View Full Version : Reading the bible ...Leviticus

09-27-2017, 06:46 AM
Today in the Reading the bible thread at the top of the stickys here in the Chapel I posted chapter 27 . It's the last chapter in the book of Leviticus , Tomorrow we start the book of Numbers .

I have enjoyed the thread myself , it's the first time I have listened to a reading (audio) while I read the chapter myself . Just click the audio and read along . I have had a few ask why I'm bothering to put up the old testament and not just post the new testament . The new testament is what we live by (new covenant) but you must understand what has come before to understand the new testament .

If you haven't started reading in the sticky yet...it's never too late to start and go at your own pace . It only takes a few min in the morning or evening . If you have kids , wife or anyone in the house it would be a great thing to do together .

Thank you

Pine Baron
09-27-2017, 01:35 PM
I thoroughly enjoy this daily. It's almost like we are all reading together. Thank you so much Charlie.

square butte
09-27-2017, 05:20 PM
I am with you both on this - and thoroughly enjoying having the audio. Appreciate your efforts

09-27-2017, 07:25 PM
I thank you both . It's good to know it's being used . As long as I have been here one my goals is to encourage reading your bible . If you start you not be able to stop . To read the entire bible is a goal many have but just never get around to . Through the reading you are able to put names , events , times , reasons , people , culture , law and so much more into prospective . I especially like to read the actual words of GOD . In the first sentence of the bible it says .....In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth . A perfect start for the most amazing book ever written .