View Full Version : Hamilton Rifle No.27-22 rimfire

Vintage BPCS
08-06-2008, 08:22 PM
An estate auction was kind to me, thus I acquired this Hamilton #27 break action 22. My research seems to indicate it is a pre 1907 issue. Mine comes with an oak stock which looks like it could have been painted black originally. Unfortunately the gun is missing the fore stock for comparison. I removed the stock since it was very loose, plus for inspection, and found it was shortened by 1/2 in. with all the original set of holes present. This leads me to think this could be the original stock. Any Hamilton collectors/experts know if this stock may be original, and were they painted black?

08-16-2008, 12:27 PM
You need to get a copy of Jim Perkins' book American Boys' Rifles 1890-1945 which has the whole Hamilton Rifle Co. history with photos, statistics, etc. Excellent for checking out MOST old US single-shot .22s.

The old book is fairly expensive, but CAN be found at a reasonable cost if you search ALL book sources on the Web. I've got a copy if you need some kind of specific info. Be glad to help you.

First off, there's no indication Hamilton ever offered a PAINTED stock. And, there are a lot of little factors that enter in to whether the gun is original. Most important are the screws used.

Lemme' know if I can help.

Best regards ~ ~ ~ FFF

Vintage BPCS
08-26-2008, 10:36 PM
Thanks for the reference book title, will try to find a copy. Would you look up in your copy and see if Hamilton ever references/made/used oak as a stock material ? This stock, I have, sure looks original. If it was a replacement it was professionally done many years ago. It appears to have had all the screws pull out, probably from heavy use and the stock was reset and shortened by 1/2 inch. I have another #27 in 98% condition except for the stocks they are identical.