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08-31-2017, 11:45 AM
Everyone has a hero or several heroes they admire.
Most would be people of high moral fiber or have been great people in history. They could be someone close to you, such as your father, neighbor or teacher. They may be someone you would want to be like. Or they may have influenced you into your life's work, a hobby or can I say, out of a life of infamous relationships and into a life without shame and heartache.

I'll list a few of my heroes.

Elmer Keith, a tough and crusty man who knew what he wanted in life and did whatever it took to get it.
Simon Kenton, a wayward youth who was running from the law for a murder he thought he committed, to become an explorer and frontiersman and Indian fighter in the Kentucky and Ohio wilderness.
George Patton, a career soldier, who in my opinion, was the driving force and muscle that kept Europe from falling into the hands of the Nazis, a history changer/maker of the highest level.

I have other heroes to a lesser degree, but, these are just a few whom I would have liked to have known personally, or to have served beside.

08-31-2017, 12:07 PM
I've had several heroes in my life. First any one who won the MOH or any other medal of valor. Those people were just in the right place at the right time who did exceptional deeds that they didn't need to do, and we're thankful that they did. My grandparents are another some of my heroes. 3/4 of them left their home and come to this country where they knew nobody to start a new life with nothing. Heck they didn't even know the language or anything. My Grandma was fond of saying that before her brothers started school they talked German all the time at home. Once he started school and started learning English her mom and dad forbid speaking of German at home. She couldn't speak any German but still dreamt in German.
There are others too, but the post is getting so long now.

08-31-2017, 12:21 PM
I have known many, many people over my lifetime. Some are smart and some are dumb. Some have good character and others have bad character. I have met some very high profile people, but I have never met a hero. I have met ordinary people that did heroic things when that is what the situation required. I have met others who have shirked doing anything that required the to move out of their own comfort zone.

I know people I admired and people I despised. I know people I respect and people for whom I have no respect. I have plenty of friends and a few enemies. But, I don't have any heroes, just common folks who did heroic things when called upon to do so. I like to think there is a hero lurking inside of all good and decent men.

08-31-2017, 12:40 PM
Just one. I called him Dad !

08-31-2017, 12:47 PM
My Hero's, My parents,my Wife and my son who is in the Air Force.

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09-01-2017, 01:34 AM
General Pershing.

09-01-2017, 02:44 AM
It is fashionable now days to describe winning Sports persons as Heroes.I do not subscribe to that thought and believe that the word should be used only for those who commit acts of bravery above and beyond human endurance.Of course those sports Persons are to be admired but not in the same way as those who risk their lives in the name of humanity.

09-01-2017, 05:12 AM
My parents for sure are my true heros.

I have no idols.

I admire many.

09-01-2017, 08:29 AM
My Father was my 1st hero. Then he became the dumbest man I knew! Then in my 20s he really smarted up! He died my hero and lives in the mirror I see every day and in my heart.

09-01-2017, 09:30 AM
I have known many, many people over my lifetime. Some are smart and some are dumb. Some have good character and others have bad character. I have met some very high profile people, but I have never met a hero. I have met ordinary people that did heroic things when that is what the situation required. I have met others who have shirked doing anything that required the to move out of their own comfort zone.

I know people I admired and people I despised. I know people I respect and people for whom I have no respect. I have plenty of friends and a few enemies. But, I don't have any heroes, just common folks who did heroic things when called upon to do so. I like to think there is a hero lurking inside of all good and decent men.

Well said Char-Gar.

09-01-2017, 09:36 AM
Growing up there were many TV heros, Vic Morrow( combat), The riflemen, John Wayne
Superman of course but really, I'm now close to 60 now and my only Real hero is/was my dad. Mild mannered man,never yelled much, never got to upset, never complained except when I failed to put his tools away as a child/ teenager. Never knew what he went through till AFTER he passed away. I always wanted to be like him !
WWII, 1942-47, S. Pacific, 7th marines. I found his diary where he wrote where he was, dates and the island. Bombings, straffing runs by jap planes,milareia,no food,water and lots of killing and dying men. Never talked or said a word ever. I had a few hints, but no idea really, when he talked me out of enlisting. Said I needed to take care of my mom and him and since I was the last male with my family name they would not take me anyway. I bought that bs but being there to take care of them was my now new priority I didn't think of then. And I did that and sure glad I did, no regrets ever.
God Bless all our servicemen who serve, served and those that lost their lives to protect us all.


09-01-2017, 10:35 AM

General Lewis "Chesty" Puller

(June 26, 1898 – October 11, 1971)


09-01-2017, 04:03 PM
When I lived in the DC Metro area, I'd drive to work along the 7100 (pretty fast road, 55MPH, with lots of high speed curves) and see this guy riding a scooter/moped thing near the right edge of the road going about 35 MPH. I'd see this guy year-round, every day, regardless of the weather... blazing humid 100 degree summer, whopping thunderstorm, and dead winter snow and slush. The only thing that would change is how many layers of clothes he wore. This guy risked his life just getting to work and I'm sure more of the same for the ride home. Not sure if he was a hero, in the classic sense, but I was humbled every time I drove or rode past him.

or, he could have just been stone cold crazy.

09-01-2017, 09:49 PM
All of the airmen in the Doolittle Raid.

09-01-2017, 11:24 PM
:) Pretty much just two.My Father and my Grand Father.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

09-01-2017, 11:31 PM
I don't really have heroes, just people I admire. Most people are human (most), and humans are all fallible. Not to sound too negative, but most people who are considered heroes all had their faults and made mistakes. Look at any "hero" from years past - they all had faults and/or a dark side. When you just look at the heroic actions of people, they appear great. But, when you look at the human side of the same person, you see they make the same mistakes all the rest of us make - some had faults far worse than us normal folks (like, just about any national level politician).

If I had to have a hero - Atticus Finch...

09-01-2017, 11:37 PM
MY parents, my wife, and all those who served defending our country.


09-02-2017, 01:21 AM
My Dad is my hero and always will be. R.I.P. You mentioned quite a list of heroes and I am impressed that you you had Simon Kenton on the list. Not a lot of people know about the greatest frontiersman of all time. The man did remarkable things in his life including saving Daniel Boone's life during an Indian raid on Boonesboro. You Sir have my respect!

09-02-2017, 02:17 AM
My grandmother....widowed very young...spoke very limited English...raised six daughters working as a hotel maid.
My uncle...MSgt./USMC....served on Guadalcanal, Saipan, Tarawa, and Okinawa...awarded the silver star. Just passed on his 95th birthday.

09-02-2017, 06:00 PM
Hard for Army guy to say but Chesty Puller. One tough ***

My grandfather. All 5ft 5in of him that went ashore at Omaha, fought across France and into Germany. Founding member of our towns VFW. Never talked about what he did.

Every soldier, sailor or Marine I've stood a flag line for with PGR that died standing in the breach.

09-02-2017, 06:16 PM
Tom Sowell (Master of explanation)
Ira Eaker (Texan, Stood up 8th AF)
Claire Chennault (Another Texan)
Jimmy Doolittle (Master of the calculated risk)
George Patton (Roarin' Georgie)
John Boyd (40-second Boyd)
My Great-Grandparents, who came West in a covered wagon from Tennessee to settle/homestead north of Dallas in the late 19th Century

...and others that don't come to mind right now

09-02-2017, 06:56 PM
My father.

09-02-2017, 07:31 PM
without a doubt,my parents and my wife!