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Gene Perryman
10-01-2017, 05:25 PM
Is there a way to resharpen cut flints ???

Standing Bear
10-01-2017, 06:13 PM
Is there a way to resharpen cut flints ???

A diamond wheel. That’s why I use knapped black English flints, just need my small brass hammer.

10-01-2017, 06:31 PM
Look up "Flint knapping" to get the idea/more information if ya like, but here is my suggestion from experiences I have...
You can use a dull pointed tool ( think "tip of a deer antler/shape, a nail set would work too) to do it, using the "pressure" flaking method, or use something hard like the side of an steel chisel, a file, or something like that to do it also by "striking" the edge to form it. You can even use another harder rock if ya like, but the other tools are easier. Pressure method is best for a little flint like you seem to want to put a new edge on.

Place a piece of leather on the top of your thigh, or some layers of something to protect your leg, some eye protection is optional but suggested, gloves to protect your hands if ya like, and place the flint on the leather & push on the edge where ya want to flake it(sharpen) & press down with the "awl (like the deer antler tip) til a small flake pops off, continue to do that until you have nice sharp edges where ya want them. The closer ya stay to the edge, the finer the little flakes... Gonna take a little practice, but you will figure it out.


If ya decide to use something to get an edge on it like the second suggestion, it will be a little harder with a little flint & you will have to wear gloves & have a pad for sure if ya miss the flint. Take the same set up as before, but hold the flint in your fingers & try to just slightly glance the steel tool off of the edge of the flint where ya want the flakes to pop off. This is more difficult with smaller flints.

I only make flints for flint & steel( think larger like the size of a US half dollar or a little bigger) and usually use the striker as the tool to flake the flint("chert" around here) to gt a sharp edge to throw sparks off of the steel to make fire. But, I have worked on flint/chert to make smaller pieces like for a flintlock striker, just for practice using the "awl" pressure method

G'Luck! Be safe & have Fun!

Standing Bear
10-01-2017, 06:45 PM
JB. Good info on Knapp it a piece of flint or chert. As I understood the OP has some cut agate type stuff. I never had any luck pressure flaking sawn agate.

10-01-2017, 07:01 PM
Oh.. I just saw the "flint", and read your post about english flint & thought he wanted to know about knapping those types of rock.

I don't know much about agate, except that when polished they look kind of cool.

Oh well. tried to help anyway.

G'Luck! anyway, to both of ya!!

10-02-2017, 03:03 AM
Take about 4 inches of 1/4" brass rod and turn it down to 3/16".Whilst the Flint is in the Cock jaws using a small hammer work the shoulder of the Brass Tool along the Flint Edge.you will find that it is sharp and will give you more use until it is ready for more sharpening or changing.

10-02-2017, 01:32 PM
Diamond knife hones, extra coarse, work for me.