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09-21-2017, 11:12 PM
Thank you for your prayers on my behalf.

Shortly after my 10 sessions with whole brain radiation in May, I became very fatigued and mentally I was not myself. I didn't care about anything, didn't want to talk to anyone, stopped driving, etc. Basically, I became a recluse of sorts. This went on for almost 3 months.

Then, a few weeks ago……. I was reborn! I woke up one morning and things were different! I was back to my old self mentally! :grin: In addition to your prayers and the prayers of many others, I had prayed the prayer of Jabez many times "Lord that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory and keep me from harm.” Enlarge my territory meaning witnessing to others for Christ and in addition, to become much more active in the church.

In addition, at church in August, the lecture series was about “Fire Fall”. I remembered that years ago I had heard a song of that name on Christian radio. I did a search and found it. I bought the mp3 song and sang along with it several times a day asking God to let his healing fire to fall down on me…. and it did!

More good news. A recent MRI of my brain and CT scan of my body shows no progression of the disease. Hallelujah! God is great!
Thank you again for your prayers!

Preacher Jim
09-22-2017, 05:35 AM
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

09-22-2017, 05:49 AM
Praise him ! I thank our Lord for your recovery John , I am happy and glad for you .

09-22-2017, 06:32 AM
Praise the LORD for working in your life.

square butte
09-22-2017, 06:39 AM
God is great and good - Praise him. I am so grateful for your renewed life

09-22-2017, 08:05 AM
Praise him all creatures here below.

To God be the glory, forever and ever amen.

Good news is good to hear.

09-22-2017, 08:36 AM
Amen to all the praises, and thank our Great and Glorious Father, by the Holy Ghost who lives in us, through Jesus Christ our Savior!!!

Pine Baron
09-22-2017, 09:01 AM
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host

Thank you God for Your Divine Mercy.
Thank you John for your uplifting news.

09-22-2017, 09:05 AM
Giving thanks, praise His holy name!

09-22-2017, 10:37 AM
Thanks be to God!

09-22-2017, 04:17 PM
John great news and will keep up praying for your continual improvement.....Paul

09-22-2017, 08:12 PM
Praise Him indeed and thank you for this VERY encouraging post brother!!!!!

10-01-2017, 10:40 PM
John, glad to hear the news. I’m just now seeing this about you as I don’t surf around the site much. Had wondered what had happened to you as I hadn’t seen you in the areas that I visit from time to time. I’d love to talk to you sometime about my old 1873. Ran some of those Boolits that you sent to me and I’d like to relay over what all occurred and what I’m doing now. Glad you got a good report. The Lord is still in the healing business. Sounds like you might attend a Pentecostal Church.

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