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09-01-2017, 06:46 AM
Please pray for rl69 and his church as they try to help those in the hurricane affected area .

Lord help and guide Ronnie and his church in their efforts to give relief to those in need . Light their path and provide a way for them all . Work through them to do what you would have done . Thank you Lord . Amen

09-01-2017, 07:16 AM
Father, Ronnie is walking Your Word and witnessing and ministering to those suffering from Hurricane Harvey. Please be with him and his church as they go about tending to their needs and sorrows. Father, so many are hurting and so many are giving please be with them as they bring hope and recovery to those impacted. AMEN

09-01-2017, 07:47 AM
Prayer sent.

09-01-2017, 08:02 AM
Prayers sent

09-01-2017, 08:12 AM
May God be glorified in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ!

09-01-2017, 08:15 AM
Just one more Lord, Just one more Lord,Just one more Lord,

09-01-2017, 08:15 AM
Everyone down there is already in my prayers.

I have been through flood, I know well the grief it causes.
I know the pain of stripping walls down to bare studs, rewiring, reinsulating, sheetrocking just to get liveable walls. The incredible amounts of garbage it creates.

The stench of rot as the waters slowly recede.

I know flood, 1976 dad dumped the rain gauge once every hour for 4 hours. Each time it had overtopped the 4" gauge. So we know we had 16 inches in 4 hours. What we don't know is how much more.

Here in the Red River Valley of the north land is incredibly flat. Coming up out of the valley ground rises 150 feet in 12 miles. Going North the way the river runs it is 250 miles to Winnipeg, and less than 150 feet of fall. So inches per mile.

All that water rolled off the hill and spread out.

My heart goes out to the people of the gulf. And my prayers.

The way through this is neighbor helping neighbor. Hand in hand, working together.

Pine Baron
09-01-2017, 02:00 PM
Prayers sent.
I'm feeling ambivalent about all of this.
On the one hand, watching and hearing the tragedy and loss of life is heartbreaking.
On the other hand, seeing the response of neighbor helping neighbor and the coming together of the nation to bring aid and comfort, well that's downright heartwarming.
May God bless rl69 and all those bringing help in this time of need.

09-01-2017, 02:38 PM
May God be glorified through their efforts
Prayer sent

09-01-2017, 05:53 PM
Proud to pray for a fellow Chapel contributor, and it's a privilege to be praying for those in TX, LA and MS, rather than having them praying for US! It'll rain on the just and the unjust alike, and THIS one was a real doozy! God bless all those who are cleaning up in preparation to rebuild, and those who are helping those in dire straits. Amen!

09-01-2017, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts.I my self didn't have any damage except for a few broken limbs but there is a lot of people have nothin but the clothes that is on their backs.Pray for these poor souls.The SA and Red Cross getting gear to help.

09-01-2017, 07:08 PM
There is much need for help and prayer . Please do both .

09-02-2017, 10:11 AM
On our prayer list.

09-02-2017, 02:11 PM
I'm still kicking just got up from a 6 hr nap after working 35 hr straght. I'm fixen to go back down for a hour or so

Needs!!!! pray for rest for the workers mentally. Pray for the squashing down of goverment ( egos need to get the hell out of the way)

I didn't wright this but I wish the world could read it

you want to help in a disaster? From personal experience, a few suggestions:
1) This is long term thing. There are lots of people who want to help in the first few days. People disappear after a few weeks. If you want to be helpful, rest now. Show up in a month and again in six months when everyone else has forgotten and moved on. And please remember to take care of yourself! Get plenty of rest and nutrition. Don’t burn yourself out.
2) Show up and help in anyway. I literally went in neighborhoods that were affected and hadn't received any help. I was able to bring this to the attention of others. Organizations responded by placing Long Term Recovery where it was needed. Smaller, outlying areas need a voice and a lot of those areas are communities with elderly, without computers or even transportation.
3) Donate to the small local organizations that are busting butt right now for their neighbors. Donate to churches and social service orgs, not the Red Cross, United Way or other giant national orgs. If you desire,Team Rubicon USA and the Salvation Army are excellent organizations. The church and org around the corner will still be there after the media has gone.
4) Don't donate clothes. Donate money. Money to buy exactly what is needed is what orgs need. They don't need to sort through mountains of unwashed pants and used purses. Gift cards are also a great means of donating, especially to home improvement stores. McCoys is a great resource and have offered discounts to disaster survivors. HEB gift cards can provide survivors with food and home supplies.
5) Be careful to not use your hard earned money for benefit concerts. A lot of the funds collected go to production and administrative costs. Very little is allocated to the actual disaster survivors.
6) Listen. DO NO HARM! We all see suffering and want to do something. But please take a deep breath and make sure that something is actually going to be helpful. Unfortunately, there is time because this will be with us for a long time. Your neighbors need you. And they need you to listen to what they need.

09-02-2017, 03:07 PM
Great advice Ronnie . This will be a long term ordeal . Local pantry , collection, churches know what needs done with material , food , clothing . Thank you for helping and all your hard work .