View Full Version : Iron Sight, thumbs up!

09-16-2017, 09:42 PM
I just wanted to post a positive that I had with the people at "Iron Sight". My Lyman all American scope had a problem with elevation and windage adjustments. I called, and the lady there said to send the scope along $95 and they would work on it. I asked about the turn around time and she quoted 4 to 6 weeks, so I sent it in. Some of my previous experiences with gunsmiths told me that the term 'weeks' could easily be translated to 'months. The scope was sent in on 08/11 and here it is 09/16 and the scope is in my hand. Having a repair facility quote a time frame and stick to it just seems so unusual these days.

09-17-2017, 01:09 PM
Iron Sight quotes most people 14 to 16 months. I would never ever send anyone anything that took that long to turn around.

09-17-2017, 02:54 PM
EDG, it is my understanding that the turn around time depends on the make of the scope. My initial contact with Iron Sight was to get my Weaver T6 repaired. They indeed did quote a turn around for a Weaver to be the 14 to 16 months, for other scopes it apparently takes less time. When I got the call that my Lyman was ready I once again asked about getting my Weaver done, the time quote was extended to 16-18 months. I don't know why there is such a disparity in turn around time but, as I told the lady at Iron Sight that I appreciated her honesty in her time quote. To me it is still amazing when people providing services are honest and not just telling me what they think I want to hear just to get my stuff in their shop.

09-17-2017, 06:17 PM
They may not have people that are cross trained. There are few Lymans and many Weavers and different people work on different makes.

EDG, it is my understanding that the turn around time depends on the make of the scope. My initial contact with Iron Sight was to get my Weaver T6 repaired. They indeed did quote a turn around for a Weaver to be the 14 to 16 months, for other scopes it apparently takes less time. When I got the call that my Lyman was ready I once again asked about getting my Weaver done, the time quote was extended to 16-18 months. I don't know why there is such a disparity in turn around time but, as I told the lady at Iron Sight that I appreciated her honesty in her time quote. To me it is still amazing when people providing services are honest and not just telling me what they think I want to hear just to get my stuff in their shop.