AM
Went to a show yesterday and ar prices are up some but its getting to be hunting season here so the jump is about normal for my area same with ammo too

10-08-2017, 09:56 AM
Trying to decide whether to make the run to Mason this afternoon or go to the range Roger. I think Range and maybe the LGS are going to win the discussion though.

I was thinking the same about going to Mason show but my choice was cleaning garage up from last project or gun show. Not as much of a struggle to decide that one. Have some brass to sell and a Jerry of Reloading World often buys it and I buy supplies from him. If everyone is on a buying spree my brass sells better but nothing left to purchase.

DerekP Houston
10-08-2017, 10:30 AM
I've thought about going the last few times but I'll just wait a few months for the hysteria to go down. Funny how its almost always once prices have settled back down to pre-panic pricing we get another rush.

10-08-2017, 10:30 AM
Went to one yesterday.
Everything seemed normal for that show, except I did notice powder & primers were cheaper than normal there.
Primers were about $5 for 1k cheaper than normal.
Powder was $5 to $8 a lb cheaper than normal.
And a lot more powder than I've seen in quite a while

10-08-2017, 10:38 AM
Funny how its almost always once prices have settled back down to pre-panic pricing we get another rush.

Gun manufacturers are reporting drastically reduced sales figures. Makes you wonder......

10-08-2017, 01:17 PM
I went to the show in Mason yesterday. Not a whole lot there except the bump stocks were selling for $450. I did pick up a cute little Marlin #18 pump 22 short. Pretty excited about that.

I was thinking the same about going to Mason show but my choice was cleaning garage up from last project or gun show. Not as much of a struggle to decide that one. Have some brass to sell and a Jerry of Reloading World often buys it and I buy supplies from him. If everyone is on a buying spree my brass sells better but nothing left to purchase.

10-08-2017, 06:42 PM
To All,

I spent over 3 hours at the SAXET gun-show & succeeded in buying a canned Dr. Pepper but nothing else. = NOT a single round of 9.3x62mm or .300Sav ammo and/or empty cases anywhere (and I looked CAREFULLY).

Also not a single Remington Model 760 for sale either.

Otoh, there was a definite surplus of VERY OVERPRICED 5.56NATO/.223 ammunition, that was about 40% above MSRP.

Truthfully, I saw very few people buying much of anything, other than quart jars of BBQ sauce, costume jewelry and refreshments. = A majority of sales today seemed to be nachos, French fries, BBQ sandwiches & cold drinks from the snack bar.
NOT "a good day" for the vendors.

yours, tex

10-08-2017, 07:06 PM
Jerry wasn't there, but I talked to another vendor Jack Schmidt who sells reloading equipment. He said he did a little business, bought some stuff and sold some stuff, but overall a pretty slow weekend. I did not have much time before close of show to look around. I did notice several vendors not at the show, vendors who I would normally expect to see.

Saw a pound of Unique go for $20 from the private supply of a vendor. Also some primers at $30 which is $2 to $5 below a normal going rate most of the time. Someone told me he was getting 4 cents each for .223 cleaned and polished.

In short nothing that indicates people are cranking up their purchases. Still seeing "black" guns and plenty of ammo to feed them at fairly normal prices.

graf & sons and midway both have the 9.3 x 62 ammo at really harsh prices but they have it.

10-08-2017, 09:44 PM

Fyi, I'm WAY too cheap to pay those prices at Midway/Graf's. = It's too easy to reform .30-06 into 9.3x62mm.
While that may NOT be perfect for jacketed bullets, it's FINE for GCCB for targets & general hunting.
(In point of fact, I'm NOT at all sure that a "heavy for caliber" GCCB at 2000FPS isn't suitable for all but the most dangerous game in dense cover.)

Until it was discontinued, I bought 286 grain Privi-Partisan JHP (out of Serbia) for hunting. = About a buck each.
(I keep hoping that I'll find some more boxes that are still "on the shelf" at a LGS or on the net.)

yours, tex

10-08-2017, 09:53 PM
Been thinking of buying a thirty magazine clip and a shoulder thing that goes up. Seen any of these at the gun shows?

10-09-2017, 12:48 PM

Fyi, I'm WAY too cheap to pay those prices at Midway/Graf's. = It's too easy to reform .30-06 into 9.3x62mm.
While that may NOT be perfect for jacketed bullets, it's FINE for GCCB for targets & general hunting.
(In point of fact, I'm NOT at all sure that a "heavy for caliber" GCCB at 2000FPS isn't suitable for all but the most dangerous game in dense cover.)

Until it was discontinued, I bought 286 grain Privi-Partisan JHP (out of Serbia) for hunting. = About a buck each.
(I keep hoping that I'll find some more boxes that are still "on the shelf" at a LGS or on the net.)

yours, tex

Too frugal, frugal I say, frugal my good man is NOT cheap. :-)

I started forming 30-06 brass into 8mm because the "store bought" brass was pretty expensive. Not to mention unavailable at times. Where 30-06 brass is plentiful and cheaper. And with military head stamp brass the head stamp doesn't say 30-06 so I don't have mislabeled brass. But it is a bit of work so if I could pick up loaded rounds cheap I would sure go the route you are pursuing. Did with some Greek 303.

After your post I did some reading and that 9.3x62 is one well thought of round for hunting, never really paid any attention to it when I came across it in load data or catalogs etc.

10-09-2017, 02:53 PM

Personally, I generally use nothing but Lake City .30-06 brass (that I usually get FREE from John C. Garand Match shooters) to make 9.3x62mm. - LCAAP brass has no caliber marking & it's GREAT quality.
(I have, from time to time, used LSAAP government brass too, when it was cheap/free.)

In any event 9.3x62mm is .366-.368 caliber & thus won't chamber in any of my other rifles, so chambering the wrong ammo isn't a problem for me.

Btw, the 9.3x62 Mauser round is suitable for taking most ANY big game, Worldwide.
(under most conditions - I wouldn't choose the caliber for wounded Cape Buffalo in close cover. = That's a job for a BIG-BORE/over .45 caliber double-rifle in the hands of a "cool shot", if you MUST deal with such a threat to life & limb.)
I once met/interviewed a professional hunter, who had culled any number of elephant "on control" for an African Game Department with his BA Mauser in 9.3x62mm. - He said that he saw little reason for using any heavier/more powerful rifle for that work.

I like the old 9.3x62 because it's adequately powerful for anything that I'll ever hunt AND "it doesn't kick my head off". = My 9.3 is a remodeled Remington Model 760, with 2.5X Leopold scope, that was re-bored/re-chambered by JES.
(Jessie's work is faultless, imo, & very reasonable in price. - IF I miss my target, it's solely my fault.)

The "reformatted" Model 760 will be the rifle that I will take to Africa to hunt plains game, Cape Buffalo (and perhaps, leopard) in 2018.

just my OPINIONS, tex

10-09-2017, 03:34 PM
Went to the local show nothing much going on. One vendor that I know said that one dealer had a bump stock for $700. He said I wouldn't buy one for $150 back when why should I buy one now? I told my friend I wouldn't buy one for $50. I've seen the youtube videos and I have more control with a full auto than they do with the bump. I can burn up ammo fast enough with a semi, I don't need help.

10-09-2017, 04:20 PM

VERY well understood. - Even reloads aren't cheap enough to waste on SILLY non-aimed nonsense.

yours, tex

10-10-2017, 01:51 PM

VERY well understood. - Even reloads aren't cheap enough to waste on SILLY non-aimed nonsense.

yours, tex

Bump stock was never even on my "someday if I win the Lotto" list, saw them at a gun show, guy explained it, showed video. I moved on and bought some ammo boxes and a mold.
Aiming and hitting what you aim at is where the fun is. No Zen of shooting in spray and pray. Zombie Apocalypse I'll just switch to shotgun for those spray fire situations. :-)

10-10-2017, 07:50 PM
I couldn't tell you. I haven't been to a gun show since before Sandy Hook.

10-11-2017, 03:20 PM
I couldn't tell you. I haven't been to a gun show since before Sandy Hook.

I tended to do big restock every year or two to replenish stock. Sandy Hook happened with my inventory / shopping list on the table for a trip to a show to replenish. Needless to say there where more people than bullets at that show. I have since changed my approach. I'm now in the pattern of use 1k primers buy 2k primers Use 2# of powder doing a batch of reloading then buy 3# to replace it.

Our LGS is not really a good source, so I have made it a point to shop at the shows that are local. Those are for the most part local (state or area) small business people who appreciate my business. What I hate is the ones that charge for parking. I don't mind paying a few bucks to go fondle some goodies but parking on top of the show admission seems excessive.

DerekP Houston
10-11-2017, 04:31 PM
I tended to do big restock every year or two to replenish stock. Sandy Hook happened with my inventory / shopping list on the table for a trip to a show to replenish. Needless to say there where more people than bullets at that show. I have since changed my approach. I'm now in the pattern of use 1k primers buy 2k primers Use 2# of powder doing a batch of reloading then buy 3# to replace it.

Our LGS is not really a good source, so I have made it a point to shop at the shows that are local. Those are for the most part local (state or area) small business people who appreciate my business. What I hate is the ones that charge for parking. I don't mind paying a few bucks to go fondle some goodies but parking on top of the show admission seems excessive.

That's my same restocking schedule and it has worked well for me. I'll wait for sales and free shipping though and order online. Paying twice the price per lb locally at bass pro/cabelas was just painful. My LGS doesn't even sell 1k primer boxes with a discount...same as paying 3.99 per 100.

10-11-2017, 04:39 PM
There's one in Prescott Valley, Arizona, this weekend. I'll walk through on Saturday morning. From what I hear, there's still plenty of tables. I'll be looking for old THompson Center items.