View Full Version : Good, inspiring stuff on TV

08-17-2017, 03:00 PM
We often declaim what TV typically carries, but actually, there are some real pearls on the small screen, that can be very edifying and inspiring. Now that RTB and Chesterton are no longer regularly shown, I've lost 2 of my favorite shows on TV. But they still have some stuff worth watching. I DVR every Sunday, Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley, and Ed Young's messages.

Charles Stanley is clearly motivated by his love for Christ, and he's very well studied and considered, and always has a very good and relevant message to deliver.

Andy Stanly is younger (haven't found out if he's related to Charles or not) and more "modern" in his presentation, but he's always relating everything he says to the Bible and Christ's directions to us. He also emphasizes our daily walk, rather than trying to save new souls. He's more of an edifier, if that's a word, than an evangelist. My own Baptist denomination is full of evangelists, and I believe we could use a lot more "edifiers" than we seem to have, though there's a tendency now developing to "preach to the choir" in a more edifying way.

Ed Young is a Texan, through and through, and if you don't like Texans, you won't like his show. But he comes up with some very good examples and stories, and always keeps things connected to scripture. I like that in a man.

Another show I've been DVRing when I can is on EWTN, the Catholic channel, and it's "Saints vs. Scoundrels." In this, actors portray various noted personalities from the past or present, and they get to cross swords very logically with the various tenets of each one's beliefs. I just recently saw one on Ayn Rand and Flannery O'Connor, and it was VERY interesting! Anyone who thinks practicing Catholics are staid and pious might get a little start from that little episode!

I sure wish Chesterton was back on the air again, and Reasons to Believe, but I have a bunch of both DVR'd, and go back and watch them periodically, so .... "waste not, want not." But I'd sure love to record them to DVD. Can't find anyone here who knows how to do that. (sigh)

Are there other shows you find satisfying and edifying and inspirational on TV? TV is just a tool, and like any tool, including guns, it can be used for good or evil. I'm a bit chagrined to admit that most of the best religious stuff seems to usually be on EWTN! But I'm needy enough of good instruction and understanding to take it from whatever sources I can get it from.

Anyone else got shows on TV that they find enlightening and inspiring?