View Full Version : Blessing

09-07-2017, 09:31 PM
So I head into town to check on a lady. That fell threw so I called up preacher to see what he was up to. He was at the church cleaning up the mess, so I decided to swing by to help.i wasen't there 10 minuets when Cricket and her grandson Little Man pulled in. Little man has a junior high rodeo this weekend, so Ted Smith was going to bring some bulls in so he could practice.

I went ahead and garbed the tractor,and pull out the watering trough we used to baptize a young man Sunday. Set up a few panels and get the areana ready for them. Just as soon as I was done Ted pulls in with 8 bulls and Crickets dad,Little Mans great grand dad. And that's it.No I take that back miss Ann Teds wife and Crickets mom was with them. They said a few other may show up,but one was trying to get his home back together, and the other was looking for a home to move his familly into.

Now I know Ted, he is 76.I don't know Crickets dad but I put her in her mid to early 50's. ( do not tell her I said that ) Don't get me wrong theses men are more then capable BUT

So I ask for you pray for these men. And to pray that Little Man realizes what is happing around him

We took and bucked out 4.and the word got out what was happing and 4 young men pulled up and took the up the slack.

09-08-2017, 05:44 AM
Sounds like you were runnin light on help Ronnie . I am praying , hoping Little Man is aware that all works out well for all .

09-08-2017, 04:57 PM
Keep up the good work, Ronnie. Recovery is slow, and it's not pleasant, facing the loss of so much that has served all of you for so long. But it's always WORTH IT, in the end. And too, when it's done, and you look back and see what all you went through, and how you handled it all, with grace and determination and that indefinable term "grit," you'll wonder at what all so many have suffered, and rebuilt. It'll be years before some will rebuild ALL that they once had, but I suspect that God allows these things so we don't get TOO attached to the things of THIS world? He's a lot smarter and more knowledgeable than we could ever be, and this always reimprints on my mind the wonder that He really is. Everything He does, and allows to happen, has some purpose and meaning, if we're just not so self-absorbed that we can't see it. God be with you and all who are rebuilding and cleaning up! And may He bless all of you richly for your efforts. Amen!

09-08-2017, 06:30 PM
Our pins and allies are set up pretty good, the gates are right I was able to work the back by myself they worked the shute and pulled his rope. Cricket cowboyed she had one almost get in her back pocket.

One thing you need to remember these are junior high rodeo Bulls :)

09-08-2017, 07:20 PM
Understand , helped the kids with steer 'buckins' long ago .

Last time I pulled a rope was for my nephew , maybe 20 year ago . Boy was scared to death of em but had pressure to ride from his parents . Scared me to death , loved that boy but he wasn't no bull rider . Heck he couldn't even hardly ride a horse . Last time I pulled his rope was at the ag complex here during a week long bull riding event . Just knew he was going to get stepped on bad .

But he lived through that period . Alive and well . We believe in a merciful GOD !

I rode bare backs and bulls . Never mounted to squat ! Won a buckle in Jacksboro TX just because I got a good draw and not any good riders , lol . But it was fun .

09-08-2017, 08:07 PM
I thank you and your church for working with your youth . Help them grow .