View Full Version : Casey, the adventure continues.

09-29-2017, 04:16 PM
Well it has been a rough month. 2 weeks ago I lost a week to a rough stomach bug of some sort that put me through the wringer. About the same time we woke up one morning to Casey hardly able to move, or breathe. Something funky in his throat. Well we got him into the Vet later same day, paid emergency rates. (Ouch)

Most of the last two weeks have been cool, rainy, and spent recuperating.

So today was the first time for us to be over to Manorcare in over 3 weeks.


So we stuck our head inside, I asked the receptionist if she got a chance to let the activity's director know we would like a word. And that we would be right outside for the next half hour.

So Casey and I assume our posts. Right off the bat a nice mid 50's lady comes walking up to the door, see's Casey begging, and he melted her heart. So she comes over, loves him up. Disappears inside.

She shows up 5 minutes later with her mom in a wheelchair. She enjoyed Casey so much she wanted to introduce him to her mom.

Well that started the flood.

Five minutes later we were surrounded by people. Staff, people in wheelchairs, people with walkers. We had been missed. And we got told that we had been missed. Casey was in heaven of course, moving from one person to the next.

And about the time it started to slow down. Here comes the Activity's director. Yes the background check came back all clear. All is well, when would you like to do orrientation? Mon at 2 is fine.

So, we are in. We have some things to learn. It seems we have been quietly doing our thing outside. But people have noticed, people are interested. There is even a long list of people who have requested "visits".

Is it not amazing what happens when we finally start moving in the direction the Lord wants us to go? Casey and I came home this afternoon tails high in the air. Walking proud. Feeling good about ourselves. We have been making a difference. And we are just getting started.

We are the wrecking crew. We wreck the boring, humdrum status quo existence. We bounce and trounce despair and depression out the door.
We put smiles on faces, and melt a few hearts. But lots of smiles on lots of faces. It is who we are, and what we like to do.

And I owe so much of it to you here in the chapel.
Without you I never would have found the courage to try. I know I would not have.

From the bottom of our hearts, Casey and I thank you. And we thank you for all those friends we will make. And for the deep abiding satisfaction of a job well done, a job that needs doing. Thank you.

YAHooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooie kid, we're in.

09-29-2017, 04:20 PM
I almost forgot to mention. I lost my dad monday morning. 93 years old.
Passed in his sleep. No real grief here, he was ready.

Mom on the other hand is hurting, called her tue, was more or less and endless loop of "where's my Johnny? I miss my Johnny, is he with you Bill?

No he's with God mom. He's gone. And repeat. She is hurting.

Lord thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. But if you can, take mom too!

09-29-2017, 05:48 PM
First I want you to know I am praying for your mom and you . I am so sorry to hear about your dad , my condolences to you and your family , praying for all .

To you and Casey ...you are doing good work . GOD gave you Casey , nothing is random . I am glad to see ya'll giving relief to those that need it to most . Thank you Bill .

09-29-2017, 07:50 PM
My friend my brother

There is no greater thing we do then when we say yes to his will.
You and your mom will be in our prayers

09-29-2017, 08:43 PM
Thanks guys.

I'm pretty much fine with Dad passing. I had a little conversation with the Lord about him. I was concerned about the last 15 years where he had been verbally yelling and abusing mom. Mostly a direct result of him no longer being able to see (Macular degeneration) And him being frail, not able to get around like he was used to.

So he yelled at mom. And the more he yelled at mom the more she found someplace inside her own head where she could go away and not hear him. Was kind of a vicious cycle. Hard to see a big man go down that way.

Anyway, big guy says Dad saw what he had been doing, repented. And he is with the Lord. All will be well.

Not much left of Mom though. And I have to admit I worry about her.
I have prayed for years that they could go together. I guess that was just not in the works.

Its in the Lords hands, his will be done. What will be will be.

But the good news this afternoon really did help.

Thanks again guys.

Pine Baron
09-30-2017, 07:00 AM
Hey Ghost, So glad to hear that you and Casey are back up and running. Such a joyous adventure. Please keep us updated these really make my day.
My sincere condolences on your dad's passing and your mom is in my prayers.

11-02-2017, 01:37 PM
Update time guys.

I think, (No, I KNOW) Casey and I are going to put this on hold till spring.
I have been struggling more and more the whole month of October. First it got too cold to ride the scooter. Now we have snow on the ground. Bad enough to just go out in that ****. But if I have to drive. Well that takes the wind out of my sails. Drive when the roads are snowy or icy, I just ain't got the moxy for it anymore.

So we might be able to talk my wife into dropping us by for an hour or so on Saturday's.

Casey of course is an old pro at handling his end. He was all dressed up last week and tuesday in Costume for the residents. Penguin outfit one day and Tue he showed up as a hot dog.

A part of me feels guilty for not being able to do more in winter. But another part of me knows full well I am doing well just to stay alive through winters wrath. And stress is very hard on me. And driving in this country, heck just going outside is stressful.

Today will be our last day for a while. We have written up a little letter to explain to our friends. And it has a picture of me and Casey on it.


Casey and I wanted to thank all of you who have in your own way encouraged us to do this. Some of you probably do not even realize that you have.

This is not the end, this is just a pause, a long quiet spell, a little winter hibernation.
Casey and I will be going back come spring if the Good Lord is willing and the Creek don't rise. But that is in his hands.

Thank you for your time. It helps to share this. To get it out, not let it fester and rot.
A quick sharp pain and washed clean, exposed to the light and air.

Walk in the light!

Love Casey and Ghosth