View Full Version : Start praying hard for folks in Florida

Preacher Jim
09-08-2017, 03:17 PM
I keep watching this storm and I can't remember a storm that big heading for so much occupied home areas.
Harvey was bad but this threatens a whole state plus more.
Please join me in praying that lives are spared and homes not destroyed.
Lord have mercy on Florida's people we ask in Jesus name

09-08-2017, 04:22 PM
Amen! I can't believe that so many are opting to "ride it out." This storm has the power and force to level just about any building that confronts it. I will never understand folks who decide their possessions are THAT important to them! God be with them all, though, and see them through this mega-storm, if possible, and within His will. He is STILL more powerful than any storm that's ever existed in the universe, and there've been much bigger storms than this in our universe. I doubt any of us CAN understand, really, His power and might, or even His eternal love for us, and His tremendous mercies He shows to us. I only pray that His purpose in allowing this storm will be fulfilled, but that's really up to us. It's us who need to learn the lessons of tragedy, and that's something that PC thinking is terribly averse to doing. Sometimes, I think if we could just get rid of all PC "thinking" in our world, a whole lot of things would just naturally work themselves out.

Lord Jesus, PLEASE be as gentle with us as possible. We are weak, but thou art strong. We vascillate, while you are perfect and serene. We need you, and the people ahead of this storm need you badly. Grant them any boons you will, Lord, for they will sorely need all of them you can extend to us. And Lord, I pray especially for the children, who cannot make their own decisions, and may be subject to the errors of their parents. Save them, Lord! Let them learn and grow, and come to Thee. Many of all ages have never seen Thy mighty hand at work. Leave them to know thy wonders, I pray, and take as few lives as you deem unavoidable, I pray. And thank you, Lord, for offering salvation to all of us. In times like these, we need that more than we can probably know. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And amen.

09-08-2017, 09:40 PM
The islands that it has crossed over lost 90% of all structures. Either totally destroyed, missing roofs, walls, saw several larger buildings that were still standing but the only roof was bare plywood which will leak like a sieve.

Take shelter if you can.

I have seen a lot of hurricanes over the years but none was like this, with this track.