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View Full Version : Facebook?

B R Shooter
08-25-2017, 06:35 AM
Until recently, I never joined, but since just about everyone is there, I thought why not.

So I joined, used my email address, all worked well, for a short time. Then I got a popup that said they needed a cell number to text. I hesitated, and clicked the little link that said "having trouble with this step". It now seems I'm locked out. When I log in, the prompt for a cell number pops right up, I click to enter a number, and it says my session has expired and to log back in. I can't, this is set on a continuous circle, click to enter number, says to log back in, and back to session expired.

How do you contact these people to get help? If you can't get past the first popup, you can't do anything.

08-25-2017, 06:41 AM
You cannot contact anyone at Facebook. Amazing as that seems you cannot. The cell # is used to get a one time access code in the event you forgot your password.

08-25-2017, 07:17 AM
Go into your browser settings and clear your cache and try again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-25-2017, 08:58 AM
You cannot contact anyone at Facebook. Amazing as that seems you cannot. The cell # is used to get a one time access code in the event you forgot your password.

That's official version. In reality cell number is used to make sure that it's the "real" person, besides with real number one can get real name, address and w/e information they have from other profiles like pictures. All of a sudden it's not a profile with some anonymous username and password but a real person.

B R Shooter
08-25-2017, 09:16 AM
Go into your browser settings and clear your cache and try again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I tried to log back in from a different PC/IP, and got the same thing. Sounds like I go back to where I was, with no Facebook. I can't believe there is no place to submit a problem.

08-25-2017, 10:07 AM
My Wife lives on Facebook. Let me ask her about this.

08-25-2017, 12:26 PM
facebook= first place the cops look when they want someone, or if they are just interested in what they had for dinner.

08-25-2017, 12:34 PM
A couple of casting/loading/shooting forums is the total of my social media exposure. Don't want any 'faces', 'twits', 'snaps' or anything else.

08-25-2017, 03:27 PM
Sounds like your profile is in a security lock out.

Good that you cant get on it, your not missing anything at all. And the whole thing is anti gun and anti free thought and anti conservative. Can get banned for putting a bill oreily video up, but they don't care if you put a video up of you torturing someone.

On the contrary, I am in MANY gun related groups on Facebook. You just need to sort through the ones inhabited by idiots.

08-25-2017, 03:34 PM
On the contrary, I am in MANY gun related groups on Facebook. You just need to sort through the ones inhabited by idiots.

At any point they could decide those groups aren't allowed anymore. They already did w/ local gun sales. While I understand why people use the service. It's certainly not doing second amendment causes any good by putting billions into Zuckerberg's pockets. He is one hundred percent for globalization and for censorship.

08-25-2017, 04:49 PM
I'm on FB mainly to keep in touch with my kids and grandbabies. tried a couple of times to get on. Then I got it right and found several old classmates and gun groups. They haven't locked me out or anything like that yet. Not that they shouldn't because of some things I've posted but usually just get to read about my kids and some reliticks. Now if I can get my internet working at home I'll be happy again for a while.

08-25-2017, 05:22 PM
Facebook is nothing but a data collection agency for sellers, usa agencies and foreign governments. They want to get EVERYTHING about you to pass along. Zuckerberg now has plans to run for President in 2020 and with his billions could win. FB, Google and Amazon are the beginning of the end, Soon they will control all the information and business in the world. Look at their manifestos ... Super left wing, new world order run by a few elites. Better reread Animal Farm, 1984 and Atlas Shrugged ..... that's what thess loons have planned for us.

The stupid masses (now 2 billion+) giving away their lives to FB will be, no doubt, surprised when Zuckerman and the other "liberal" (really fascists) elites take over OR maybe they are too stupid to even know !

08-25-2017, 06:19 PM
I have no intension of ever joining fasebook twitter, likeden, or any other of those tackable sties.
Email and forums are trackable, but not like those.
Try the best as I can to keep off "big brothers" radar.
Though I know I'm on it.

08-25-2017, 07:21 PM
They still have a page that does local gun sales here, I even bought a couple over the past few years. I'm on a couple of .22 Hornet pages, a .45-70 page, a Savage 99 page and a Mosin Nagant page. Bottom line, it's what you make of it. I'm also getting feeds from quite a few conservative pages, so the whole "they ban anything they don't like" is total BS.

Personally, I see a lot more squashing of free expression on this site than on Facebook, but like we say, their site, their rules, so I won't complain about it.

Tom W.
08-25-2017, 07:27 PM
I was on for a while, but quickly got disgusted. I rooted around until I found out how to get out of Facebook. The instructions had a warning saying that if I left it would be permanent....just what I was looking for!

08-25-2017, 07:35 PM
They still have a page that does local gun sales here, I even bought a couple over the past few years. I'm on a couple of .22 Hornet pages, a .45-70 page, a Savage 99 page and a Mosin Nagant page. Bottom line, it's what you make of it. I'm also getting feeds from quite a few conservative pages, so the whole "they ban anything they don't like" is total BS.

Personally, I see a lot more squashing of free expression on this site than on Facebook, but like we say, their site, their rules, so I won't complain about it.

What you post here isn't sold to the highest bidder. FB is a company that makes money off selling your data and advertising. What product do they really have? The answer is none. They are strictly a portal. I'm not the conspiracy type. But the writing is on the wall w/ FB. Read what Zuckerburg says. He's not a likable person in any sense of the word. And he's certainly no friend to anyone that believes in the US Constitution.

People here rail against PayPal constantly. I'm betting a good percentage use FB. The greater threat by far is FB. They may not be censoring now. But all it takes is the wind to shift and they can ban whatever they want.

08-29-2017, 08:02 AM
FB already band ANY conservative viewpoints. Mention Muslim terror, Antifascist terror, Zuckerberg's walled compound in HI where he stole public land, Soros/Bloomberg/Clinton(s)/Pelosi/Obama/Warren etc in a negative way and you get the "send us a photo ID to verify who you are." message. Even if you do your account will be blocked forever. Complete slime with so much money they are immune from any criminal investigation.

Hopefully the class action suit brewing against Google and the rest of the Silicon Valley elites will blow the lid off their plans to turn America into a neo-fascist state run by those who know best. Of course the folks bringing the suit could start having accidents, killing themselves etc. (as did the outers of the Clintons).

Facebook/Amazon/Google/Tesla/Soros etc are far greater threats to our liberty than the fat brat in N. Korea.

08-29-2017, 10:31 AM
FB already band ANY conservative viewpoints. Mention Muslim terror, Antifascist terror, Zuckerberg's walled compound in HI where he stole public land, Soros/Bloomberg/Clinton(s)/Pelosi/Obama/Warren etc in a negative way and you get the "send us a photo ID to verify who you are." message. Even if you do your account will be blocked forever. Complete slime with so much money they are immune from any criminal investigation.

Hopefully the class action suit brewing against Google and the rest of the Silicon Valley elites will blow the lid off their plans to turn America into a neo-fascist state run by those who know best. Of course the folks bringing the suit could start having accidents, killing themselves etc. (as did the outers of the Clintons).

Facebook/Amazon/Google/Tesla/Soros etc are far greater threats to our liberty than the fat brat in N. Korea.

I don't know what you are posting, but I see tons of posts on those topics. If those were banned, myself, Recluse, Trey, and many other members here wouldn't be posting as much of it there as we do!

08-29-2017, 01:11 PM
It takes time. But the snowfake censors there will get you once they have tapped all your info they can sell on to their keepers.

08-29-2017, 08:50 PM
Put the tin foil hat back on, man. You'll feel better.

08-30-2017, 08:53 AM
Put the tin foil hat back on, man. You'll feel better.

No kidding.

08-30-2017, 11:21 AM
Live on in your delusion. You sound like a Jewish WW I vet in Berlin in 1932.... "this Hitler is just a bag of wind, he knows we fought for the country and are loyal Germans."

You poor fools don't recognize upcoming tyrants even when they tell you what the plan to do !

Zucki said:

"“Right now we’re trying to figure out if we can build AI systems to identify anyone who is using our networks for that so we can get rid of them and alert the right people,”

Identify YOU and alert Whomever the elites set up to "deal with you".

100s more quotes like this from him and the other elites. Keep your head in the sand .... they will shove a bayonet up your butt!

08-30-2017, 11:34 AM
I realize it depends on your settings and 'feeds' you get from 'friends', but I was getting inundated with too much drama and mindless drivel, so I removed everything I could from my page, selected the 'do not contact me' option, and haven't been back in a loooooooooooonng time.
Nor do I plan to.

08-31-2017, 09:34 AM
When did Facebook start asking for a cell phone#
I have 2 accounts one for the family members that put me on their black list (so I can see our Grandchildren)

Then there is the real one.

09-03-2017, 04:07 PM
I've been on there for 7 or 8 years posting pro2A stuff, ranting about liberals, etc. They ain't got me yet.