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08-07-2008, 04:32 PM
August is a bear.
Almost too hot to shoot here!
Do most folks save their casting for winter?

08-07-2008, 05:01 PM
I have built a casting room. I cast silver so it is a small matter to put a concrete paver on my counter, and plug in my pot.
I maintain 70* year round with controlled humidity.
Both silver and gold will not cast well in high humidity.
Casting bullets is when I take a break. Working with low temperature melt sure makes you change gears.

08-07-2008, 05:45 PM
400Cor-bon, you don't mention where you are. I don't like that real hot weather either.

That weather is one of the reasons I live in the Pacific northwest. Mid 70's and low 80's most of the summer, 40's and low 50's in the winter. It snows once or twice a year in my area, and gets into the 90's a couple days in the summer. Since I busted my knee and don't snowboard anymore, all my hobbies are year-round.

08-07-2008, 05:45 PM
Casting is far to important to need boolits in August and wait until December to make them. The cost of an air conditioner and the power to run it is a small price to pay for having the right boolit at the right time.

Another way to look at it is when I do pre-cast a supply of boolits by the time summer rolls around its another boolit for another firearm that I need now.

Nope, no waiting for winter for me. I pour'em as I need'em.


08-07-2008, 05:51 PM
400Cor-bon, you don't mention where you are. I don't like that real hot weather either.

That weather is one of the reasons I live in the Pacific northwest. Mid 70's and low 80's most of the summer, 40's and low 50's in the winter. It snows once or twice a year in my area, and gets into the 90's a couple days in the summer. Since I busted my knee and don't snowboard anymore, all my hobbies are year-round.

North Carolina- highs in the 90s
too hot to pick up a ladle!

08-07-2008, 06:54 PM
It's way to hot $ humid to cast for me right now. Temps running over 100 daily, with morning humidity's running up to 70%. Later in the day, it has been dropping down to the 40% range, but by then it's too hot!!

Casting out here is a lot more plasent in the Fall, & Winter.

Riverside, CA

08-07-2008, 07:31 PM
Even when it's really hot here in NC my garage runs about 6 hours behind in temp, so by lunchtime it's no worse than upper 70s. I even smelt in summer but I make sure it's going to be clear and not blistering hot on that weekend.


08-07-2008, 10:03 PM
It's 105 here in Phoenix.
I'm still pouring mine out on the back patio.
I did some yesterday.

08-07-2008, 10:10 PM
Indiana has been windy and cooler than a normal August, wetter as well. I cast 44's yesterday for 4 hours. Got a pile to sort through now.

08-08-2008, 12:46 AM
Heh, temp here runs in the mid 90s with about eleventy billion % humidity. As long as I have plenty of cold beer, Imma castin boolits!! (either that or I'm a glutton for punishment)

08-08-2008, 09:42 AM
Here in Oklahoma it was running around 103 with humidity to match, stand outside more than ten minutes and I am dripping wet. It has dropped a little since yesterday.

Old Ironsights
08-08-2008, 10:27 AM
I won't cast in that kind of heat/humidity.

Way too easy to meet the tinsel fairy in those conditions.

08-08-2008, 11:47 AM
Randall, when I got home yesterday, I was almost tempted to fire up the pot, a l m o s t . . . .

Nice rained cooled breeze and 80dF. Quite a lot nicer than the past few days gone by well over a hunert each.

Mil bolt match tomorrow a.m., and looking forward to about 70-75dF at 9 a.m. match time.

08-08-2008, 12:42 PM
Sundog, the past 2 days afterwork I have melted a few wheelweights into clean ingots. I do it outside and sit in the house a little and then go check it. Make sure I don't lean over the lead!

08-09-2008, 11:30 AM
I live in the steamy south. Right now my casting pot is sitting with the ingots I put in back in March. If I dont get my casting done by the end of March it has to wait until October. From mid-Oct to mid March I cast like theres no tommorrow and try to have a stock of everything on hand. I might occasionally fire the pot up for a special project but thats rare. Yes my garage/ reloading den has a window unit AC but it gets over powered by this southern humidity. I was raised in California's central valley and I can take 105+ summers with 10% humidity, I served in desert storm and can take Saudi summers at 110+ with 0% humidity, but a man hasn't suffered heat until he experiences a Tennessee summer at 95+ with 95% humidity.

08-09-2008, 12:40 PM
Humidity sucks!

Here in North Orange County it's been hot as well (100) with a little humidity. However by the time I drive home from work the shade in the back yard has kicked in and the covered patio is actually cooler than the house. This is where I'll load and cast in the summer.

I'll wait until after 7, different electric billing rate, and turn on the pot if I need to cast. In the summer I'll have usable natural light till around 8:30 and artificial after that until I get tired.

If I lived someplace else I might have to do thing different.