View Full Version : Went diggin' for lead

09-17-2017, 08:25 AM
I've had an acquaintance for several years - a man I work with on occasion. Over the years, we have talked of many things, and during some conversations it became apparent that he also shoots. He has some land, and as is common here, he has a place on his land that he shoots. After a while, it became apparent that he neither reloads, nor casts. I (naturally) asked about mining his backstop.

Yesterday I went out there.

I shoveled and screened for about 2.5 hours, with time for talking to him, and time to play with his puppy. I came up with less than I had hoped - less than 12 pounds of range lead, which, when rendered, will net less than that.

Considering I can get ingots delivered for roughly $1.25/lb, did I waste my time ?

well, consider this -
1) I have gone a good ways towards converting an acquaintance to a friend, and one cannot have too many friends.

2) I spoke at length with him about reloading. He shoots a relatively expensive round - 45 Colt -, and could reload for 1/4 of purchase cost. I may have pushed him down the path of reloading. I told him I would help him get started. He seems ready to at least try it at my place (the mother of one of my high-school friends always told him I was a bad influence...[smilie=1:).

3) I did get about 10 pounds of lead. And, got to play with a puppy....

09-17-2017, 08:48 AM
Doesn't sound like a waste of time to me.
You did good all the way around.

white eagle
09-17-2017, 09:20 AM
any lead is good lead
sounds like you scored more than lead

09-17-2017, 09:42 AM
Free lead is good lead. I'll mine a back stop all day. Really the only source around my parts. Plus you made about 6 bucks an hour mining that berm.

Dusty Bannister
09-17-2017, 09:59 AM
I spent about the same amount of time yesterday going to a gun show. Cost $10.00 to get in. Bought a few things for others. Visited with a few friends. Still have to mail the items to a friend out of state. I thought my time well spent, so you did much better than I did. Oh yes, the neighbor brought over a new puppy for me to meet. It is a little yapannipper, but if I can spend some time with it, it might be not too bad a little dog.

Some things you just can not put a price on. It sounds like you had a good day, and so did I.

09-17-2017, 10:39 AM
lets see doing what you like. priceless.

09-17-2017, 12:20 PM
well you done about as good as I do at our local range.
it's open to the pubic for free and see's a bit of use.
I'm the only one that dig's the whole place and you done as well as I do on most days.
plus you had shade, and a puppy, and someone to talk to.
I want a raise.

mold maker
09-17-2017, 12:57 PM
I never pass up an opportunity for the free lead. I even feel it's my civic duty to rid the environment of it, at least temporarily.
Seriously, having more than you feel is necessary, means you won't run out when it really gets hard to find, at any price. After all what is "Freedom" without Free?

09-17-2017, 02:04 PM
If you're looking at just the lead then I'd say yes it was a waste. BUT when you toss in the fact that you've helped cement a friendship and possibly got him to reload and played with a puppy I'd say it was time well spent.

09-17-2017, 04:49 PM
Time well spent.

09-17-2017, 05:18 PM
Lead+ pup+visiting= good times

09-17-2017, 05:28 PM
It sounds like you worked awful hard for a little lead but you made a new friend. Maybe 2 new friends, and thats never a bad thing!

09-17-2017, 08:28 PM
Throw in a cold beer or two and "priceless"

09-17-2017, 08:28 PM
Keep Digging.
Sounds like you have a Win Win situation going.
Plus you cant beat a good Puppy

09-18-2017, 03:15 PM
I wouldn’t go back and spend any time digging for lead unless you can come up with a better process. Does that mean it was a waste of time? - Not necessarily… It sounds like you had a good time irregardless of how much lead you got. Next time bring a gun along and do some shooting or something more fun than digging for lead.

One of the range officers where I go offered to let me mine the berm if I purchased an annual pass. I had to decline because I would rather be shooting than digging up old bullets a handful at a time....

09-18-2017, 04:31 PM
10# of useful lead & puppy play time, win, win. He obviously doesn't shoot much. I can dig up 10# at one of the clubs in 5min.

mold maker
09-18-2017, 05:06 PM
The 2700 lbs of range lead in my shed didn't come a hand full at a time, but it represents lots of sweat and sore muscles. When you spend the effort and there is little reward, you learned not to do it like that again, at least not in the same place. It's just like prospecting for gold. You only know where not to look again, but the next shovel full may change your life.

09-18-2017, 06:37 PM
Well, I probably won't go digging there again, but I may very well go shoot there with him. Especially after he loads his first 45 Colt rounds.
And, playing with the puppy was easily the high point of the morning.