View Full Version : #11 nipple ????'S

charger 1
08-08-2008, 04:56 AM
Are they the same as the musket cones, in as much as a fella has to watch how big the flash hole is getting and turf them beyond a certain size? I have two #11 nipples here. The one thats on the gun has a cone the same size as the flats for wrench and the cap is snug. The other that came as spare and marked #11 has wrench flats bigger than cone and cap is loose. What gives on that? Naturally I'll want to replace the one on gun with another that holds cap snug, but if there both #11 nipples, wheres the distinction?

08-08-2008, 08:13 AM
Any cap that you put on the nipple should fit without moving around(loose). Otherwise it might just fall off at some point. On the range , that is just a nuisance but in the woods, it might cost you a buck. If the caps are the same manufacturer, then you need to change the loose nipple out. Find one that fits snug and still gives you a good "flash".

08-08-2008, 09:06 AM
Cones can be on the +or - side of the specs.Enough to make your brand [they vary also] caps fit badly.Revolters all call for #11 caps but some cones need a #10 to fit well.I figure it is like shoes,sometimes you need go up or down a size.
Cone vent holes will erode till accuracy falls off.Big powder charges will make this happen sooner.My smoothbore .69 with 80 gr will destroy a cone in 300 rounds.With target loads [40-45 gn] in my 58 rifled muskets they will at least twice that number.
The wrench flats come in two sizes.The 1/4" size is the standard milatary musket wrench.The smaller size is the revolver/civilian size.
Hope this helps.

08-08-2008, 10:23 AM
Make sure the cap's tight on the nipple!!!!!
Screwed up a chance at what had to be the biggest coyote in Tennessee last fall because my cap fell off! If it can happen with a 'yote, it can happen with the biggest buck in Tennessee.
It's not a mistake I'll make again.

08-08-2008, 10:38 AM
Loose manufacturing tolerances.
If a new nipple is too large for the cap, I would consider this a blessing. With those, you can chuck the nipple in a drill, and use some fine emery paper. Reduce the diameter, to where the cap will slip easily but snugly, into place. Be sure it seats fully, so the anvil will make contact with the priming compound when the hammer is dropped. This will insure the rifle going off on the first hammer drop. It also helps eliminate the problem of a spent cap being stuck on the nipple, and difficult to remove.
There are people who come to shoots in this area, who will never take time to fit a nipple properly, so have trouble on the firing line getting ignition. So, we are seriously considering calling two hammer falls a miss, as three hammer falls with a flinter is called a miss.
If a cap is too loose on a nipple, about all that can be done, is to give the cap a little squeeze when you are putting it on the nipple. Not ideal, as they may fall off, if in a hunting situation.

08-08-2008, 11:06 AM
When I was a yonker caps came in 9, 10, 11, and 12 all from Remington. You just bought the cap that fit. Now days #11's are about all you can find. If the niipple is too loose get a new one and save the old one for when someone gives yo some odd size caps.

08-08-2008, 11:19 AM
What a disappointment. I saw the thread title and thought this was going to be one better than Dolly Parton and was hoping for a picture. The ????? made me think pictures and I'd get to decide.