View Full Version : I'd like to tell a story

09-10-2017, 05:31 PM
I'm about 500 miles from the coast of Texas . I have never been on the ground after a hurricane yet understand them well . I have been on the ground in several tornados , I live in tornado alley .

The worst I saw was right here in 79 , best I remember 48-49 were killed . I was there , my parents house was destroyed , they were on social security and liked 2 payments having it paid for . This could be a multi post description of disaster but I will keep it short in respect to what is happening now in Texas and Florida .

I moved my folks in with me . They were scared and lost not knowing their future . My sister and I took good care of them , they had us to look out for them . The day of the tornado I walked into the total devastation to get them out . I had to carry my dad , he was 78 years old and just had hip replacement one week before .
I took them to my house , electricity was out , water pressure going down , they shut the pumps down . I tried to reassure them , they were old . I drawed up all the water I could in the sinks and bathtub . I went back to the sine of destruction to help , I felt so bad leaving them . They were sitting at the eating table in the kitchen with a candle on it . Their lives had changed , they didn't know what to do and just sitting in the dark .

I went back to their house (Dark by then) , passed out water , turned off gas meters (gas was whistling everywhere) . Got a couple out from under their house where they hid when it hit . The refrigerator had fallen over the crawl space cover .

Enough said , I understand what many are feeling and will go home to ...if they have a home anymore . Lets help em .

I see many in the next few days suffering this and it is a hard thing .

Stephen Cohen
09-10-2017, 05:59 PM
My heart goes out to all those affected by the tornado and after effects, Your a good man Boaz the world needs more like you. Stephen

09-10-2017, 06:28 PM
Stephen the truth is I am nobody . I claim no authority , I'm not special ..just a regular guy . We are all called , many help . I got nothing to brag about . I have seen those that dedicate their lives to others , it is amazing .

09-10-2017, 07:07 PM
Special contribution set for next week already sent once ,but I can afford more, Lord has blessed me beyond anything I deserved.

09-10-2017, 07:12 PM
The Lord has blessed me too Frieghtman . We understand . Thank you brother .

09-10-2017, 10:48 PM
Luke 10:30-37

Preacher Jim
09-11-2017, 01:44 PM
God has used the average to do his work all threw the Bible. Education gets in the way of action because they over think and rationalize things while Joe average says here I am use me Lord.