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View Full Version : New 45 ACP Mold

08-02-2008, 03:38 AM
Well I am now shooting my 1911 Kimber enough that casting enough boolits to make me happy got to be a chore. So I ordered a Lee six cavity 200 gr TL SWC mold. I cast up a 20 pound pot full of lead into boolits my first session. It only took me about an hour to do. This beats my two cavity mold all hollow. I then put all the slugs in a plastic bag. dribbled in LLA lube and roled it around on the table till all looked well coated. Yesterday I loaded 500 rounds of 45 on my dillon press taking my time It took two hours or so. Today I emptied 200 of them. No leading and excellent accuracy. My Kimber did not miss a beat. This mold will save me hours of time that I can devote to casting boolits for my BPCR. So I can blast away with my pistol and not loose much time with my BPCR shooting either.:-D

Four Fingers of Death
08-02-2008, 03:49 AM
It doesn't get any better than that!