View Full Version : on my way....

Tom W.
08-22-2017, 11:10 PM
To the Cancer Treatment Center in Newnan tomorrow. Early appointments tomorrow and then chemotherapy. Three more after this one. I feel good enough to drive home, but by Saturday when I have to go back I am so very grateful for my wife, who will drive me back. Just about the time I feel pretty good it's time to head north again. Oh well, we're counting down now.!!!

08-22-2017, 11:25 PM
Keep up the treatment and we'll keep up the prayers Tom!

08-22-2017, 11:30 PM
Still sending prayers up for you, Tom!

Preacher Jim
08-23-2017, 07:16 AM
Keep the treatments God works through many avenues

08-23-2017, 07:38 AM
May God be with you as you and your wife travel to and from your treatment. I pray that your chemo will give you the relief and healing that you need.

Father please be with Tom and his wife as they travel to; go through; and come home from Tom's treatments. Please guide the physicians and medical team that are battling his cancer and send them down the correct path for Tom's recovery. AMEN

08-23-2017, 08:30 AM
Praying Tom .

Pine Baron
08-23-2017, 09:02 AM
May God be with you as you and your wife travel to and from your treatment. I pray that your chemo will give you the relief and healing that you need.

Father please be with Tom and his wife as they travel to; go through; and come home from Tom's treatments. Please guide the physicians and medical team that are battling his cancer and send them down the correct path for Tom's recovery. AMEN


Tom W.
08-23-2017, 01:51 PM
Thanks guys. I got here safely @ 1330 and my room was ready. Not one to be adventuresome in this suburb of Atlanta I'll probably just stay in my room unless I venture to the cafeteria or get a delicious and expensive pastry from Starbucks. My wife doesn't come with me when I have to be here during the week, as she is a school teacher and I'm unemployed. the powers that be at the social security office decided that they overpaid me and my benefits have been reduced to $39 a month for the next two months. I'll go home as soon as my chemotherapy session is over and my wife will bring me back up Saturday, as by then I'll be feeling to icky to drive, eat , or much of anything. The last time we were here it deaccess my port I was feeling like I was going to vomit and the nurse quickly gave me a barf bag an called a doctor. I was surprised, as the last time I saw this particular doctor she found an abscess somewhere in my abdominal cavity an I had to have a drain installed for a week or so. This time it wasn't as dramatic. I was approved to get a drug that would help settle my stomach.

08-23-2017, 03:04 PM
I know the treatments are a trial Tom but your close to the end of them . Your on the downhill run brother . Still praying .

08-23-2017, 03:12 PM
Prayers for you and your wife , that God bless and keep you safe in your travels and see you through the remaining treatments . I also will pray that you defeat this ugly disease we call cancer and with the Lord's help it is possible. All thing through Jesus Christ . God Bless - CASTER

08-23-2017, 03:21 PM
Prayer lifted up for you and your wife.

08-23-2017, 03:22 PM
Praying for treatment to go easy for you .

08-23-2017, 06:25 PM
Sorry I didn't get here yesterday, Tom, but praying for you all the same. This is never a "one and done" situation, and any time you feel the need for prayer, please, don't hesitate or be too bashful to ask. It's a privilege to pray for someone in need. Take care and keep the faith. You sure do have one fine wife, apparently! She'll surely be one tremendous help for you in this, I know, and already has been I'm sure. Women take bad news more emotionally, but once engaged in anything like this, tend to be very stalwart and immensely helpful. God bless her as well. Amen.

08-23-2017, 09:45 PM
Stay the course brother. Remember that Laughter is the best medicine. Whatever it takes to tickle your funny bone. Hour a day if you can do it.

Stress is a killer, let go of it. Just dump it. Lay those burdens at the Lord's feet and pick up his yoke. It is light and easy.

Trust the doctors and Trust in the Lord.

You can beat this. You do not deserve this. I do not believe that you earned this affliction. So let it go. Banish it.

Best of luck to you. I will be praying for you.

08-25-2017, 05:59 PM
Ghost is right. And if you're a Christian, there's really no need for stress, other than the trials of the treatments. But a sense of humor can even deal with that! Most folks expect to live their lives out in a state of stasis - where nothing changes. But life has never been that way. It's always been full of challenges and trials for all of us.

Many here have been through what you're going through now. So rest assured, that you're still here, and you're still able to fight it! Lots of folks have before you, and it looks like there'll be a lot after you as well. Just try to satisfy yourself with whatever God puts on your plate, and bear it with as much humor as you can, and you'll be on the other side of all this before you know it.

And if it turned up to be your time (I don't believe it is, but IF), you'd STILL have nothing to fear if you know God. When He releases us from this weak old, easily damaged bodies we wear now, we are changed in form, and become incorruptible. What a grand and glorious day THAT will be! So take heart, and laugh whenever you can, and rest as peacefully as the meds will allow. The rest is up to God and your Docs and nurses. Let 'em take care of you for now, so you can get back to taking care of yourself ASAP. Stay strong! Even in your weaknesses!

Tom W.
08-26-2017, 08:09 PM
I got home safely Thursday afternoon and probably fell into the bed. I slept all day Friday, and this morning my wife woke me up and reminded me it was time to head back. I was surprised as usual.. last time I felt bad for two weeks, today I feel pretty good. Not great, but good. On the way home we took a back road and ate at a barbeque place in Warm Springs, then decided to go to Saturday service at our church. I started feeling weak and sat through the parts where we should have been standing, and had a looooong walk back to the car when the service was over. The Sunday service will be the same as today's service, they have it one because it's a huge congregation, and two because a lot of people have to work on Sunday. My wife likes to go on Saturday because if her school is open on Sunday that's where we are headed. Today we just happen by at the right time. I have the best wife ever!