View Full Version : Today is NOT a day to flash a sale in front of your eyes

09-11-2017, 09:28 AM
Today is NOT a day to flash a sale in front of your eyes, Try to sell you powder coating powder, a gun, ammo or get you to come play paintball on Saturday ..

Today I ask that you reflect on what happened at the twin towers and who it was that attacked us

Today I ask you to remember the nearly 3000 people that were murdered that day

Today I ask you to remember all the first responders, fireman and police that responded to that emergency and lost their lives or are still suffering from illnesses from at day

Today I ask you to think about the 2 hurricanes at have devastated Texas and Florida .. many people are homeless sick and hurting

Today is a day of reflection and prayer

09-11-2017, 09:41 AM
Thank you Smoke .

09-11-2017, 09:53 AM
VERY well spoken.


09-11-2017, 10:54 AM

09-11-2017, 11:00 AM
Don't forget the 6,251 U.S. troops who have been killed in direct war action as a result of the wars we instigated since then and let's not forget the 370,000 people who have been killed as a direct result of those wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

And the War on Terror rages on with no end in sight.

09-11-2017, 11:19 AM
Our local FD is hanging a huge American flag from ladders elevated to full length by the high way. Awesome!

09-11-2017, 11:42 AM
Absolutely spot on. Thanks SMOKE.

09-11-2017, 11:47 AM
Today is NOT a day to flash a sale in front of your eyes, Try to sell you powder coating powder, a gun, ammo or get you to come play paintball on Saturday ..

Today I ask that you reflect on what happened at the twin towers and who it was that attacked us

Today I ask you to remember the nearly 3000 people that were murdered that day

Today I ask you to remember all the first responders, fireman and police that responded to that emergency and lost their lives or are still suffering from illnesses from at day

Today I ask you to think about the 2 hurricanes at have devastated Texas and Florida .. many people are homeless sick and hurting

Today is a day of reflection and prayer

Very well said, thank you.

09-11-2017, 04:00 PM
Reflecting back on what we saw, and heard, thought and felt that day is the best way to never forget.

09-11-2017, 04:32 PM
Well said; gone but not forgotten.

09-11-2017, 04:52 PM
Thank you

09-11-2017, 05:16 PM
I'll never forget

09-11-2017, 05:41 PM
Well said.

Our local FD training center has the largest beam of the twin towers west of the Mississippi as part of the 9/11 memorial. It was very difficult and emotional to recall the events that unfolded during that duty shift in the 911 dispatch center, as I watched the sun rise this morning and saw the shadow of the beam cross the memorial plaque. Sometimes tears can be healing.


bullet maker 57
09-11-2017, 05:44 PM
I live in NY and will never forget that day. I was working on the roof of a building in upper Manhattan at 2 am that day. Went home got some sleep and was heading to NJ when the first plane hit. I saw the smoke from NJ. No I will never forget.

09-11-2017, 05:45 PM
Well posted - Prayer offered for all the good souls lost.

and always remember your enemy still waits in the shadows to strike again.

09-11-2017, 08:47 PM
:) Great post Smoke.Thank you sir.

09-11-2017, 09:19 PM
I can never forget. I was at the casino and our office was next to the entertainment area with a 100 inch projection TV. We saw the 2nd plane hit in real time as we were doing our daily planning :( after that the casino went on lockdown and those of us who kept a gun in our cars were asked to get them and help provide door security. People were stunned, crying, didn't know what to do... we had customers go to their hotel rooms or leave for the day until we know better what was going on.

09-12-2017, 10:25 AM
Even the birds in WA state knew evil was on the loose!

I kid you not!

I was working outside on our ranch and had a number of strategically placed radios tuned in to our civil defense designated AM station so as to not miss the developments and a caller commented on why the birds were so skittish and hiding?

It certainly was not the weather! Other than the "human" issues for all appearances, it was another drop dead gorgeous day in E. Wa in late summer.

I started watching and sure enough the few that dared move were dashing from the interior of one oak tree to the insides of the next if they moved at all and being real quick about it. None of them were out perched on the overhead wires or outside branches.

The only guess I can offer is that they read evil with their sixth sense and they were not taking chances.


09-12-2017, 07:31 PM
I was in Quebec eating breakfast with my girlfriend. When we headed back to the border there was a line of cars a mile long as they shut the border on us. We got back because we only lived a mile from there and we knew the guy in charge of the Port plus my girlfriends father was retired Customs and she worked at a Broker.

Ron in PA
09-14-2017, 10:01 AM
I can never forget Flight 93, crashed into an open field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.204040204041

09-14-2017, 01:05 PM
9-11-2001 reminds me of a day my parents were never able to forget 12-7-1941. The 16 years since our day of tragedy has not created a safer world for any of us. We have lost friends and family. Our nation as a whole is more divided than it has been in a very long time. We are faced with the results of two terrible Hurricanes just recently, we see the break down of civil actions by our Congress, we see the media try and destroy our President.
But as I sit and remember 9-11-2001 I remember where I was and how I found out about it, a friend caught the news on his radio and we turned on a tv that was in the office and saw not only the footage of the first plane but the live footage of the second going into the twin towers. I ran back to another part of the office to see if a friend that was to be in one of the towers on business was in fact in the towers. He missed it because of his desire to get a special flavor of coffee and was in the deli when a police officer came in and refused to let anyone out. A few seconds later the debris from the towers went flying by the deli. Will I forget that day most likely along with so many other bad days in my life. I find comfort in knowing that all things are known by God and he alone will deal with those who seek to destroy the innocence people.
Today we must be watchful of another challenge facing us and that is North Korea and what is the correct action for this nation to take, do we go to war or seek to find a more peaceful answer to this issue, as a nation we must watch and see how our leaders deal with it. Congress is all but useless in moving any real legislation forward and yet we continue to re-elect the same people to go back and do nothing for the nation and everything for themselves. Yes there are things and events to morn over but there are also real issues facing us today we must address or pay the consequences for in action.