View Full Version : Steam juicer

Lead pot
09-22-2017, 10:25 PM
Just added a new tool to my collection. my Apples and grapes really over done them self this year with all the rains we been getting here. The Apples are plentiful but they are snarley for a better word for them, Only one Delicious tree is fit to keep for eating and the rest have a fungus on them and they look like they been wooped with a chain. We made apple sauce and I have a bunch in baskets ready to be ground up I will make cider from them and some hard cider. The new steam juicer I got is a jewel !!! I'm still making grape juice and canning it for later use. The juicer is making the best I ever tasted, better then squeezing it out in a press.
I still have 4 buckets of grapes to steam out and then I will do some apples and can the juice for winter and let some ferment :)
Sure wish I would have learned about using a steamer sooner.....Kurt

09-23-2017, 07:58 AM
My wife has been steaming grapes the last couple of days.
It is the best way to juice fruit....dale

09-23-2017, 09:16 AM
Buckets of blackberries in the steam juicer.
55 minutes later, quarts of juice NO seeds.
Best ever

Lead pot
09-23-2017, 10:54 AM
I wish I had known when the mulberries were running I would have steamed a bushel basket full of them to get rid of the seeds.
I'm still doing grapes and when adding water made me think :) why not take some wine in put it in the water pan instead of water and leave the strainer basket empty and just collect the condensation from the wine.....Hmmmm.......:)

09-23-2017, 09:10 PM
Color me ignorant. I had never heard of a steam juicer before. I googled it and watched a demonstration video, but how does it work? How does it go from steaming the fruit to getting juice into the middle container?

Lead pot
09-24-2017, 10:36 PM
Jim the top pot is a strainer more or less to hold the fruit and get it steamed. The middle pot the holding pot that has a cone razing up with a hole in the center to let the steam pass from the bottom to the top put that steams the fruit and it sort of cooks it down extracting the juice from the fruit but the steam condenses and it also adds to the juice but it does not seem to water it down to much. I made 5 gallons of grape juice and 3 gallons of apple today. The grape juice is so rich you cant see through the quart jar but pouring it in a glass it looks like wine.
It takes a little longer to cook the apples down but when they get cooked down and juice is collected the left overs in the upper screen gets made into apple sauce. Nothing is wasted except the core. The apple sauce is a little dryer then it would be if the whole apple is cooked but it looses no flavor.
When I empty the juice from the steamer it goes right into a fruit jar and it seals as it cools.
Next season I will run two :)

09-24-2017, 11:24 PM
Would the grape juice be good for making jelly or would it have to be reduced first. I can remember helping my mother juice wild grapes with a food mill to make the best grape jelly ever. I have never found any commercial or craft jellies that can compare.

I know of a wild grape patch, but have none of the equipment, so would have to start from scratch. I was thinking a food mill, but was wondering if the steam juicer would make it easier.

09-25-2017, 08:41 AM
Our steam juicer holds 2 gallons of grapes.
We recover 6 quarts of juice from 2 gallons of grapes.
The juice is rich, so we mix 1 pint of water and 1/4 cup sugar to 1 quart Concord grape juice for drinking...dale

09-25-2017, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the recovery stats, I was wondering what the return might be.

Does anyone have approximate recovery stats for black berries?

Lead pot
09-25-2017, 01:36 PM
This is only the first time steaming juice for me but I would say that the recovery for black berries or similar soft skin fruit would be better then grapes. I destemmed the graps before steaming then and I have a 6 gallon SST stock pot and it was filled 1 1/2 times so I would say 8-9 gallons of stemmed berries that filled 20 quart fruit jars. The return from apples is less but the remainders are made into sauce. I had some cold juice this morning from grapes and apples and I will say it is better then what I get from the store.
This morning I ground some apples to be squeezed out in my home made press.

09-25-2017, 06:24 PM
Thanks. Nice looking press as well.

09-25-2017, 10:36 PM
I need to get 6 gallons of fresh apple juice to ferment out, make hard cider that I will keg so it carbonates.