View Full Version : Beef heart and wild rice palif

10-06-2017, 08:34 PM
Well I found a beef heart in the bargain bin at the grocery store and hadn't cook one for a while so snagged it for $2.78 . It will make two meals . In the past I have put up a lot of pictures but I think that's probably boring for most folks so kept em to a minimum . I trimmed the heart taking all the outside 'silver skin' and fat cap off , trimmed the chambers and large arteries inside . Cut it in portions and grilled it outside.

I marinated it in teriyaki sauce for six hours (if you want stronger teriyaki flavor just marinate it longer) , you can season it any way you like if you don't care for teriyaki . Put it on a hot grill , lightly salt and peppered it , cooked it on each side about seven min each . Heart is best cooked medium rare , it doesn't have fat in it so it will get pretty chewy if you cook it too long . People that say heart is tough are cooking it too long or not removing the skin on the inside and out . Properly cooked it's as tender and tastes like a tender ribeye .

Before I started cooking the heart I got a wild rice pilaf started . Cut two stalks of celery and 2 6'' carrots into small pieces . Half an 3'' onion into larger pieces .


Put one cup of wild rice and half cup of long grain white rice in an oven proof pot with lid .


Added one teaspoon of black pepper and half teaspoon of salt , put in the carrots , celery and onion . Added three cups (32 oz carton of broth is perfect)of chicken broth , one and a half tablespoons of chicken bouillon . Brought it to a medium boil for 10 min , stirring occasionally . Put the pan with lid in the oven preheated at 350 . Left it in for 45 min .


And this is supper tonight !


10-08-2017, 02:10 PM
That's interesting. Beef heart is something that you don't see in the stores too much around my parts. As a child, I ate it a lot. Dad would get beef hearts at a local butcher shop and bring them home. Mom would trim them, as you describe, and then stuff them with cornbread dressing. Bake them in the oven low and slow. Really tasted good as I recall. My wife always wants "All Beef" products, LOL. Problem is, she wouldn't eat them if she knew what the producer's vision of All Beef is. Her's is beefsteak, while their's is heart, lung, tripe, and any other legal trimming. I don't say anything, but it always amuses me. I've eaten deer heart a lot, and its good, but not as good as beef.

10-08-2017, 09:14 PM
To me beef heart is intensely beef flavored. I like to bread strips and do a pan fry then dip into condiment of choice(ranch, steak sauce, ketchup, bbq sauce, gravy...)

MT Gianni
10-09-2017, 05:01 PM
I like it with sage flavoring. An underutilized meat along with oxtail and tongue that too many won't look at.

10-09-2017, 05:18 PM
I love beef and chicken heart. When I was a kid, my grandmother would take pounds of chicken heart and bread it and fry it... Was like eating candy! Beef heart is so rich and tasty when cubed and cooked the same way! I always save deer hearts, I am the only one in the house that will eat organ meat and it is really only limited to heart or chick heart or gizzards.

10-09-2017, 05:22 PM
Beef heart is dang good . Most that say they don't like it because you can't chew it ..too tough ...are just not preparing it right . Takes very little time to 'skin' one inside and out . Lots of different ways to cook heart . Mary's method sounds good , I sometime use a tiny bit of olive oil in a frying pan and cook it medium with a little salt and pepper with a dash of garlic powder . Heart is tender if you don't overcook it .

10-09-2017, 10:40 PM
Mom used to take chicken hearts and roll them in seasoned flour then fry in butter... unhealthy as all get out but s dang tasty! Did the same with chicken liver and it is the only liver I used to eat(it was from our own farm raised chickens, all the livers went into a package or two for a treat). Now I won't eat chicken liver, not with the mass raised grocery store chicken... looking into raising my own meat chickens next year, debating some layers but winter care would not be fun with the drifts I would have to fight through to get to what I plan on using for the coop.

I love beef and chicken heart. When I was a kid, my grandmother would take pounds of chicken heart and bread it and fry it... Was like eating candy! Beef heart is so rich and tasty when cubed and cooked the same way! I always save deer hearts, I am the only one in the house that will eat organ meat and it is really only limited to heart or chick heart or gizzards.

MT Gianni
10-10-2017, 02:17 PM
Try heart bakes with sage dressing. You can cut it in strips, or with venison stuff it.