View Full Version : Castboolits evil and suspicious

08-16-2017, 05:09 PM
Well guys the AF is on to you. I used to be able to interact with site at work as normal. Then I could read but not post or see pics. Now they have banned the site all together. Love the the AF denies access to sites that discuss weapons and knives.


08-16-2017, 05:15 PM
Military intelligence = oxy moron

08-16-2017, 05:24 PM
It would appear is they are on to YOU...unauthorized use of the internet. If they blocked cast boolits website it's probably because of the Pit :kidding:

DerekP Houston
08-16-2017, 05:36 PM
Paloalto firewalls block this site by default too for the category "weapons". Our network admin put in a bypass for me ;).

08-17-2017, 06:48 AM
When I was on light duty because of surgery(USPS).I answered the phone and played on the computer,this site was blocked as well as anything to do with guns.

08-17-2017, 07:34 AM
Paloalto firewalls block this site by default too for the category "weapons". Our network admin put in a bypass for me ;).

So...young man! That's where your lunch money has been going everyday!

08-17-2017, 07:43 AM
I can access the site from my work computer. But I can't access firearm manufacturer's sites and some sites tied to firearms. I can access sites like Lee Precision, Cabelas and Midway. So they block me from sites were I can't purchase gun related items but not the ones where I can. Gotta love common sense.

08-17-2017, 08:17 AM
They have been on to me for a loooooong time ShooterAZ lol

08-17-2017, 08:37 AM
Hmmmmm . . . first, I don't believe in censorship . . but having said that . .. . I 'm just kind of wondering how all of you have the time at work to use your employer's computers and resources for cruising the internet to see what you can and cannot access or to perform personal business that should be done on personal time . . . . while you are being paid to work?

Geezer in NH
08-17-2017, 08:40 AM
Guys your at work stop surfing the net unless that IS your job.

08-17-2017, 08:50 AM
Downtime happens, and I'm not interested in staring at walls. Currently on a hospital network ;-)

DerekP Houston
08-17-2017, 09:34 AM
Well I don't have a nicotine addiction or drink coffee so I take my breaks in my chair and view something different for a few minutes.

08-17-2017, 09:34 AM
Hmmmmm . . . first, I don't believe in censorship . . but having said that . .. . I 'm just kind of wondering how all of you have the time at work to use your employer's computers and resources for cruising the internet to see what you can and cannot access or to perform personal business that should be done on personal time . . . . while you are being paid to work?

My company laptop is w/ me at all times. I'm not working at night so it is personal time. For those that are using their computers in the office. If they're on break there is nothing wrong w/ using them for personal business if the company allows it.

08-17-2017, 10:46 AM
The farther we get from Obama the more we will return to normalcy. Granted that we continue to elect sane presidents. Can you imagine if the Hilda woulda won? She would have made it mandatory to be trans to be in the service. No one would be allowed to carry real guns etc.

08-17-2017, 01:17 PM
I never access hobby stuff from my work computer. Fortunately we have wifi in my building so I bring my laptop instead.

08-17-2017, 01:54 PM
This is a kind of crazy situation, IMO. I can see very obviously why any company/employer would want its labor force addressing the specter of staying in business, but if they allow SOME websites, why not ALL of them???? Selectively telling employees what "playgrounds" they can play on, and which ones they can't, is abusively authoritative and arbitrarily limiting one's ability to investigate things that are of interest to them. Also, there are parallels to almost all human pursuits, and if we're of a mind to recognize them as such, who's to say that some detail discussed here might not apply to most any job or task????

This kind of idiocy is becoming more and more typical the more "urbanized" and secularized our work becomes. This is a trend that I don't see anyone addressing. Too busy, I guess, arguing over the scraps that fall from the media's table??? The more things "change" the more they stay the same, only worse! And we've become so inured that we don't even have an interest in any real learning. Why should we? We have gov't and the media (two different sides of the same entity, really) spoon-feeding us pre-packaged and ready made excuses for most anything that happens or we or anyone else happens to do. What a neat little package! Nobody really HAS to think any more, like our parents and grandparents used to have to do just to "make it." It's all laid out for us and there's heck to pay if we don't want to run on that little treadmill! Step out of line, and what do you get? You know, don't you?

We're being set up, and it's nor a mortal entity that's doing it, IMO. You see things however you wish, but that's MY take on it all.

08-17-2017, 02:16 PM
I do 90% of my Cast Boolits stuff (including Mod stuff and thats A LOT) from my Iphone on Verizon network.
I love my unlimited data.

08-17-2017, 04:12 PM
It's bewildering that government employees can watch porn on their computers, but not see gun related sites.

08-17-2017, 11:48 PM
My function in my last job (before retirement) involved making decisions on appeals from decisions of the BC Workers Compensation Board. This entity was overseen by the Provincial Government, who, in their lofty all-knowing wisdom, decided that any site on the web with reference to anything gun related would be un-accessible to us. Now often when we were dealing with retraining a worker we would get requests to retrain as a gunsmith. Shortly after the new policy went into effect I had a case where the worker wanted to become a gunsmith and I went on line to do the necessary research. No go! Blocked! So being the conscientious easy-going even-tempered soul that I am, I took myself off to the head cheese of our organization. After expressing my displeasure, I suggested that in the absence of (and lack of access to) the information I needed to make a reasoned decision that I was seriously considering making a binding decision on the Board that would require them to enroll the worker in the residential Gunsmithing course In the US. I pointed out to him that it was my feeling that in order to succeed the worker would also require at least a medium level of machinist training as a prerequisite to learning to be a gunsmith. The following morning I got a call to say my full access to the web had been restored! Sometimes it pays to be the squeaky wheel!!

DerekP Houston
08-17-2017, 11:52 PM
This is a kind of crazy situation, IMO. I can see very obviously why any company/employer would want its labor force addressing the specter of staying in business, but if they allow SOME websites, why not ALL of them???? Selectively telling employees what "playgrounds" they can play on, and which ones they can't, is abusively authoritative and arbitrarily limiting one's ability to investigate things that are of interest to them. Also, there are parallels to almost all human pursuits, and if we're of a mind to recognize them as such, who's to say that some detail discussed here might not apply to most any job or task????

This kind of idiocy is becoming more and more typical the more "urbanized" and secularized our work becomes. This is a trend that I don't see anyone addressing. Too busy, I guess, arguing over the scraps that fall from the media's table??? The more things "change" the more they stay the same, only worse! And we've become so inured that we don't even have an interest in any real learning. Why should we? We have gov't and the media (two different sides of the same entity, really) spoon-feeding us pre-packaged and ready made excuses for most anything that happens or we or anyone else happens to do. What a neat little package! Nobody really HAS to think any more, like our parents and grandparents used to have to do just to "make it." It's all laid out for us and there's heck to pay if we don't want to run on that little treadmill! Step out of line, and what do you get? You know, don't you?

We're being set up, and it's nor a mortal entity that's doing it, IMO. You see things however you wish, but that's MY take on it all.

eh, in our case it was just upgrades to the network that blocked it. unfortunately the downside of hardening your network and increasing security standards. Nothing in the employee handbook about what sites we can visit etc hence my asking for it to be unblocked. Palo Alto networks being from California it doesn't surprise me gun related things are on the default block list.

08-17-2017, 11:59 PM
It's bewildering that government employees can watch porn on their computers, but not see gun related sites.

The stupidity of it is "how" it is implemented. For example, on our State of Alaska systems, I can get onto the forum, reply to a post, and click on "New Posts". If I try to go to a specific sub-forum, it is blocked. So I cannot peruse an individual forum, but can peruse new posts or todays posts. You know how much effort went into blocking a system on such a individualized system? Good gawd, chase the porn users or Russian hackers.

08-18-2017, 12:16 AM
Just remember, The NSA has a record of your every keystroke. After they impeach and convict Trump, you will be next !

08-20-2017, 01:07 PM
What the government does to us taxpayers IS porn!

mold maker
08-20-2017, 01:40 PM
Just what are they gonna impeach me from, old age? I'm ready.

08-22-2017, 03:04 PM
Wow some folks seem to wound real tight. Chilllllllllllllll......

I will state that if some are implying that every minute of every day they are at work is spent working they are lying.

08-23-2017, 09:54 PM
I prefer not to access gun or gun related sites at work. I even avoid conversations about guns with co-workers. It's just too much of a distraction, I prefer to stay focused on what I'm doing. Besides, if I surfed gun sites all day I wouldn't have much to do when I get home. Besides, I could get fired for it.

Messy bear
08-25-2017, 11:09 PM
The stupidity of it is "how" it is implemented. For example, on our State of Alaska systems, I can get onto the forum, reply to a post, and click on "New Posts". If I try to go to a specific sub-forum, it is blocked. So I cannot peruse an individual forum, but can peruse new posts or todays posts. You know how much effort went into blocking a system on such a individualized system? Good gawd, chase the porn users or Russian hackers.

That's how my tablet with McAfee worked. Finally had to disable it to be able to view stuff on cb.

08-26-2017, 01:03 AM
funny how we have to keep billy out of the girls bathroom at target, but you can't check on your friends here.

08-26-2017, 06:48 AM
That is unAmerican

Plate plinker
08-26-2017, 08:43 AM
The AF is doing you a favor As you will probably shoot your eye out kid.