View Full Version : Why they carry guns in Alaska!

09-02-2017, 01:33 PM
Why they carry guns in Alaska?
This guy lives just outside of Soldotna, Alaska

http://i.imgur.com/ubqCB2a.jpg (https://imgur.com/ubqCB2a)

King season is over, and since I had a day off before silvers start, I thought I would go for a walk! This occurred at 11:16 am this morning (Sunday), just 2/10 of a mile from my house.

ON OUR ROAD while walking my dogs (ironically trying to get in shape for hunting season!) for the record, this is in a residential area-not back in the woods. . . No bow hunting. . .. No stealth occurring. . . I heard a twig snap..... And looked back. . . Full on charge-a huge brownie, ears back, head low and motorin' full speed! Came with zero warning; no Woof, no popping of the teeth, no standing up, nothing like what you think or see on TV! It charged from less than 20 yards and was on me in about one-second! Totally surreal. . .. I just started shooting in the general direction. . .. And praise God that my second shot (or was it my third?) rolled him at 5 feet and he skidded to a stop 10 feet BEYOND where I was shooting from. . . I actually sidestepped him and fell over backwards on the last shot. . . And his momentum carried him to a stop past where I fired my first shot!

It was a prehistoric old boar..... No teeth...... No fat. . . Weighed between 900-1000 Lbs and took five men to DRAG it onto a tilt-bed trailer! Big bear..... Its Paw measured out at about a 9-1/2 footer!

Never-ever-thought 'it' would happen to me! It's always some other smuck..... Right?

Well, no bull..... I am still high on adrenaline . . . With my gut in a Knot (felt like I did 10000 crunches without stopping)! Almost puked for an hour after..... Had the burps and couldn't even stand up as the troopers conducted their investigation! Totally wiped me out. .. . Can't even put that feeling into words. . .. By far the most emotion I have ever felt at once!

No doubt that God was with me, as I brought my Ruger .454 Casull (and some "hot" 350 grain solids) just for the heck of it. .. . And managed to draw and snap shoot (pointed, never even aimed!) from the hip! Total luck shot!

All I can say is Praise God for my safety and for choosing to leave the wife and kids at home on this walk!

http://i.imgur.com/OmN38HH.jpg (https://imgur.com/OmN38HH)

http://i.imgur.com/y0MzZ16.jpg (https://imgur.com/y0MzZ16)

http://i.imgur.com/cvcDwXh.jpg (https://imgur.com/cvcDwXh)

http://i.imgur.com/caCWXta.jpg (https://imgur.com/caCWXta)

Now, if either Hillary, or Barry Hussien or anyone else in this administration starts making noises about taking away your right to protect yourself with a gun, we need to let them know where we stand. Very Quickly!!!

09-02-2017, 01:44 PM
WOW just WOW

09-02-2017, 01:47 PM
Good you did not run , nice reaction and really nice shooting ! Not a place I"d want to be without at least a RPG !

09-02-2017, 01:50 PM

09-02-2017, 02:02 PM

white eagle
09-02-2017, 02:11 PM
lucky for you
that is not the way to start to get into shape for sure
good and lucky shooting
glad it worked out in your favor

09-02-2017, 02:26 PM
It was a good way for an old toothless underweight bear to go, looks like he had a long life judging from his size...I am glad this fella had steel nerves and a predetermined mindset in defense with that Casull. I think he went into 'full auto response'!

"Just look at that PAW woodya!"

09-02-2017, 02:41 PM
Seems like this story circulated a year or two ago, pretty much identical details except I thought then it was a .480 not .454.

09-02-2017, 03:02 PM
You are right
If this is the story I am thinking of, one of his rounds jumped crimp so his revolver jammed. It was an older bear, but large bear in the story I read. Still fine by me to revisit this story as it is a good one.

09-02-2017, 04:45 PM
Wow! Just Wow!

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09-02-2017, 05:01 PM
I found this in my e-mail archives and thought I'd share it.
Liked it then and I still like it.
If the guy didn't expect it he wouldn't have been carrying
I agree, still WOW

09-02-2017, 05:16 PM
I'll bet his shorts weren't salvageable

09-02-2017, 05:35 PM

09-02-2017, 05:57 PM
I don't care what he killed it with for caliber. Drawing and shooting a charging bear is not luck, it's called practice until reflex takes over

09-02-2017, 06:12 PM
Just plain amazing! Glad it ended the way it did - you must have had an angel sitting your shoulder! That paw looks as big as your head! I never doubted that there were reasons to carry in Alaska - and this shows why! Thanks for the post, story and photos!

09-02-2017, 08:36 PM
I thought I remembered this when we lived in Alaska so did some digging. This "news" is at least 7 years old.


09-02-2017, 08:59 PM
All I can think is that you gave that bear an honourable death.

I know if I was him, old, worn down, toothless, that is the way I'd like to go.

Glad you managed to do what had to be done.

09-02-2017, 10:59 PM
Met a guy who came from Alaska.
Told me....
You know what the call unarmed hikers in Alaska?????
Good thing you had a firearm, and know how to use it.

09-03-2017, 02:04 AM
This happened 7 or 8 years ago. The actual shooter was on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk shortly after it happened. The guy said he didn't really live way out in the wilderness; he had neighbors within 2-3 miles but like to go for walks with his dog. He had recently swapped his carry .44 Mag for a 5 shot .454 Casull. He had purchased locally handloaded "bear loads" for his new .454 after deciding a .44 Mag wasn't adequate for brown bear. Said he wasn't sure where the first 2 shots went. I forget about the third shot. Too many years have passed. As I recall the fourth shot connected and the bear slid past the shooter. Bear was still breathing so he was going to fire again. Gun locked up. Insufficient crimp had allowed the bullet to pull forward and the gun was disabled. Fortunately the 4th shot severed the spinal cord and the bear wasn't going anywhere.

09-03-2017, 08:20 AM
Regardless of when it happened, I recently sold a 44 mag Blackhawk to a man who is going to Alaska with his wife this fall. He wanted it for possible bear protection.

09-03-2017, 08:57 AM
I see the dog didn't hang around for photo shoot! I Bet it ran knowing it would be a snack fer that big fella.
It's always best to be out with another person you can run faster than !
Glad his shot made contact. Nice photos. Big paws n claws !


09-03-2017, 11:34 AM
Wow! Just Wow!

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Same here

09-04-2017, 02:32 PM
