View Full Version : really strange...

Tom W.
08-24-2017, 08:21 PM
Lori and I went to dinner Thursday and then went to the Walmart. I went and found what I was looking for and headed to the toiletrie area to get some stuff. As I was walking down I saw a guy hiding at the endcap looking at something. He'd Peek and then quickly step back again. As I walked back I looked down the aisle and there wasn't anyone there, except at the other end was a pretty girl scantily clothed and a great tan. I went about my way,and maybe five minutes later the was still hiding and stalking this lady. Not being able to find the security people I found a guy from the pharmacy and told him what was going on. By now it was fifteen minutes and the guy was still hiding behind some stuff and still stalking this girl.

This morning when I woke up at the hospital and looked at the news on my tablet I almost fell out of the bed! There was a picture of the same guy and the Muscogee County Sheriff's Department was looking for him. I called the MCSD and told him what I saw. It turned out the guy was a sex offender, child molester and woman abuser and failed to register as such, disappeared from his job, an no one knew where he was.
After I left the hospital I stopped at the Phenix City Police department and told them what I saw....I told the officer the chemo caused me to lose my voice so I couldn't call the MCSO and talk, and I really didn't know where they were.
I believe I did the right thing..........

08-24-2017, 08:30 PM
Good on you, Mate!

08-24-2017, 10:43 PM
Yes indeed you did do the right thing! Sad truth is more people don't!

08-24-2017, 11:07 PM
Kind of spooky.
I always see kids running around, alone, in Walmart.
Did they ever catch the guy????
Does Walmart have security????
Never seen any in the one's here.
There used to be a grounds keeper, who was a convicted child molester, working at the shooting range here.
City employee.
He's been moved from park to park around the island.
Heard they had to move him when the public in the area found out about his conviction.
City said because there are so few children at the range, it wasn't a problem fr him to be there.
Haven't seen him for a while. I'm wondering if they mover him again, he got caught again, or he's not working for the city anymore.

08-25-2017, 06:46 AM
Of course you did the right thing. There is some wisdom in the "...if you see something say something".
I once was behind an obviously very drunk driver and called 911. They stayed on the line with me as I was behind this guy describing his running off the road and weaving all over. About 10 miles or so down the road a cruiser pulled him over.
I gave a statement to the police a few days later, and the police told me later he had a ton of drugs in the van also.
He went away for a long time.
Not my intent to bust a drug dealer but hey....if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

08-25-2017, 11:17 AM
You did the right thing.

People, good people, in general, seem to think that everyone else out there is "good". In reality, there are a lot of "bad" people out there who prey on others - scammers, thieves, sex offenders, etc.

People need to be aware of their surroundings and how others are behaving. They need to realize that bad situations can arise in a matter of seconds. I don't know how many times I have sat in the car in a parking lot, waiting for my wife who is in the store, and I have seen women come back to their cars, arms loaded with packages. The set their purse on the hood and fumble for their car keys and are oblivious as to their surroundings or anyone near them. Small children left unattended by parents who are more concerned with their "needs" rather than where their children are.

You could go on and on . . . but the advice of "if you see something, say something" is sage advice. If more people would do it, more of these "degenerates"s would be caught and put away. I don't know all the ins and outs of what you saw or what happened . . . but someone taking the time to say something and the authorities being notified may just have saved a rape, an abduction or a homicide from occurring. People need to follow their "gut feelings" and report things they see and observe.

08-25-2017, 12:24 PM
Thanks to you

Tom W.
08-25-2017, 01:51 PM
The MCSD called me today and I was able to talk. I told him what I saw and from his picture said it looked like a black man. I told him no, I saw a white guy. The picture he had was hard to tell ,but looked white to me and was the same person. He detective said he was getting the U.S. Marshalls involved, as well as the Phenix City P.D., and go look at the Walmart tapes. They should have some good ones, as the last time I saw the guy he was "hiding" close to the Sporting Goods cash register.

I just wish I could have done more, like video what I saw, but I didn't even think of that until Thursday morning...

08-25-2017, 02:06 PM
Wait.....Woke up at the hospital?.......hope you have a speedy recovery.

I'm still fairly young and can handle myself fairly well. I'd of told the woman and you did the right thing about telling an employee however it wouldn't have been the first time I've told some creep to screw off.

I had some creeper stare down my daughter and didn't see me walk up to him. He moved along really fast. Do not mess with my wife kids or family.

08-25-2017, 06:19 PM
Good work, Tom! Police need to know all they can about creeps like this. Ya' done good, bro'! REAL good!

08-25-2017, 06:46 PM
Back in the "good ole days" the towns real men handled these issues. Too bad it still can't be that way today. If we had more that defended the weak elderly and indefensible, perhaps we could get back to a core set of values that unite us as a country. Sadly that will never happen.

Tom W.
08-25-2017, 07:34 PM
Osteodoc, the hospital has a hotel on one wing for families and patients that will be having treatments the next day. All of my treatments start before 0800, so I book a room for the night before rather than battle all the traffic heading to Atlanta....and the hospital books them cheap, too. Really nice, with two king size beds and all the nice goodies.....

08-25-2017, 07:55 PM
:) Outstanding Sir.Keep up the good work.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

08-25-2017, 11:01 PM
Back in the "good ole days" the towns real men handled these issues. Too bad it still can't be that way today. If we had more that defended the weak elderly and indefensible, perhaps we could get back to a core set of values that unite us as a country. Sadly that will never happen.

Well said Doc!!!!

08-26-2017, 12:23 AM
Osteodoc, the hospital has a hotel on one wing for families and patients that will be having treatments the next day. All of my treatments start before 0800, so I book a room for the night before rather than battle all the traffic heading to Atlanta....and the hospital books them cheap, too. Really nice, with two king size beds and all the nice goodies.....

Best of luck with your treatment. ATL traffic is no fun. I battled it for years. Glad to be 10 mins from work now.

Tom W.
08-26-2017, 08:16 PM
Cancer Treatment Center of America in Newnan, Georgia. I'll recommended that place to anyone!

08-26-2017, 10:09 PM
Cancer Treatment Center of America in Newnan, Georgia. I'll recommended that place to anyone!

I was just in newnan visiting my mom today. I actually interviewed for a Hospitalist position there when it was first being built but took a position closer to home.