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View Full Version : They just caused me to become an NRA life member

10-03-2017, 08:26 AM
So I'm watching with horror and grief the events in Las Vegas. My heart is just weeping for these people. I'm trying to understand what the heck happened.

Then...on MSNBC Brian Williams starts talking about the bill to "legalize" silencers. They then go off on a half hour rant against silencers. What the heck do silencers have to do with this? Did this guy have a silencer?

They set up a strawman argument claiming the reason given to make silencers legal is so game do not hear the hunters. (Really?) At one point Their EXPERT says: What will they want next to hunt with? Hand grenades so they have better odds?

I'm not ashamed to admit it but I was never a member of the NRA, until now. Their politics and mine were just not inline. As the crazy anti-gun everything now starts to float to the surface....I just signed up and became an NRA life member.

I just saw one guy EXPERT on MSNBC say he was now in favor of outlawing bump-fire stocks (eventhough they still don't know if that is what was used) and....SEMI-AUTO, yes...SEMI- AUTO rifles. Go ahead idiots. Attack every aspect of firearms ownership and get moderates like me solidly on the other side.

10-03-2017, 08:36 AM
Watching a confirmed liar like Brian Williams was a mistake to begin with.

10-03-2017, 09:13 AM
I think we all are weeping in our hearts for the Las Vegas shooting and the acts of one man has affected the lives of so many who will never get over it.

It amazes me how fast Hillary climbed on the gun control and silencer band wagon and then again it doesn't. her comments on silencers just shows her stupidity and the same for those who followed suit. And, personally, I have no use for silencers and have mixed emotions about them but I am also respectful enough to realize that others do have a use for them.

As stated this morning by one individual on FOX, those that instantly react to situations such as this and start off on a tangent about gun control and what can be done to make guns illegal, etc., have not clue that the government cannot solve every problem. If it were not a gun, then it would be a bomb - and evidently this guy had the makings for that as well. But, until ALL the facts are in and the LE are allowed to do their jobs, nobody should be jumping at conclusions but then the media - both left and right - are always eager to stir things up with their "suppostitions" without having all the facts.

I'm not a life member of the NRA, but I will be extending my membership as we do need groups such as the NRA to help preserve our Constitutional rights. What scares me is how quick and ready the left is to "re-write" the Constitution to suit their needs and desires. And, the swamp - i.e. the politicians in Washington - regardless of what party it is - are so self serving, greedy and corrupt that they have forgotten that it is the voters that they work for, not themselves.

Trump will be visiting Puerto Rico and then Las Vegas - but no matter what he says or does, it will be wrong in the eyes of the Left and those of the Right who don't like that he is upsetting their apple cart. It's disgusting and immoral in my opinion but then I'm old and was brought up in a far different time.

Instead of instantly jumping on the "anti" wagon, these supposedly smart politicians can't even recognize that things have not been sorted out as far as this shooter goes, his motives, etc. Instead, this should be a time to mourn for those who had their innocent lives taken, for the survivors and for all of their families as well as for all of the first responders involved. May God watch over and Bless them all.

And like you, and myself, I'm am sure that there are many who will be joining or re-joining the ranks of the NRA and other groups out there that help protect our Constitutional rights. I don't always agree with the NRA, but without such groups, the Left and Progressive (which I've never understood that term as applied) will steamroll over every one's rights.

white eagle
10-03-2017, 09:16 AM
you can't believe any of the dribble these libtards spout
just look they all voted and wanted a proven criminal in office
its a terrible sad event that happen in Vegas but to use it to advance their political
agenda is beyond belief :roll:

10-03-2017, 09:55 AM
Been NRA life member for some time,they are the best we have

10-03-2017, 10:51 AM
Been a life member since the early '70's. Happy and proud to be, think that they are a little bit timid in their approach to getting some of the gun control laws repealed but they are the biggest player around. And they are some of the most aggressive marketing origination that we have. This deal out west will pry push me to look at the GOA or some other group to join.
Be safe and watch your topknot

10-03-2017, 10:56 AM
Watching a confirmed liar like Brian Williams was a mistake to begin with.

'Dah Daa'! Bingo....

(op...they're called 'suppressors'.)

10-03-2017, 10:56 AM
" ...

10-03-2017, 10:59 AM
It doesn't matter if you are a liberal or conservative, here are the facts.

There are 320 million people in the US
There are 300 million guns.
The only way to eliminate gun crimes is to eliminate guns
The right to bear arms is in the constitution
You're not going to eliminate guns
Local laws cannot stop national freedoms.
The sad fact is that horrendous acts like Vegas are going to happen
Unless you outlaw all guns everywhere we will just have to deal with it
....and that just isn't going to happen.

white eagle
10-03-2017, 11:22 AM
I think the only way to eliminate gun crime is to eliminate criminals
alot of us own guns and never commit crime
that post sounds like the dribble the libs are spueing
owning a gun is not a crime if it weren't for criminals there would be no crime

10-03-2017, 11:43 AM
A representative for Hillary was on Fox is morning. Her answer was let's "try" universal background checks. The commentator said this would not have helped, since this shooter could pass a background check. Her answer was still "let's try". Also she said to do away with all semi-auto rifles because they are not needed for hunting.
Instead of confiscating all the guns, let's do away with all congregations of people. All the ball games, all the concerts, all the night clubs. It would not affect me.

10-03-2017, 12:42 PM
You're not going to eliminate guns,
Local laws cannot stop national freedoms.

Obamacare proves they can do what they want.

10-03-2017, 12:59 PM
I think the only way to eliminate gun crime is to eliminate criminals
alot of us own guns and never commit crime
that post sounds like the dribble the libs are spueing
owning a gun is not a crime if it weren't for criminals there would be no crime

A lot of this is the snow ball effect of Jimmy Carter's Mental Health Systems Act in 1980. The libs don't believe owning a firearm is a right. Ultimately they will win. The ONLY thing that will work is effectively dealing with criminals and the mental ill.

10-03-2017, 01:38 PM
A lot of this is the snow ball effect of Jimmy Carter's Mental Health Systems Act in 1980. The libs don't believe owning a firearm is a right. Ultimately they will win. The ONLY thing that will work is effectively dealing with criminals and the mental ill.

You may be on to something there. It was a Carter thing, true but don't forget Regan was in on closing so many public mental health hospitals.

DerekP Houston
10-03-2017, 02:03 PM
notice how the libtards seem to have 3 or 4 anti gun speeches already written BEFORE these things happen?

nailed it. Just copy and paste the new tragedy in to fit the narrative.

10-03-2017, 03:43 PM
You may be on to something there. It was a Carter thing, true but don't forget Regan was in on closing so many public mental health hospitals.

Correct, Regan was the one who closed the doors and put them on the street. America has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem. I don't why it's so hard to understand than an inanimate object can't kill all by itself. It only becomes deadly when in the hands of someone willing to use it.

As for joining the NRA, better late then never. If every gun owner was a member we wouldn't have issues we do. The numbers would to large to spin them as a fringe group. I don't agree w/ everything the ILA does. I support them more for what the NRA does w/ training and range insurance. W/out them there would be a lot fewer ranges.

10-03-2017, 04:13 PM
Congrads on seeing the light now go out and get 20 more people to sign up !!!

we need all we can get

10-03-2017, 05:37 PM
Welcome to the club. We will need as many as we can get.

Vets and 1st responders with PTSD will be on the new hit list.

10-03-2017, 05:50 PM
This guy was not going to be put into a mental institution. He was a successful businessman (at least that is the appearance right now) Made money several different ways.
Family though he was perfectly normal. 99% probability that 99% of us would have thought he was perfectly normal too.

Listening to the left is a work in being frustrated. I do just to KNOW what they are saying. He had GUNS! a LOT of GUNS! He must be a Terrorist! That is the matra now.
How many of us have multiple guns? Every one here I expect! And if I had his money, I might have 60 guns too! And some tannerite, and a few thousand bullets....
Wait, I just don't have 60........

mold maker
10-03-2017, 06:02 PM
They're afraid to think he might be one of them, and are building a wall with anything they can think of.

10-03-2017, 06:09 PM
I just became a Life Member as well after just going year by year, and I even let it lapse last year. Gotta have a voice to be heard.

10-03-2017, 07:06 PM
As for the NRA, I have a hard time swallowing all the 6 figure salaries.

AS for the nut job shooter, no law nor mental ward could have stopped him..

Bad Water Bill
10-03-2017, 07:43 PM
NRA member since 1968 .
My PATRON certificate showed up in the mail yesterday.
The NRA has a representative sitting in attendance when ever the STATE LEGISLATURE is in session.
He sat with the State police while they were drafting the rules for our Concealed Carry laws and none of the other mentioned folks were there to help.
I could go on and on about what the NRA has done and is doing here in Illinois to help us here but.

Larry Gibson
10-03-2017, 08:00 PM
Welcome to the NRA.

Jeff Michel
10-03-2017, 08:12 PM
As for the NRA, I have a hard time swallowing all the 6 figure salaries.

AS for the nut job shooter, no law nor mental ward could have stopped him..

I think you have to look at the individuals that are making these salaries. These are some of the best legal professionals and lobbyists in the country. You are an organization that butts heads with a political entity rabidly anti gun completely supported the media. That takes some skill and that is not going to be at minimum wage. A bunch of everyday guys shouting that "it's in the Bill of Rights" would get swept aside like flies. The NRA just about single handedly dismantled all the restrictions on CCW in the states and Lord knows how many pro shooting/hunt laws and that's been while Presidents Clinton and Obama and Bush (who was pretty lukewarm) were in the office. It's probably the best value for the money if you enjoy your gun rights. And do not believe for a minute they can't take away your firearms. Look how the law abiding citizens of Illinois are treated and take a look who's running the show.

10-03-2017, 08:24 PM
I think you have to look at the individuals that are making these salaries. These are some of the best legal professionals and lobbyists in the country. You are an organization that butts heads with a political entity rabidly anti gun completely supported the media. That takes some skill and that is not going to be at minimum wage. A bunch of everyday guys shouting that "it's in the Bill of Rights" would get swept aside like flies. The NRA just about single handedly dismantled all the restrictions on CCW in the states and Lord knows how many pro shooting/hunt laws and that's been while Presidents Clinton and Obama and Bush (who was pretty lukewarm) were in the office. It's probably the best value for the money if you enjoy your gun rights. And do not believe for a minute they can't take away your firearms. Look how the law abiding citizens of Illinois are treated and take a look who's running the show.

Kayne B. Robinson, the executive director of general operations does. He was paid just over $1 million. Lapierre was second, pulling in $970,000 in reportable and estimated comp.

Just one example..Again, just my opinion.

10-03-2017, 08:43 PM
and as a private entity, they are free to pay as they wish. The people getting those salaries are well worth it...more than an idiot hood rat catching a football

10-03-2017, 08:48 PM
and as a private entity, they are free to pay as they wish. The people getting those salaries are well worth it...more than an idiot hood rat catching a football

I'm not disputing that..It just rubbed me wrong , that every week they are begging for money for our freedom. Want to support our Freedom? cut you extravagant pay. AS far as pro athletes, got no use for any of them. I don't even have TV..

DerekP Houston
10-03-2017, 09:58 PM
I'm not disputing that..It just rubbed me wrong , that every week they are begging for money for our freedom. Want to support our Freedom? cut you extravagant pay. AS far as pro athletes, got no use for any of them. I don't even have TV..

I kinda get the same feeling when millionaires are asking for donations and not offering up anything themselves. I'm still an NRA member though and so is my wife.

10-03-2017, 10:07 PM
I'm not disputing that..It just rubbed me wrong , that every week they are begging for money for our freedom. Want to support our Freedom? cut you extravagant pay. AS far as pro athletes, got no use for any of them. I don't even have TV..

It's not extravagant pay. It may be a lot for you. But you have to compare it to what they would make at another corporation. It takes money to attract and keep talented individuals.

The media has done a great job of stoking the fires of class warfare in this country. No one should care what someone else makes. If you're up for it, look up what you have to make per year to be in the top 1% worldwide. I was making that before I graduated high school. And I'm sure the actual number was a lot lower back then.

white eagle
10-03-2017, 10:12 PM
Never mind

10-03-2017, 10:19 PM
Endowment member here. I’ll move to Patron when I have the funds. I don’t get the stuff in the mail or all of the emails because I told them not to send it. I get the offers to upgrade my membership and that’s it. Whether you like them or not, they are doing more than most gun groups to help us all. I’m sure this tragedy and the media’s spin on it will drive many more to join as the media seems to be highlighting them right now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-03-2017, 10:26 PM
I've been an NRA member off and on for awhile now. $40 of my next pay check is going to them, some more may go to the GOA too. If I could afford it, I would be an NRA life member.

10-03-2017, 10:59 PM
It's not extravagant pay. It may be a lot for you. But you have to compare it to what they would make at another corporation. It takes money to attract and keep talented individuals.

The media has done a great job of stoking the fires of class warfare in this country. No one should care what someone else makes. If you're up for it, look up what you have to make per year to be in the top 1% worldwide. I was making that before I graduated high school. And I'm sure the actual number was a lot lower back then.
All of the above. :)

10-04-2017, 12:40 AM
:grin: Welcome to the NRA sir.As far as Hitlery and Lying Bryan goes here`s something that fits them both and all their like minded cohorts to a "T".Ignorance is not knowing.Stupidity is refusing to learn.
Good luck.have fun.Be safe.

10-04-2017, 01:19 AM
Congrats on your new status as a life member, welcome! Quite honestly I upgraded to life as a cost-saving measure over 30 years ago, probably one of the best investments I made at the time. I know you'll be receiving a pile of mail in the next few weeks, some from the NRA-ILA. Please consider supporting them as well, your dues don't. Our opposition thinks nothing of spending millions of dollars to infringe on our rights, the ILA is our best defense. I think I'll get ahead of the curve and mail a check soon, I can see we've got a fight on our hands. It aggravates me that folks will turn a tragedy into a political situation but it's already started.

Bad Water Bill
10-04-2017, 01:42 AM

The NRA has offered a special deal after the first of the year..
Yes a deal on life and other memberships.
Then they offer you the opportunity to pay $25.00 per month just like an installment plan.

10-04-2017, 08:09 AM
I was an NRA member, and I'd really like to say they've helped me, but, here in MA, we're basically a "write-off". I can't get new unprimed brass sent here, we have to write essays explaining why we need a conceal permit, and the list of guns that I can't have is ridiculous. Where is the NRA on these topics? I did join GOAL - Gun Owners Action League - but you can only pee into the wind for so long.

10-04-2017, 08:49 AM

The NRA has offered a special deal after the first of the year..
Yes a deal on life and other memberships.
Then they offer you the opportunity to pay $25.00 per month just like an installment plan.

Bill is Correct, I moved up to NRA BENEFACTOR LIFE MEMBER in 3 years at 25.00 or 50.00 at a time. I sure the NRA helped get Trump elected that why HRC keeps attacking them. My 1st life merbership was 300.00 I think.

10-04-2017, 08:57 AM
I was an NRA member, and I'd really like to say they've helped me, but, here in MA, we're basically a "write-off". I can't get new unprimed brass sent here, we have to write essays explaining why we need a conceal permit, and the list of guns that I can't have is ridiculous. Where is the NRA on these topics? I did join GOAL - Gun Owners Action League - but you can only pee into the wind for so long.

I live in IL it sucks, without the NRA it would a lot worst. We live in a liberal states and yes it sucks, but don't give up the ship

10-04-2017, 10:11 AM
I don't live in the US. If I did I would join and support the NRA! There is a lot of truth in the old saying "United we stand, Divided we fall". Here in Canada we do not have the protection of anything similar to your 2nd Amendment. We do have the NFA, which is our parallel to your NRA. I joined the NFA when it was formed and while I often find things to complain about, it has been of great benefit to Canadians. A previous poster commented "but you can only pee into the wind for so long", but from where I sit, it appears that is just what your Goofy Left (Democrats) have been doing (like forever) and continue to do and look at the gains they have made overall in reducing your freedoms (in spite of your 2nd amendment)! So, in my opinion, for what it is worth, every freedom loving American should do just what the OP in this thread did! Good luck to you all and prayers for those injured/killed by the most recent deranged fool.

Texas by God
10-05-2017, 10:09 AM
This may have already been said, but if you are a gun owner, and you vote Democrat- You are a fool. So many people vote Democrat"because my daddy did".

bruce drake
10-05-2017, 10:13 AM

The NRA has offered a special deal after the first of the year..
Yes a deal on life and other memberships.
Then they offer you the opportunity to pay $25.00 per month just like an installment plan.

Use the installment plan. I did and when I was about 3/4 paid, they did a membership run and dropped the price and I converted my installment plan into a paid in full by just calling them.

10-05-2017, 10:31 AM
This may have already been said, but if you are a gun owner, and you vote Democrat- You are a fool. So many people vote Democrat"because my daddy did".

I agree to a point. It's amazing how many Democrats are gun owners that disapprove of their party's national anti-gun platform. I don't think rank and file Dems are actually anti-gun, they just make poor choices when choosing their leaders. Their elitist leaders are generally gun owners as well, they just don't think others should be allowed to own guns.

white eagle
10-05-2017, 10:33 AM
This may have already been said, but if you are a gun owner, and you vote Democrat- You are a fool. So many people vote Democrat"because my daddy did".

unfortunately that is the truth
but I think now the Democraps are their own worst enemy
carrying on like they do and crying and whining just shows the
rest what a twisted bunch they really are
after all who in there rite mind would vote for a criminal

10-05-2017, 10:51 AM
I became an Endowment member a few years back. I could afford it and the right to bear arms is important to me. They are the best horse to ride IMHO.

I see people who spend $20 a day on a pack of cigarettes, six pack of beer and a cheap pint of booze who "cannot afford an NRA membership". It makes me angry.

One thing to think about. I am considering buying some of these people who are my friends (yes, they are still good people but they make poor life choices) an NRA membership. In the end, it is a numbers game. It is more important to have triple the number of NRA members than a few more Life, or enhanced level members. Just a thought.

10-05-2017, 11:01 AM
I pay annually.

Most businesses do better with an ongoing revenue stream, so I provide one.

10-05-2017, 11:25 AM
I'm a lifetime member, but I do get tired of every NRA envelope asking for money. I also get angry that I don't see NRA in many of the legal cases which could have far reaching consequences. I have decided to also support the 2nd Amendment Foundation, https://www.saf.org/category/news/ they seem to be a rising star in the 2nd Amendment war.

10-05-2017, 12:01 PM
How many do you get. I got the first one for the year last week. I removed myself from all their mailing lists. All I get is the magazine and the occasional letter. The tone of the letters is what bothers me. It's always gloom and doom.

So since I received the letter from the NRA right before the shooting does that mean they are behind it. Was it a money making scheme for them. Just as plausible as what some members are posting.

10-05-2017, 05:16 PM
How many do you get. I got the first one for the year last week. I removed myself from all their mailing lists. All I get is the magazine and the occasional letter. The tone of the letters is what bothers me. It's always gloom and doom.

So since I received the letter from the NRA right before the shooting does that mean they are behind it. Was it a money making scheme for them. Just as plausible as what some members are posting.
I get something most every week. Many are disguised as surveys, or some other legit sounding literature. And I get some from the ILA branch as well as the regular NRA, both of which I've donated to.

10-05-2017, 05:29 PM
If you're getting weekly mailings then you haven't removed yourself from all their lists. You can do this online. Once you do this the most you get is one per quarter.

big bore 99
10-05-2017, 05:33 PM
Been a member of the NRA for many moons. Ever since I was a kid with a paper route. Eternal vigalalence is the price of freedom.
You can't crimanalize crazy or evil. They don't enforce or penalize the laws they already have. Many repeat offenders in Chicago walking around with a stolen gun in their pocket. I'm all for profiling and stop and frisk.

Bad Water Bill
10-05-2017, 08:15 PM
How can we compromise with them?
They have 0 to loose and everything to gain while we ALWAYS loose more ground.

10-05-2017, 08:41 PM
I'm a lifetime member, but I do get tired of every NRA envelope asking for money. I also get angry that I don't see NRA in many of the legal cases which could have far reaching consequences. I have decided to also support the 2nd Amendment Foundation, https://www.saf.org/category/news/ they seem to be a rising star in the 2nd Amendment war.

The almost weekly letters asking for money got real old. I also tired of the phone calls, that were mysteriously always at dinner time, asking for money. It was always "how much can we count on you for today?" Old...

lefty o
10-05-2017, 08:43 PM
cant believe how fast the NRA rolled over . did they ask any of you how you felt about the current issues? bet not. ya think maybe they would ask at least a portion of the membership before making a unilateral decision to just give up!

10-05-2017, 09:03 PM

10-05-2017, 09:27 PM
Stop listening to MSNBC.

10-05-2017, 09:31 PM
The Slippery Slope Fallacy is a real logical fallacy, and we can't fall into the trap of it as our only defense of any particular "gun right."

The Slippery Hope Fallacy is, also, a real political fallacy; and we must never sacrifice the other guys' gun rights in the fallacious hope that, would be tyrants will in return allow us ours. Even the slightest and silliest concession to the Slippery Hope transforms the unalienable right into a government controlled privilege.

The NRA is the queen of the Slippery Hope Fallacy.

I dropped them over their R primary behavior and joined, I think, every other national 2A org. If I find any other steadfast one that I missed, I'll join it too; but never will I give the NRA another cent.

10-05-2017, 09:34 PM
Benefactor member for a while, think my initial Life was like $150 ? I seem to remember my first app had a spot for an existing member to sign ? Sure don't agree with 'em on everything, wanted to throw something at Lapierre on Hannity when he was talking "soft" on bump stocks. I generally send a few bucks every little bit to ILA or PVF, but I wish he'd just said to H with banning anything. Fix mental health issues, sure, if you can, but don't go back to "compromising" rights. They compromised in 1968 on FFL's and it was downhill sliding from there.

10-05-2017, 09:49 PM
The almost weekly letters asking for money got real old. I also tired of the phone calls, that were mysteriously always at dinner time, asking for money. It was always "how much can we count on you for today?" Old...I forgot about the calls; yes I get them too. A nice lady called, offered a reduced benefactor membership, unfortunately I was unable to upgrade, though I told her I was unable to, she kept trying, even suggested I take the installment plan or give someone else a lifetime membership. I haven't totally given up on them, but they have started to hemorrhage support after this last announcement.

10-05-2017, 09:56 PM
Abit Nutz,


yours, tex
NRA Lifer Since 1965

10-05-2017, 10:09 PM
Ummm ... I had a choice of john mccain or a democrat ... I voted for the "d" ... would you have voted for mcstain?

That is not a choice!

10-06-2017, 11:12 AM

The NRA has offered a special deal after the first of the year..
Yes a deal on life and other memberships.
Then they offer you the opportunity to pay $25.00 per month just like an installment plan.

This How I was able to become a Life Member. Monthly Payments.

10-06-2017, 11:48 AM

I paid for my life membership 10 bucks at a time because I was then in college & making 4.00 an hour on my part-time job with the Sheriff's Office.

Regardless of how you got your life membership, I salute you.

Fwiw, I'm going to start paying for an upgrade with monthly payments until I get my Benefactor membership paid for.

yours, tex

10-06-2017, 12:24 PM
I have two links and one comment:



Is the NRA suggesting we ban dowel rods?

On further consideration, I withdraw my criticism.

And, this editor really needs to support strikethrough.

10-06-2017, 02:12 PM
We are the NRA. When politicians and the media attack the NRA, they are attacking you and me. I take that personally.

10-06-2017, 03:50 PM
This How I was able to become a Life Member. Monthly Payments.

They're running a sale...so instead of $1,500, it's only $600. Add to that you can make payments....it's hard to say no.

10-06-2017, 04:48 PM
How can we compromise with them?
They have 0 to loose and everything to gain while we ALWAYS loose more ground.

Exactly! Their idea of compromise is deciding how much of our rights we should give up.

lefty o
10-06-2017, 04:53 PM
Exactly! Their idea of compromise is deciding how much of our rights we should give up.

amen! im shifting to the GOA as ive had it with the NRA rolling over on us.

Jeff Michel
10-06-2017, 05:05 PM
I haven't been called or received any correspondence from the NRA for years. In this era of caller ID i don't understand why a call from any phone solicitor is a problem. If you do not recognize the number, do not answer it. If it's important, they will leave a message. I get fifty calls a day, and yes, there are a number of various and sundry people begging for money everyday. It's like TV, if you don't like it, there is an off button. It's certainly not worth getting upset about, ignore it. Most people are conditioned to answer the phone, you can't let it ruin your day.

10-06-2017, 05:25 PM
I'm pretty disappointed in the NRA so far. I think they've taken a soft line. I don't care for those bump stocks, never used one, and don't want one. But I don't believe that an inch should be given, especially not so quietly.

I just finished leveling up another payment plan to upgrade my life membership. I'm not giving up my NRA membership just yet, and really I can't because it's required for my club and the competitions. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and they win some sort of chess game, but I don't like their approach so far.

10-06-2017, 05:27 PM
To All,

Fwiw, the NRA has their ENDOWMENT memberships "on sale" for 250.oo, if you are already a Life member.
(I upgraded to Endowment level about an hour ago.)

25.oo a month will set you up.

yours, tex

10-06-2017, 05:41 PM


yours, tex

10-06-2017, 06:22 PM
Gun owners are acting like the republicans. Do I like everything the NRA leadership does? No not exactly, but I am a member because overall I am pleased at the job they are doing and no one else is looking after my rights any better. I certainly wouldn't quit or pull away. The republicans can't all get on the same page, as certain members disagree with little parts of the bills. Meanwhile the leftists and antis tear us apart. They are completely united and never quit. I urge all gun owners to grow a pair and join up. Throw the mail in the recycling and stop throwing tantrums over such a small thing. Your last stand may soon be coming and I want to win.

10-06-2017, 07:03 PM
I urge all gun owners to grow a pair and join up.
I wish the NRA would grow a pair and join the fight here in MA. The AG here has them running away like little girls.

10-06-2017, 07:12 PM
You know what pizzed me off on this news coverage of the Las Vegas psycho? When they said he had 43 guns and that you pretty much had to be insane to have that many. What does anyone need 43 guns for? Don't start asking me about how many of anything I need...it's not for you to decide.

10-06-2017, 07:59 PM
You know what pizzed me off on this news coverage of the Las Vegas psycho? When they said he had 43 guns and that you pretty much had to be insane to have that many. What does anyone need 43 guns for? Don't start asking me about how many of anything I need...it's not for you to decide.



What/how many of any lawful item that I own/possess, as a FREE & peaceful citizen of the USA is nobody's business except my lady's & my own.

As to the truthful answer to the LEFTIST MORON'S usual question of , "Why do you NEED a _________?", the correct answer is NOYB. = ALL that counts in a Republic is what FREE citizens WANT.

yours, tex

10-07-2017, 10:03 PM
I retracted my statements about their soft line because I went back re-read and thought about what they said.

The said that the the ATF should review the existing decision that came under the Obama adminstration. They said that IF these stocks allow the gun to function like a machine gun, then the decisions under Obama were wrong, and should be reverse.

Think about that.

1. They took it OUT of the legislative arena, and put it IN the hands of people that are bound by legal definition.
2. IF (a BIG IF given that you know Obama took every liberty in trampling the law) it is found that bump fire stocks allow a firearm to function like a machine gun (under the NFA definition) then they should be reclassified.


3. If re-classification was needed (it won't be) they have made it the fault of a democrat administration.

No, that statement was BRILLIANT on the part of the NRA. It gives the left every appearance of the actions they want, but in fact says nothing should be done UNLESS a democrat administration seriously screwed up. And that this should NOT be in the hands of congress.

Hence my retraction.

10-07-2017, 11:05 PM
Those are good points & I hope it will work. I just do not think it will, & thus I still go with the, "Something for something", or "Nothing for nothing" mentality at present.

The track record & desires of the Demoncrats on gun control is pretty clear. The do nothing Repubs have a hard time finding their butt with both hands & fumble around. If this does go to them for action, rather than the BATF, then it is likely that these gun grabbers & fumbling do nothings will not listen to anything the NRA says & will just ban . Hopefully with no other "accessories" or worse riding along....

Dangerous ground... Very dangerous.

10-07-2017, 11:20 PM


yours, tex

10-08-2017, 12:24 AM
Those are good points & I hope it will work. I just do not think it will, & thus I still go with the, "Something for something", or "Nothing for nothing" mentality at present.

The track record & desires of the Demoncrats on gun control is pretty clear. The do nothing Repubs have a hard time finding their butt with both hands & fumble around. If this does go to them for action, rather than the BATF, then it is likely that these gun grabbers & fumbling do nothings will not listen to anything the NRA says & will just ban . Hopefully with no other "accessories" or worse riding along....

Dangerous ground... Very dangerous.


I saw your "Something for something" suggestion the other day and did not comment right there and then, well done sir!

How low our expectations for our politicians have sunk when the NRA has to chose between Congress and the ATF for entrusting our gun rights and they pick the ATF?

And yes these are dangerous times indeed.

While it's true this is Trump's ATF, we all know that this agency is infiltrated with some of the "swampiest" of the swamp bureaucrats on the face of the earth.

Odd though these swamp rats in suits came away and ruled that the bump fire systems were legal and not subject to the NFA under the rule of O'Gone ....

I think however with the cards this madman dealt us in Vegas just shy of a week ago, the NRA made the best move they could. A holding action to allow for a cooling off in the system and to get to more reasoned thinking by the "right".

We all know the language of the NFA in describing the legal interpretation of full auto and the bump stock simply does not get there. That ought to hold the agency in a legal box canyon for some time.

Where we go from there is anyone's guess once the ATF review comes out.

We know where the left will be, there are no illusions, they will be just as vitriolic 500 years from now as they are right now. But the so called right and center and their thoughts can simmer down over the next few weeks. The investigation will bear more evidence as a result of by the time the ATF finnishes as well.

I have made my thoughts apparent here in the Pit already and been lumped in with FUDDS even though I am an ardent owner of several "so called" assault rifles and some for several years, and the proud owner of a number of large magazines (won't expand on that one for obvious reasons thank you). But the bump stock has never came into my focus until this incident occurred.

After a study of them I find them not to be neither useful nor of any scale of economy to interest me to own them.

My interest in this matter is to preserve our right to own semi auto weapons and as large a magazine as one wants to lug around and to own as much ammo as anyone sees fit and can afford, be they be handloads or factory or any combination there of.

The danger in this is the foot in the door once the powers that be, open the issue of trigger manipulation. A mere pencil eraser can suffice for some that have worked with them. This could cause a cascade of new and different attacks on "semis".

There is one silver lining in all of this: With all this back and forth there will not be more than two fools left standing that don't at long last under stand the difference between FA and Semi!!!

CNN will have to hence forth adjust their grand lies to another angle.


10-08-2017, 03:27 AM
I've been a Life Member of the NRA for over 25 yrs. I will upgrade to Endowment. I fully support the mission of the NRA!

10-08-2017, 07:34 AM
So think about and answer this, what's the legal and acceptable rate of fire of a semi-auto?

Is this acceptable?


I tell ya I'm ready to drop the NRA because they are supporting getting rid of these slide fire stocks, and let me first be clear, I wish they never made and sold them, I wasn't happy the first time I saw them. I wouldn't want one, they are only good for giggles and mowing down a crowd, but to support getting rid of them will only come back to bite us, and that's a promise.

Here's my view, they whole point of the left is, these allowed a high rate of fire, it makes it a machine gun but NO, still it was one pull of the trigger for each round fired. So again, what's the legal and acceptable rate of fire of a semi-auto? OK so let's say they get these banned or ruled by the ATF as a no go, down the road we have another mass shooting involving a stock semi-auto with no slide fire stock, no match trigger, STOCK off the shelf semi-auto. We see footage with audio on the news taken during the firing and we hear rapid fire, what's going to be the response from the left? I'll tell you, "We got rid of the "bump fire" stocks and yet we now see we haven't gone far enough, still many were killed with a semi-auto, we need to ban all semi-auto, no one needs a semi-auto rapid fire gun!"

Are you sure you want to start limiting how fast each pull of the trigger is allowed? Do you really think the anti-gunner's haven't thought this and every other scenario out and have just been waiting to hand off the plans and pre-written bills to the left politicians like Feinstein and Schumer? "Here, push this bill, here's the talking points. If that doesn't fly we have others waiting."

OK so what's going to be banned next, revolvers?


This is NOT a road we want to go down folks, I'm telling you it's a mistake.

ETA: Note my sig line......

10-08-2017, 08:05 AM
And then there's this


10-08-2017, 10:35 AM
So think about and answer this, what's the legal and acceptable rate of fire of a semi-auto?

Is this acceptable?


I tell ya I'm ready to drop the NRA because they are supporting getting rid of these slide fire stocks, and let me first be clear, I wish they never made and sold them, I wasn't happy the first time I saw them. I wouldn't want one, they are only good for giggles and mowing down a crowd, but to support getting rid of them will only come back to bite us, and that's a promise.

Here's my view, they whole point of the left is, these allowed a high rate of fire, it makes it a machine gun but NO, still it was one pull of the trigger for each round fired. So again, what's the legal and acceptable rate of fire of a semi-auto? OK so let's say they get these banned or ruled by the ATF as a no go, down the road we have another mass shooting involving a stock semi-auto with no slide fire stock, no match trigger, STOCK off the shelf semi-auto. We see footage with audio on the news taken during the firing and we hear rapid fire, what's going to be the response from the left? I'll tell you, "We got rid of the "bump fire" stocks and yet we now see we haven't gone far enough, still many were killed with a semi-auto, we need to ban all semi-auto, no one needs a semi-auto rapid fire gun!"

Are you sure you want to start limiting how fast each pull of the trigger is allowed? Do you really think the anti-gunner's haven't thought this and every other scenario out and have just been waiting to hand off the plans and pre-written bills to the left politicians like Feinstein and Schumer? "Here, push this bill, here's the talking points. If that doesn't fly we have others waiting."

OK so what's going to be banned next, revolvers?


This is NOT a road we want to go down folks, I'm telling you it's a mistake.

ETA: Note my sig line......

Watching him fire and reload a revolver, I think he shoots the revolver faster!

10-08-2017, 10:47 AM

Your point is well taken and that's why these are dangerous times.


10-08-2017, 11:51 AM
I have said elsewhere, and I will say it here. I am fine with them banning bumpfire stocks on the following conditions:

1. National Reciprocity for CCW
2. HPA
3. Every card carrying democrat that has a belt loop on their pants get prosecuted for constructive intent to make a bump fire gun.

10-08-2017, 04:31 PM
I also in for the SHARE Act (HPA) and eliminate the ban on new FA's being built for civilian ownership.

A $200 stamp is not nearly the impediment that prices that range up into the tens of thousands of dollars for guns that are getting ever more scare.

That would not help me as my home state banned new ownership of FA's a number of years ago but it would help folks in states that still allow it.


10-09-2017, 02:20 AM
I wish I had never heard of bump stocks. In my humble opinion, they're just the dumbest most juvenile device created for the abuse of firearms.

I would trade them in a heartbeat for the SHARE Act and national reciprocity...if that's where it would stop.

My problem is not just with them but with me. I'm a conservative in many ways but a social liberal in many others. I'm not just one stripe.

10-09-2017, 02:28 AM
I wish I had never heard of bump stocks. In my humble opinion, they're just the dumbest most juvenile device created for the abuse of firearms.

I would trade them in a heartbeat for the SHARE Act and national reciprocity...if that's where it would stop.

My problem is not just with them but with me. I'm a conservative in many ways but a social liberal in many others. I'm not just one stripe.

Well your half way there. :wink:

10-09-2017, 08:08 AM
Well your half way there. :wink:

Sorry, but thinking for myself and not along party lines has been ingrained in me from the beginning.

10-09-2017, 11:47 AM
Sorry, but thinking for myself and not along party lines has been ingrained in me from the beginning.

No need to apologize, we all have to find our own path in life. In my younger days I use to be a hard core Democrat, I was the odd man out in my country born family, I liked the idea of fighting for the little guy. Slowly I saw things that open my eyes and eventually grew closer to the right until I made the move to change my registration to Republican. For many years I voted both sides and still do sometimes, I vote for who ever I think will serve us best and follow the laws, not themselves. If the Republicans can't become a unified party I'll be changing to an Independent in the next few years, I almost made the move before the last election, I'm sick of the rino's in the party, I'm sick of the broken promises. We need to limit terms, keep fresh faces and ideas moving, less chance of politicians becoming self serving and keep them doing what we hired them for, serving the people.

10-09-2017, 06:14 PM
I'm sick of the broken promises. We need to limit terms, keep fresh faces and ideas moving, less chance of politicians becoming self serving and keep them doing what we hired them for, serving the people.

That my friend would solve many things,,,especially if we could undue the perks they have voted in for themselves. You might even see a common person run if the guaranteed million dollar payoff is removed