View Full Version : Thank you for today

08-21-2017, 09:31 AM
Thank you for yet another day Lord. Help us to do what you would have done . Put in our hearts the direction you would have us go . Without you we are lost , stay close and guide us , be with us and help us . Show us the plan you have for us this day. Thank you for all that you have given. In Jesus name I pray . Amen

08-21-2017, 11:02 AM
Charlie, Thank You for the prayer....Paul

Pine Baron
08-21-2017, 12:21 PM
Thank you Charlie. Amen.

08-23-2017, 07:27 PM
Charlie, I love these posts! What better and more appropriate way to start a new day, than to simply be thankful we HAVE it! And so very, very much more! I've long said that humility was, IMO, the chief trait of a mature or maturing Christian. Right along with it, though, comes thankfulness - thankfulness for all the many, many, many blessings He bestows on us, and HAS been bestowing on us all our lives. Get those two things in order, and a whole lot of other things seem to just naturally follow. And anyway, it's simply rightful to acknowledge and be grateful for all He's so lovingly and generously provided for us. It's a wonder we even exist! How much more wonderful that He cares for us the way He does! Thanks. These always touch me deeply.

08-23-2017, 09:27 PM
202518Well today I screwed up my courage and my dog Casey and I went and visited a local after care facility some 3 blocks from where I live.

Manorcare specializes in a lot of after surgery care, some elder care.
I jumped on the Uberscoot electric scooter and pup and I flew like the wind for 3 blocks. Then went and made some friends.

I did not do any witnessing, yet. But we visited the sick. Lord I am trying to feed your sheep.

Casey boy really enjoyed himself. He never met a human he did not like. He does get a little spooked through when he is first sniffing their hand and they keep MOVING it around.

Today was just talking to those outside taking the air. Soon I think I will have to go inside and introduce myself. See if they are even interested in having us around or not.

Kinda scary, not knowing how we will be received. But I think between the two of us we might have lightened a few hearts today.

FYI the shirt Casey is wearing says I love my Daddy. Bought by momma of course. Still he is cute as heck in it. He is half Chihuahua, half Pom, and the salsa is STRONG in that one.

Ohh and Lord, Thank you for today. Sun was out, sky was blue, grass and trees green and lovely. Light breezes, a few wispy clouds. It was a good day to be alive. Thank you for all of your blessings Lord.

08-24-2017, 05:54 AM
GhostHawk You did an amazing thing . Most are too shy , scared they might fail . There is much need at places like you went to . Before you take Casey in the building talk to the social worker or director and simply explain honestly your intentions . Most will want a copy of the dogs shot records . Get some sugar free Werthers to hand out . There is a great need in places like this . I promise you will see much pain , suffering and loneliness ....it's a place GOD wants us to be . You will make many friends . Thank you .

square butte
08-24-2017, 08:11 AM
Thank you for this prayer here - It's pretty close to what my wife and I pray for many times daily. It just sort of comes over us . . .

08-24-2017, 08:34 AM
Wow, seems like a huge attaboy for what seems to me to be pretty small steps.

Still I will accept thankfully, and pass most of it on to Casey.

My wife says "don't say anything to anyone" If you are outside those in need will hear about it and come to you. And you won't have to jump through any hoops to keep doing it.

And yet a part of me says, this is pretty easy, I bet I could do more.

I think I will see about setting up an appointment with their activity's director.
See what I would have to have to make this fly.

Thanks charlie.

Pine Baron
08-24-2017, 08:37 AM
Ghost, when God is leading, it should be easy. Give that ole Casey a kissy from Pop-pop.

08-24-2017, 08:57 AM
Pine Baron I don't know why but your post has the tears hanging in my eyes.
(Blinks furiously)

Yes I agree, once we finally turn onto the path he is trying to lead us towards the road is easy and downhill.

I credit the Lord for putting the idea in my head, well that and my step daughter used to work there as activity director.

Pine Baron Casey pup licks your face up one side and down the other. All the while giving you this huge puppy smile and drinking it all in with those big dark eyes.
He is the one making all this possible. He "Insisted" on going yesterday. I had the idea but was sitting on it. He got me up and moving and headed in the right direction.

And once there why he just stole the show. When a puppy is staring deeply into your eyes and licking your wrist does pain even exist?

One woman Casey kept going back to, she was black, younger than the rest. Maybe 30's, maybe early 40's. Missing both legs apparently just below the hips.

I'd like to think that we did some good. Hell I know we did.

We'll be going back later today.

08-24-2017, 09:02 AM
Beware.... it's addictive GhostHawk .

08-24-2017, 01:58 PM
Well we went back today, and as no one was outside we screwed up our nerves and went inside.

Casey did his stand on his hind legs begging routine for the receptionist and I asked if I could set up a meeting with the activity director. She said let me call her, please have a seat. 2 minutes later we were talking, I was explaining, and Casey boy was working his magic.

Yes they need all shots current for him to be inside, and a volunteer packet, background check. We talked some about how we would like to do this. She was going to put up a signup sheet as soon as I get the paperwork back to her.

Going to be harder come winter. Man I love that little electric scooter for the quick and easy get around inside of a mile or 2. I have been taking Casey on runs 2-3 times a day, 5-6 blocks, sometimes much farther. We just take it in stages.

Going to be tougher getting out of the house once winter sets in.

Still it does give one a reason for doing so.

It was funny at one point in the interview I let out this huge sigh.
She looked at me with concern in her eyes, "What was that?"

That stephanie was all the irrational fears my brain had cooked up in the last 24 hours evaporating and blowing away in the wind. You were going to hate me, you disliked Casey, you did not want a dog in your building, you did not want us bothering those in your care. You did not even want us outside your door. All those crazy irrational fears that could take this bright shiny thing I have found and break it into flinder's.

Just irrational fears, no real, not true. I took a big breath and blew it out.

This is going to be good, for everyone. Me, Casey, Patients, everyone. She smiled, nodded her head, "Yes I think it is."

So there we are, need to find a cheaper place to get shots up to date. Last place is close but cost an arm and a leg.

Need to get the paperwork filled out.

Need to keep working on Casey's bedside manner. Lots to do.

And for you who supported me in this, Big hugs all around and licks from Casey.


08-24-2017, 04:07 PM
Well we are just home again from our second visit today. Spent about 50 minutes total. Had nice visit's with 2 little old ladies who had family visiting.

And helped a young gal who was struggling with doors in her wheelchair.

All and all, a good day.

I was asked once if I was on staff, or what. I said no, I am getting shoved at from 2 sides. Casey tugging on the leash, he is an on the go dog, love meeting people. And the big guy upstairs, he's nudging me in the back. Whispering in my ear. "you can do this bill, you know you can do this. You have the skills, Casey makes it easy to strike up conversation with anyone. You have been through the pain, the despair, the depression. You know how to help, you have a big heart bill, just follow it.

With one in front tugging on the leash, and the big guy in back giving me those nudges. Guy does not have a chance to set his feet.

I have to admit, the word is starting to spread.

One young lady walking up to the door stopped to give Casey a sniff. You where here yesterday she said. Yep, thats me, me and Casey. She looked at me.

Well I have the time, and Casey he just loves to meet people.

So this is us, the Casey and Dad show. Feels pretty good. Satisfying, better than the best meal you ever ate. Emotionally satisfying. Heady heady stuff.

08-24-2017, 05:26 PM
Well we are just home again from our second visit today. Spent about 50 minutes total. Had nice visit's with 2 little old ladies who had family visiting.

And helped a young gal who was struggling with doors in her wheelchair.

All and all, a good day.

I was asked once if I was on staff, or what. I said no, I am getting shoved at from 2 sides. Casey tugging on the leash, he is an on the go dog, love meeting people. And the big guy upstairs, he's nudging me in the back. Whispering in my ear. "you can do this bill, you know you can do this. You have the skills, Casey makes it easy to strike up conversation with anyone. You have been through the pain, the despair, the depression. You know how to help, you have a big heart bill, just follow it.

With one in front tugging on the leash, and the big guy in back giving me those nudges. Guy does not have a chance to set his feet.

I have to admit, the word is starting to spread.

One young lady walking up to the door stopped to give Casey a sniff. You where here yesterday she said. Yep, thats me, me and Casey. She looked at me.

Well I have the time, and Casey he just loves to meet people.

So this is us, the Casey and Dad show. Feels pretty good. Satisfying, better than the best meal you ever ate. Emotionally satisfying. Heady heady stuff.

Well done ! I have encouraged those looking for work to do exactly what you have done .Rest homes , patient care , assisted living . There is more than a need . Witnessing is part of it but many are believers and just need a friend . They like talking normally to someone from 'outside' .
You said some asked if you were staff . LOL , the staff asks me if I'm a client ..LOL . You got a cute little dog ..your a shoe in . When I take a dog they don't even see me .

Pine Baron
08-24-2017, 09:16 PM
Thank you Ghost for bringing God's blessing. I am so happy for you and Casey. Doing God's work. Makes me want to jump for joy (but not too high)

08-24-2017, 09:24 PM
Casey is the star of this show. Hard to be down and depressed when your laughing at that rascal.

When he wants something, really really wants it. He stands up on his back legs and his front legs make these pawing motions. He stands solid and BEGS for attention from a new person he does not know. I'll have to try to catch him on video.

Jumping for joy and hooked on the feeling for sure.

08-24-2017, 10:12 PM
Brother Ghost, you are basking in the Lord's glory with your obedience! You keep it up.

08-25-2017, 09:10 AM

Tough to get good footage singlehanded.

That is a piece of duck jerky he is begging for. For a person it is better, longer, more impressive. From our house to yours, enjoy.

08-25-2017, 05:23 PM
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained." And isn't it funny how God leads us to places we'd never have thought of on our own? You're in God's hands, that's obvious, and in His heart as well. And so is lil' Casey! There's a reason dog is "god" spelled backwards! And old folks, and folks in need of some cheering up and a smile or two, seem to always be cheered up by the simplest of things, like a cute lil' dawgie walking on its hind legs! You're definitely doing God's work. Thanks and congratulations on your newfound mission!

08-25-2017, 05:56 PM
You well do well with Casey , everyone loves a happy dog !

08-25-2017, 09:26 PM
Appointment for vet visit tue morning at 9:30. Should only be about 100$, no sweat.

Gray cool gloomy day today, so no people sitting outside. First nice day we will be back. Casey sulked half the afternoon. I swear he knows, I know he understands every word I say. I've seen him prove it entirely too often.

Paperwork for volunteer packet and background check is filled out.
Just need the paperwork from the vet and his shots and we can get this thing rolling.

I just hope we have some takers once we get all sorted out. I suspect the big guy upstairs has that well in hand.

08-26-2017, 06:20 PM
I too have noticed the same thing, Ghost. Ya' reckon they've got ESP???? :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Then again, maybe they're just supremely intuitive, and work off our expressions and demeanor and how we look at them???? If you get it all figured out, lemme know, will ya'? It's been proven they (among other animals) sense when earthquakes are about to happen. Why not vet visits? My lil' pup didn't like her first visit to the vet, but her last one, she was pretty comfortable with. Dogs are SUCH amazing critters, aren't they?

08-26-2017, 07:16 PM
I was throwing the squeeky ball one afternoon for casey. Smaller than a tennis ball, but looks like one. Something happened and he did not see where the ball went. He stopped, whined, looked at me, scanned the room, looked at me again.

Plainly to me saying "Dad where'd the ball go"

I said 3 words. Behind the bunny. Zip around the bunny he went, spotted the ball, snatched it up and was back dropping it in my hand.

I won't swear he knows every word. But when he is paying attention, he has 80% of them at least.

Another cool gloomy day, both me and Casey can't wait for another fix.

08-28-2017, 04:37 PM
Well he surprised the heck out of me once again today.

So we arrive at probably the worst possible time. 12 noon straight up. Not a soul to be seen except a 3 man crew crack filling half the parking lot.

But for the next 45 minutes we had a steady stream of folks coming and going.

Some obviously worked there, some looked like younger family members visiting. Some were in wheelchairs living there.

Casey did not stand and beg for the younger visiters. Nor did he do so for those who obviously worked there, with 2 exceptions. One was the head of the Nursing Staff, Amber. Who upon seeing Casey asked "Well who is this?" Where he went into his routine. Came over, submitted a hand for sniffing. And eventually glanced up into my eyes and asked "So what are you guys doing?"

Just sitting here putting smiles on faces was my answer. Ohhh she lit up like a 1000 watt bulb.

The other could well have been a nurse on her way in to start her shift. She was young, easy on the eyes, and Casey melted her heart right away. So he went into his routine.

My point, Casey never failed to make an effort for anyone with gray hair or in a wheel chair.

He made it quite clear that he knows EXACTLY what we are doing. Scary smart I tell ya.

There is smart, and then there is smart that is so dang smart that you should be afraid. Cause if they ever decided to want to run the world you would not have a chance.

That little dog is scary smart.

And he knows exactly what we are doing. And he takes it serious.

The most interesting one of the morning was "Walter". Walter was it seems learning to drive a new power chair. Through the doors, up to the railing, grab the railing, use the leverage to shift a leg and get a foot on the ground. Then pull himself up and out of the chair. Then back in, legs up, then out to the parking lot which involved a 270 degree tight right corner. And back up to the doors, push the button and inside.

Walter was wearing a scowl the first time we saw him. Casey saw him, and sat down, let out a little tiny whine. Like he wants to help, but he knows its not time yet.

By the 3rd time we saw Walter come by he was sneaking looks out the side at Casey.
Still no smile, but not a sourpuss either.

More to come on that story I suspect.

And to top it all off, Casey got stung by a yellow jacket hornet when he was outside earlier that morning.

I went to bring him in and he was acting funny. When he came in he was crying, something was wrong with his mouth. But he would not let me look at it either.

Eventually we settled for being cradled in my arms loving him quietly as that seemed to make it hurt less. In half an hour he was fine. Damm Yellowjackets. I had one crawl into my McDonalds soft drink straw once, while I was driving. Reached over took a drink and BAM,BAM BAM. Nailed me three times going down. I admit I ain't that tough. I pulled over into a driveway for 5 minutes. They ain't like a honeybee. No barb. Honey bee stings you once and he's dead. Yellowjacket can sting ya 20 times as fast as you can imagine it.

Fall is in the air, winter will be coming soon to the north country. Everything is going to be trying to pack on fat and hunt a snug hole.

Take care brothers! Love you guys.

08-28-2017, 05:02 PM
Casey's got his act together , GOD is always working in our lives .

08-28-2017, 06:04 PM
Ghost, isn't it amazing how little it really takes to put a smile on their faces? Nothing is 100% in this world, but folks in nursing homes are NOT dead yet! They DO still have a sense of humor, and a desire for amusement. And they're just like most anyone else you know, only slower and more limited in perceptions, in some ways. A smile on their faces seems to fill up the whole room! "Little things," like what you're doing, mean SO much to them, because few will take the simple time and the very little effort it takes to make them smile any more. God led you to this. Keep up the good work. And I'm sure ol' Casey loves to show off his "stuff" for anyone who'll pay attention and appreciate it, too! You ought to name yourselves "the Wrecking Crew" because you wreck the status quo, and put some smiles on those faces! God bless you and Casey both!

08-28-2017, 09:07 PM
Well I have to admit, I feel like we are taking very very very small baby steps yet.

Better days to come down the road I think. But even those small steps are very rewarding. For both of us. I was not going to go to the Manor this morning.

I was just going to take Casey out for a run. We hit the end of the driveway and came to a stop. He wanted to go right, and I was going left. He won. He was NOT going anywhere but where he wanted to go. Eyes locked on my face. Yeah dad, I know you were not going that way. But we need to dad. Come on, please? tail wag. Whine.

The whine did it. We turned right. And glad we did.

The spirit is STRONG in that little dog.

08-29-2017, 03:20 PM
Someone in one of these threads talking about Casey called us "The Wrecking Crew"

Here is the tagline I used in an email to say thanks to the Vet Clinic.

"Bill and Casey
"The Wrecking Crew"
We wreck the humdrum, the boring status quo, Bounce and trounce despair and depression right out the door. And put smiles on faces. Lots of smiles on Lots of faces."

Today was a busy day. Vet clinic appointment at 9:30 this morning. Of course we were there 15 min early. Casey was a trooper. No antics, no fussing. Just wanted to meet everyone especially a couple of other dogs.

Got the job done, checked out by vet. She says he is up to 16 pounds so we may sweat a few more pounds off him before winter sets in. Otherwise all is well, he is healthy and fit.

Then at 1:00 it was back to Manor Care, give the activity's director all the paperwork. She made some copies, will be running a background check on us. Will call us when we are clear to come inside.

Spent an enjoyable hour outside just being the wrecking crew. Lots of smiles, lots of loving. No problems, picture perfect day, blue sky, gentle south breeze, all is green and pretty. But I noticed a few trees are starting to yellow and drop leaves.

Fall is coming.

That hour went by so fast it made my head swim.

Need to think of some little tricks I can teach him to keep things interesting.

All in all a good day, a good warm feeling down inside. Bill and Casey, hard at work, just doing what we love to do.
Addictive, man this stuff makes Crack look like lifesavers.
I know Casey is as hooked on it as I am.

I can't tell you brothers how much your love and support has meant to me and Casey.

Casey is snoring so it must be nap time.

08-29-2017, 03:37 PM
You are doing good!Cute little doggie!