View Full Version : This is a great fall

Lead pot
10-07-2017, 09:37 PM
Now that the match shooting season is over for me I been having time away from casting bullets and loading so I been busy making goodies. Snarly apples weren't much worth eating so I ground some up and have 15 gallons of apple wine brewing and the Grand Kids help me pick more and ran then through the cider press so I sent 10 gallons oc Cider home with them. And Carol and I Steamed out 5 gallons of very good grape juice as well as apple juice and canned that for winter and canned the steamed out apples and made sauce out of that. Also the Cranberries are in season so we have four gallons of juice from that as well as the pulp saved and froze for baking later on use.
Today I made some crispy cream donuts only wanted to make a dozen but I made a mistake and added to much milk and ended up with around 30 don't know for sure because Carol and I been munching on them when I was running the donut cutter ....I have a feeling that I will be putting back on the 35 lbs I lost LOL.

Lead pot
10-07-2017, 09:42 PM
Forgot the 10# of Buffalo meat I ground up last Thursday and smoked some snack sticks Friday, Man are they good!!