View Full Version : Lukewarm

08-22-2017, 06:45 PM
We all have a desire to not spend eternity in a lake of fire. The question is do we have the same desire to spend eternity with God. Not wanting to be tormented for all eternity is not the same as having love for the lord. One is a self serving selfish emotion the other is a true understanding of a creator who loved us so deeply he was willing to die on a cross to save us from our sins.

I don't know why I was compelled to commit this to paper? But I did as soon as I walked in the door.
I thought if it's that important I need to share it. But I can't help but fill it's lacking?

08-22-2017, 07:18 PM
You always do well rl69 .

08-22-2017, 07:47 PM
I was compelled to wright this down

Pine Baron
08-22-2017, 08:33 PM
Interesting thought, rl. Considering it myself, I don't think I ever contemplated an eternity in the "lake of fire." How I do serving the Lord? Well that is all consuming.

08-22-2017, 09:08 PM
I understand , I am compelled to post most of what I do . rl69 you do well .

08-22-2017, 10:19 PM
Ronnie, great thoughts. As we grow in our Christian beliefs we move more and more to being servants of God. As we mature we get to see more and more of what He has in store for each of us. I pray each day: Lord please show me what You want me to do and please take me by the hand and lead me there. It is simple but seems to guide me and anchor me....however, sometimes the anchor slips and I have to work harder to make it hold......Paul

08-23-2017, 06:57 PM
You hit the nail on the head, Ronnie. Fear of eternal fire is a very "automatic" and emotionally based reaction. Choosing to love God, because He first loved us, is quite a bit removed from being "automatic!" It requires us to think, to be serious, and to be honest. Fears never require any of those things from us. Only Love does. It's amazing how much Truth Christ tried so hard to give us, and how much of it often just "zooms" right over our heads in our haste and limited ability to focus! Truly, He MUST love us TREMENDOUSLY to take care of us like He does! And look how we treat him, so very often, in return! It makes me ashamed of myself that I can't keep my focus on Him, rather than on MY wants and desires! But thankfully, He understands, and has allowed us a way back, when we err. And the harder I try to not err, it seems, the more I DO! I think when I try too hard, my emotions are up, and when emotions are up, it's SO much easier for Satan to tempt you? When I'm just "stable," I seem to do better than when I'm afraid or when I'm trying too hard. Is that amazing and seemingly contradictory, or what? But that's how it is for me, at least sometimes. I keep trying to do better. But it seems the lessons I must learn will never end!

08-23-2017, 09:38 PM
To serve the Lord requires us to get up out of our chair and DO.

I made a start today. There is a somewhat specialized care facility some 3 blocks from my house. They deal mostly with after surgery care, people who have lost limbs, and are learning to adjust. Some elder care.

Pup and I went for a run over there and found 4 people sitting outside. So we stopped and visited for 20 minutes. Lifted a few hearts perhaps. It is a start. A small one but visiting the sick, that is tending his flock to me.