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View Full Version : Anyone here a member of AMAC?

10-03-2017, 07:55 PM
Time to sign up for medicare soon and I don't like the politics of AARP at all. Will be looking for supplemental insurance and wonder if the benefits of joining are worth the fairly modest price?

William Yanda
10-03-2017, 08:15 PM
I joined just because it is an alternative to AARP. I like their politics. That reminds me, its time to renew my subscription. 3 and 5 year alternatives are better buys.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-03-2017, 09:53 PM
I never belonged to AARP. They sponsored "Obama Care". I've belonged to AMAC for about 5 years, but I don't use their insurance as I have a Medicare supplemental plan through my retirement. Were that not the case, I certainly would consider their offerings.

10-03-2017, 10:38 PM
I'm surprised you haven't already been deluged with offers in the mail for medicare supplement policies. I'm not a member of AARP or AMAC. One of my friends joined AARP to get their medicare supplement and Part D drug plan. I believe he said he only has to be a member to sign up initially, and does not have to remain an AARP member in subsequent years after he establishes a relationship with the insurance companies. He is happy with it, as was his mother. Knowing him, it must be a good plan for both medical and drugs.

I didn't have to wade through all the offers because my former employer contracted with a nation-wide broker to help us through the process after they dropped our group Blue Cross-Blue Shield supplement and drug plans. My friend mentioned above worked for the same company and went through the same process.

10-04-2017, 07:03 PM
I belong but not for the insurance but rather I don't like AARP. I can tell you that when I started Medicare I was deluged with all the "buy our plan stuff" It's daunting but what really worked for us and maybe you should look into is we found a small local firm that runs it all down for you. He came to our house and had virtually every plan offered on his computer. He went over our needs and recommended a supplement plan and a drug plan which are VERY reasonably priced and his services are free. I have zero co-pays and prescriptions are pretty well priced. He came again when my wife went on Medicare and fixed her up with a great plan. I have given his name to many people since and they have all be very satisfied. Look around your area as I'm sure there are firms there offering the same. There are just so many choices it difficult to figure out on your own and this makes it simple and easy.

10-05-2017, 09:44 PM
I'm with shooter93 . The wife and I joined AMAC simply because AARP is a bunch of leftists. Still have good insurance through the wife so can't speak to the supplements.

10-08-2017, 08:57 AM
Got a membership for free through my credit union. I won't go near AARP due to their left wing stances and pro gun control policy. Never used anything from AMAC and let it expire as I still am working and have good but expensive insurance through my company.