View Full Version : Ben's Red for lubersizer?

08-14-2017, 01:45 AM
How well does Ben's Red Lube work in a lubersizer. I have a Lyman 45 on the way and I plan on getting one of those magnetic engine heaters to act as a lube heater. Should I be pretty much good to go?

08-14-2017, 02:58 AM
am44mag- If you've stayed with Ben's recipe wouldn't need a heater except if you're working in 40 deg or below temps. Ben's Red is a softish lube. I use it in a lyman 450. Haven't had any problems heat wise until temp is 40 deg or below. Then a droplite with a 60w bulb, and in 10min or less, lube flow is much better. One caution Too much heat or heat Too long you'll have a mess.

08-14-2017, 04:58 AM
am44mag- If you've stayed with Ben's recipe wouldn't need a heater except if you're working in 40 deg or below temps. Ben's Red is a softish lube. I use it in a lyman 450. Haven't had any problems heat wise until temp is 40 deg or below. Then a droplite with a 60w bulb, and in 10min or less, lube flow is much better. One caution Too much heat or heat Too long you'll have a mess.

Sounds good to me. :) I'll hold off on the heater for now and just use it as is. I've never used a lubersizer before, and I wasn't sure just how soft the lube had to be to actually work in one. Thanks!

08-14-2017, 09:50 AM
It's about all I use in my Lyman 450.

08-14-2017, 10:35 AM
Ben's Red is what I use in a Lyman. No issues at all during warmer weather. I do run the heater a bit in the winter to soften the lube, just so I don't have to put as much pressure on the piston system. Spring, summer and fall Ben's Red flows well enough without a heater. Brad

08-14-2017, 01:05 PM
It's a soft lube and only requires heat if it's cold and your bench is in a unheated space. I use a shop light on the rare cold day that I need to size/lube with my Lyman 450.
If you heat it in an old coffee pot you can pour it into the lube reservoir , the spout makes it easy.

08-14-2017, 04:59 PM
I'd love to have a $1.00 for every 1/2 pound of Ben's Red that has gone through lube-sizers since the formula was shared with casters many years ago !


08-14-2017, 06:40 PM
Ben, it's the best thing since sliced bread. Just a shame you can't spread it on bread !

Am44, If nessary I warm the lubesizer with a small hairdryer, metal just warm to touch. Give a few mins for the heat to transfer inside to lube.
As mentioned TOO MUCH heat will be no good. You will catch on fast. Ben's red is good stuff !


While waiting on your 45 to arrive, you might want to watch you tube videos on lubing with Lyman 45 and 450 and rcbs lube sizer. Lots of great info here too plus you learn from OUR mistakes.
I don't think there are any videos on REMOVING Ben's red from carpet yet ? ( To much heat)
Set up and adjusting for different size boolits etc...

Keep us posted on your success.

35 shooter
08-14-2017, 10:56 PM
I'd love to have a $1.00 for every 1/2 pound of Ben's Red that has gone through lube-sizers since the formula was shared with casters many years ago !

You would be a very rich man Ben!:)

08-15-2017, 08:56 AM

It has been a " great ride " for many of us.
The lube has done everything I've ever asked it to do.


08-15-2017, 01:19 PM
Anyone that has made up a batch knows how much there is as a final product. I find it hard to believe that I have made 3 batches in a little over 3 years. Of course I must add the fact I have friends that `borrow`.Robert

Oklahoma Rebel
08-15-2017, 06:32 PM
I have seen adhesive stick on heating elements on amazon, in all different sizes, I have thought bout getting one and sticking it around the resivoir, I don't remember how they are wired though? you should check those out, I have an engine block heater, and very little of it would actually touch the lubrisizer, it is really made for a flat surface only.

08-15-2017, 06:58 PM
The Lyman/ rcbs lubesizer factory heater is only 15 watts @120vac I believe. The light bulb, hair dryer, clothes iron (adjustable temp) on an extended plate that that sizer is mounted to are all quick simple cheep ways to WARM the lubesizer if it EVEN NEEDS it.
Bens lube like mensioned many A time won't even need heat unless your in a 50 degree temp room or garage/ basement area.
IF YOU APPLY HIGH HEAT for a short time, the area closest to the hot spot will turn liquid to fast and you will find lube coming out of places you never thought leaked before.
A 1/2" thick plate with a hole drilled into it and an element from a 15w soldering iron is placed into it, then the sizer placed on top of that and bolted down will give you plenty of heat if you even need it.
2 mins with a hair dryer blowing around the sizer is plenty and just warms it enough.


08-15-2017, 10:44 PM
Ive lubed several 38/357, 40 and 45 bullets with Ben's Red in a Lyman 45 without any problems. In the winter my reloading room can get down to about 40, but I turn the heat up to 50 when I am in there. Haven't had to apply any extra heat to the sized yet.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

08-15-2017, 11:07 PM
Yep ! , another user with the "combo" 45 and ben's red ....
it is all i have been using along with the 'BLL" on my rifle rounds ...
Have two lyman 45s , one for rifle and one for my pistol ... both with bens in them and they work great .
Winter gets a bit cold in my man cave so I use a homemade plate heater that works very well with the 45's .

08-17-2017, 04:17 PM
I've used Bens Red right down to 10*F from my RCBS lubrisizer, in an unheated barn during the winter. Any colder and I'd want that heater for my hands!

08-17-2017, 04:59 PM
Gotta love
Ben's Red!!!! Thanks again Ben.well that didn't go as planned. Lol Ben's Red is supposed to be in red font.

08-17-2017, 09:57 PM
You are VERY welcome.


Friends call me Pac
10-12-2017, 07:38 PM
Chiming in. Just bought a LAM about a month ago. Up until now I have pan lubed & dipped with Ben's Red. Now that I have a lube a matic I used pvc as a mold and filled it with Ben's Red. Works great on a .30 bullet. That's all I have lubed so far. I do seem to turn the screw that compresses the lube more than I thought I would have to. I thought maybe a turn every few bullets but what I am seeing is a slight twist every bullet. I'm in an spare bedroom so temps are usually between 65-75. I'm thinking Ben's Red is a mighty fine lube for my lube a matic.

10-12-2017, 09:47 PM
I'm thinking you are RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!:grin:


10-12-2017, 10:40 PM
I don't know why I read every thread the has Ben's Red in the title. I've been sitting on the ingredients for Ben's Red for a couple of years now but have so much NRA formula and so much Alox 350, beeswax and micro-crystalline wax that works in the range of loads that I normally shoot, that I may never get around to it.

I guess the reason is that with my low velocity loads(mostly handgun) I might never see the advantage.

35 shooter
10-13-2017, 12:28 AM
I've tried several different commercial and homeade lubes over the last several years and had some very good results, but each was lacking in one area or another, such as hot weather, cold weather, cold bore shots, etc.

I can lube up with Ben's Red no matter the time of year or the conditions and shoot with total confidence.
Bll gives me the same results, so i do a lot of tumble lubing now. I go hunting with an unfired, cold bore knowing where my first shot is going in a hunting situation.
For me and my rifles and handguns, the difference was like night from day from the very start with Ben's lubes.

It has to get pretty darn cold to need to use heat in a lubesizer with Ben's Red, and doesn't take much to get it flowing even then.
I shoot from 500 fps. to 2600 fps. with Ben's Red and or BLL and NEVER a problem from either lube.....ever!

Ben has made my cast shooting just like shooting jacketed....just load and shoot....no worries.

10-21-2017, 10:01 PM
Anyone use it in a Star yet? I have some I made up and am tempted to drop it in the star and have a go at it.