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View Full Version : No eclipse glass

08-20-2017, 04:23 PM
Here you go

People have also been posting that without the correct filter it will ruin your camera.
Seems a lots of disagreement on this one. Except you wont get a very good image with a cell phone anyway. So I will pass, we will just watch it on the news.

William Yanda
08-20-2017, 07:27 PM
or hold a colander over your shoulder, focus on the sidewalk and watch dozens of images.

08-20-2017, 08:21 PM
I made a eclipse viewer out of a cardboard box , family sized Cheeze-It, Minion variety, low tech is my way! The colander is another cool way to view it .

08-20-2017, 08:37 PM
wuzzuh sidewalk?:bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2:

Tom W.
08-20-2017, 08:50 PM
You can also see the eclipse by looking at some shiny broadleaf bushes.. there will be an image on almost every leaf.

08-20-2017, 09:01 PM
Lady hereabouts plans to use the holes in a Ritz cracker....

08-20-2017, 09:54 PM
People have also been posting that without the correct filter it will ruin your camera.
Seems a lots of disagreement on this one. Except you wont get a very good image with a cell phone anyway. So I will pass, we will just watch it on the news.

08-20-2017, 10:22 PM
Welding glasses, window tint folded over a few times. Heck, even look at a reflected image on something. Plenty of options. Are you telling me no one has ever looked into the sun up to this point? I mean dang. There are plenty of pictures of the sun on my camera in the background. I can't see it hurting thenequipment. Maybe a bad photo. Bunch of nancys running around.

08-20-2017, 10:38 PM
I'm waiting to see if the "mentally ill" and the Zombies will be affected.:veryconfu

08-20-2017, 11:23 PM
I did go and get my auto darkening welding hood, I can set it to any shade up to 13 I think, should be good to go, ought to put my phone in there and record through the hood. We are supposed to get 93% here, but you know the internets will be FLOODED with vids and pics for years to come over this one.

08-20-2017, 11:24 PM
I'm waiting to see if the "mentally ill" and the Zombies will be affected.:veryconfu

You know, while that sounds funny, odd things can happen when odd atmospheric stuff does. I'm gonna stick close to home base. Never know...

08-21-2017, 01:16 AM
BAD ADVICE do not do this. With the main part of the sun darkened your eyes will open wide, the corona brightness is high enough to sear your retinas. Use proper equipment, use the pinhole trick etc!

Welding glasses, window tint folded over a few times. Heck, even look at a reflected image on something. Plenty of options. Are you telling me no one has ever looked into the sun up to this point? I mean dang. There are plenty of pictures of the sun on my camera in the background. I can't see it hurting thenequipment. Maybe a bad photo. Bunch of nancys running around.

mold maker
08-21-2017, 07:05 AM
Is there a driver that hasn't had to drive looking directly into the full sun? Tinted windshields help, but aren't always enough. It is very uncomfortable but we've all done it.
In this instance, we have a choice and time to prepare. Don't be foolish and do perminate damage to the only eyes you'll ever have.
After all, it's only the dark side of the moon, in front of the sun, we're seeing with such interest. We see part of it every time we see the moon unless it's full. The darkness is only a shadow and I stand on mine all the time.

08-21-2017, 12:37 PM
My son and I have a bet on how many thousands will go blind by using faulty methods or fake "eclipse" glasses. Yes, we are a cynical bunch.

08-21-2017, 02:23 PM
The HECK to all the warnings
I looked directly into the sun...and took this photo with NO filters
eclipse happened 10 minutes ago here.

08-21-2017, 02:33 PM
Looks pretty much the same here. Totality, which is 72% coverage isn't for another twelve minutes.

08-21-2017, 02:37 PM



Some pic's I took of the Eclipse shining through the leaves and shining on the patio. And one of my binoculars that I used to make a viewer.

08-21-2017, 02:39 PM
I saw it,it's over

08-21-2017, 02:41 PM
Haven't dealt with any more crazies than usual so far. Peeked at the sun to see the 97% eclipse. Still able to see. Did look through some glasses and was cool to see

08-21-2017, 02:43 PM
My son and I have a bet on how many thousands will go blind by using faulty methods or fake "eclipse" glasses. Yes, we are a cynical bunch.

The wife and I were wondering how many will will stare at it thinking thy will have a religious experience.

08-21-2017, 03:28 PM
Haven't dealt with any more crazies than usual so far. Peeked at the sun to see the 97% eclipse. Still able to see. Did look through some glasses and was cool to see

I'm pretty sure the fella on the right, didn't use his special glasses to look at the eclipse.


08-21-2017, 03:53 PM
My wife asked me about what it would take to look at it earlier today and whether sun glasses would be good enough. I told her it wouldn't, but she could create a pinhole camera and look at the image displayed on a piece of paper or use a special darkness of lens for a welding helmet. She was like, "nawh, that's too much trouble, I'll pass". I said, "yeah, I agree... it would take all of 30 seconds for me to walk out to the garage and get my welding helmet". OK, maybe a bit more than that since I ended up having to wash all the dirt off of it since it has been awhile since I've used it. :) I guess I should clean it once every 15 years whether it needs it or not. :)

We were only supposed to get 67% of an eclipse, so not worth even the 30 seconds of effort to go get it out of the garage. And right at the time when it was supposed to be the most covered, a large cloud moves in front of it. Rather underwhelming... :)

08-21-2017, 04:13 PM
At a couple of oregon coast locations, it showed totally fogged in beaches. One of the reporters was really frustrated, and you could tell it by the way she was for lack of words. Some other people who were interviewed said it was a ''spiritual experience'', some said they were for lack of words to describe how they felt. Some even mentioned they almost, or did cry??

08-21-2017, 04:38 PM
I invited a girl friend (who lives on the other side of Tucson) to come view the eclipse with me. Asked her to come @8AM - she arrived @7AM! caught me in my black panties and a T-shirt! Already had my shower & shave, and was on the computer, planning to get fully dressed 7:30ish, but - no drama. I let her in and abandoned her to her own devices and went to my room and put on some cargo shorts and slippers - and we sat on the patio, chatted, and occasionally put the pinhole I made (drilled 5/16 & 3/8 holes in a large cardboard box) out to check the progress. It progressed. No dimming of light that I could detect, maybe a trace cooler, then warmer as the event finished. She had stuff to do, so left about 1PM.
I don't know why the blue tint - just copier paper...

08-21-2017, 05:01 PM
Quite frankly, I don't get all the hype and excitement...
I didn't look at it...watching the local area at 80% of totality, you really couldn't tell it was occurring.
The area in the open were quite bright and the shaded areas were about as well defined as any full sunlight day in August.
If you hadn't known there was an eclipse, you wouldn't have even noticed it happened.
Pretty underwhelming unless you were in the totality zone, IMHO.

08-21-2017, 06:49 PM
If you hadn't known there was an eclipse, you wouldn't have even noticed it happened.
Pretty underwhelming unless you were in the totality zone, IMHO.

Pretty much the same here at 93%. You could tell the temp dropped & sunlight dimmed.
Underwhelming? Depends on what was expected.

08-21-2017, 06:55 PM
BAD ADVICE do not do this. With the main part of the sun darkened your eyes will open wide, the corona brightness is high enough to sear your retinas. Use proper equipment, use the pinhole trick etc!

I must have missed the thousands of stories last year of kids and adults going blind looking at the sun. In fact, I can't seem to find a story of anyone that went blind from doing this in the USA ever. Total myth

08-21-2017, 07:04 PM
I must have missed the thousands of stories last year of kids and adults going blind looking at the sun. In fact, I can't seem to find a story of anyone that went blind from doing this in the USA ever. Total myth

well the odds are in your favor...87 years or so till the next one, i'll have forgotten by then.

08-21-2017, 07:20 PM

Drilled a 5/16 hole in a piece of plywood and watched it on the shop floor .
Oh boy what a thrill . ( My very best Eore voice )

What is amazing is that the moon traveled 6500 miles from perceived touch across and off . So what about LA to London or Honolulu to NYC in just under 2 hours .

08-21-2017, 09:56 PM
Your eyes, I prefer to not burn mine when a pinhole viewer takes all of 10 seconds to make, or walk to the garage and get the welding helmet. But I got up at 10AM(I am a night owl in case you don't know, got to bed at 5AM), walked downstairs and disconnected the ham antennas and rotor cables, unplugged the DSL line, unplugged computer and TV and the solar power to the desk, finished 2 minutes before we had a lightning hit on the neighbors electric fence around his horse pasture. I heard antenna leads snap over and the surge protectors all made a racket as they shunted the induced voltage to ground in my protection box on the wall outside. After that I crawled back into bed and slept 3 more hours since it was dark and raining... no reason to get up!

Got up, replaced 3 of 4 antenna line protectors so I can fix the fried ones, replaced the solar panel line protector at both ends... minimal other damage. With my ground system on the towers the house is semi protected form a direct strike. It drains the charge off so it finds a different route... like the neighbors horse pasture fence...

08-21-2017, 10:17 PM
well the odds are in your favor...87 years or so till the next one, i'll have forgotten by then.

There will be another eclipse in seven years.

08-21-2017, 10:28 PM

It was pretty cool here..... So happy to have the opportunity to share this with my kids!


08-21-2017, 10:30 PM

08-21-2017, 10:32 PM

I think this one pretty much says it all!

08-21-2017, 10:50 PM
A solar eclipse is one of those things that it's nice to see once or twice, but after that, it's not really worth staying up for... :)

08-21-2017, 11:21 PM
I traveled 120 miles yesterday with my camper and spent the night in a friends yard. Drove another 60 miles this morning to be right in the center of totality. I just about talked myself out of it since I live in a 97% area. I got to see the difference between the 97% I would have seen and totality. I know not everyone was able to get into a area of totality but those who could have and didn't missed a great show.

08-21-2017, 11:23 PM
I'm pretty sure the fella on the right, didn't use his special glasses to look at the eclipse.


That reminds me of an awesome album! All you Floyd fans should know this one.

08-22-2017, 12:07 AM
That reminds me of an awesome album! All you Floyd fans should know this one.
Yep, "Wish You Were Here."
Local rock station played the "Dark Side of the Moon" album in its entirety during the eclipse today. Pretty cool, and a great choice of music for the event!

08-22-2017, 01:59 AM
Neighbor took this here in southern IN.


mold maker
08-22-2017, 08:42 AM
After all the hype, it was very underwhelming. I'm in the 95% area and it was slightly overcast. I saw on TV what I was missing and was still not impressed. Maybe it's because of my age and experience, but there were other news stories that held much more interest. If not for the hype I would hardly have noticed.

08-22-2017, 12:37 PM
I think I've seen 100% eclipses (or at least very close to 100%), but I don't quite quite remember where I was at the time or how long ago it was. I don't remember it being that big of a deal though and what we had here yesterday was more of a case of probably not even noticing it if you weren't looking at the sun with protective lenses. Hell, things get darker with just a typical summer cloud rolling over than during the eclipse.

Wild Bill 7
08-22-2017, 12:51 PM
No big deal down here, got a little less sunny for a minute or two and did seem to cool a bit. Then off to the range to send some lead down range. Great afternoon for me.

08-22-2017, 06:49 PM
Well. No cases of ultraviolet light keratitis today.

08-22-2017, 06:58 PM
It went pitch black here for about 3 minutes. Was way cooler than I thought it would be. Need to readjust the time setting on my camera:)

08-22-2017, 09:30 PM
nice photo snowwolfe
was it cloudy or overcast where you were? kind of smoky here.

08-22-2017, 09:59 PM
It was generally clear, some clouds were moving through but when "totality" arrived no clouds were covering the sun. Both the wife and I were shocked at how much we both liked it. Pitch black in the middle of the day then daylight again in less than 3 minutes.
We were only about 8 miles from the exact path it was centered on.