View Full Version : For thought and meditation

08-14-2017, 06:43 AM
"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?"

—Romans 10:14

In Acts 8, we find the story of a foreign dignitary from Ethiopia. As the queen’s treasurer, he was a powerful man who would have traveled with an entourage. He went to Jerusalem in search of God, but found dead, lifeless religion instead. However, he obtained a scroll of Isaiah while he was there. And as it happened, he was traveling through the desert, reading aloud about the suffering of the Messiah, when God led Philip to go to him and share the gospel.

Philip saw him traveling along, reading from Isaiah’s scroll. So Philip walked up to him and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” (verse 30). The man said, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?” (verse 31). Philip climbed up into the chariot, took the scroll, told him what it meant, and pointed him to Jesus. And before the day was over, that man had become a believer and left with joy in his heart and a spring in his step. This is what people are still looking for today: someone to show them the way.

There is one thing that Christians and non-Christians have in common: both are very uptight about evangelism. Christians are uptight about evangelizing, and non-Christians are uptight about being evangelized. But I think some of us give up way too easily. When we ask someone if anyone has ever told them about Jesus, or if we invite someone to church and they say no, we give up too easily. Instead, try asking, “Well, why do you say that? Did you have a bad experience in church?”

God has primarily chosen to reach people through people. So engage them, and most importantly, keep praying for them. Give it a try, and you will discover what a joy it is to tell others about Jesus

08-14-2017, 11:22 AM
Discipleship is vitally important!

08-14-2017, 04:46 PM
I really love the story about the eunuch . But it leaves out that Philip 'ran' to catch up to him . Philip also baptized him . Commitment !
Thank you rl69 !

08-14-2017, 06:39 PM
The only issue I have with the OP is that it's right that everybody's uptight about evangelizing, but the REASON that everybody seems so uptight is because it's so often not done in good faith and with respect for the other person's humanity and dignity. Yes, your message is more important than anyone's dignity. For sure! BUT .... and this is the fly in the ointment that we see all too often ..... if you can't or won't or don't give your "quarry" some due respect, you'll just drive them that much FURTHER away from your message, and THAT is NOT what Christ intended for us to do! I'd think that would be clearer than it often seems to be. It's surely pretty elementary and basic, in ANY dealings with other people.

When I was in Japan, I and 4 other sailors went up in the mountains surrounding Sasebo, and none of us spoke the language, and even our cab driver didn't speak English, but it was extremely heartening to see that folks accepted us if we just didn't show that "ugly American" attitude, and were "just people," just like them. We were accepted. There's a real lesson to be learned from all sorts of things like that, if we just think about it. We can't afford to run off the very folks who need us MOST! A calm, self-assured approach and a genuine low-key sense of humor will get you MUCH closer to your aim of a new conversion than any amount of brow-beating or Bible pounding. Just know your quarry is a real, vital human being with a soul that's in need of something you have to offer. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

But then, most folks get nervous when asked to speak before a group. And that carries over into our evangelizing, I'm afraid. And discomfort and lack of confidence always leads to fear, and fear leads to aggressive behavior and approaches, and those drive folks off. Just realize that your message really IS vital, and that the person you're dealing with has his own sort of dignity and human rights, and remember you were a sinner once, just like they are (and sometimes worse?). Then, when you put yourself on a level plane with them, and calmly and assuredly put forth your story, you won't run them off, or offend them. There's long been way too much "Bible-pounding" in the field, and it's wrought antipathy toward all Christians and Christian theology. We've dug our hole even deeper!!! We can't do that any more. Christ didn't do it that way, and neither should we. He loved people too much, and we need to follow HIS lead, and not our own vascillating sentiments and fears. If we do that, it's amazing what can be achieved. Even folks you just "knew" couldn't and wouldn't respond, may just wind up surprising you!

08-14-2017, 07:34 PM
The only issue I have with the OP is that it's right that everybody's uptight about evangelizing, but the REASON that everybody seems so uptight is because it's so often not done in good faith and with respect for the other person's humanity and dignity. Yes, your message is more important than anyone's dignity. For sure! BUT .... and this is the fly in the ointment that we see all too often ..... if you can't or won't or don't give your "quarry" some due respect, you'll just drive them that much FURTHER away from your message, and THAT is NOT what Christ intended for us to do! I'd think that would be clearer than it often seems to be. It's surely pretty elementary and basic, in ANY dealings with other people.

When I was in Japan, I and 4 other sailors went up in the mountains surrounding Sasebo, and none of us spoke the language, and even our cab driver didn't speak English, but it was extremely heartening to see that folks accepted us if we just didn't show that "ugly American" attitude, and were "just people," just like them. We were accepted. There's a real lesson to be learned from all sorts of things like that, if we just think about it. We can't afford to run off the very folks who need us MOST! A calm, self-assured approach and a genuine low-key sense of humor will get you MUCH closer to your aim of a new conversion than any amount of brow-beating or Bible pounding. Just know your quarry is a real, vital human being with a soul that's in need of something you have to offer. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

But then, most folks get nervous when asked to speak before a group. And that carries over into our evangelizing, I'm afraid. And discomfort and lack of confidence always leads to fear, and fear leads to aggressive behavior and approaches, and those drive folks off. Just realize that your message really IS vital, and that the person you're dealing with has his own sort of dignity and human rights, and remember you were a sinner once, just like they are (and sometimes worse?). Then, when you put yourself on a level plane with them, and calmly and assuredly put forth your story, you won't run them off, or offend them. There's long been way too much "Bible-pounding" in the field, and it's wrought antipathy toward all Christians and Christian theology. We've dug our hole even deeper!!! We can't do that any more. Christ didn't do it that way, and neither should we. He loved people too much, and we need to follow HIS lead, and not our own vascillating sentiments and fears. If we do that, it's amazing what can be achieved. Even folks you just "knew" couldn't and wouldn't respond, may just wind up surprising you!

Your reply is valid up to a point . You don't have to be a bible thumper . You don't have to quote the entire bible bla bla bla . You can mention the name of GOD , you can let people know you believe in him , in the course of normal conversation you can ask what church they attend . You can in conversation talk about your church and the activities you are involved in . No one has to be a preacher to talk of GOD as part of their life . It's a cheap get out to think you have to evangelize just to include your belief in a daily conversation .
Many times I don't have an answer but I tell them I will find someone that does . I'm dumber than dirt with a minimum education and I witness all the time . After a while it just comes natural . It is not hard ...it's what we are obligated to do for the one that gives us love , forgiveness and eternal life .

08-14-2017, 09:58 PM
Well said brother Blackwater. Right on target I think.

I know I shied away from it when people come to my door wanting to talk to me.
So I tend to shy away from it now that I am on the other team so to speak.

Just not real comfortable with it.

Willing to help, and listen too, but I need some kind of a sign that you want to hear.