View Full Version : I need a little help for a soldier

08-11-2017, 09:44 AM
I have a soldier that needs some looking after . No nothing broken or missing yet .
The oldest boy is on the ground in northern Iraq now . He says it’s to earn his gold spurs to go with his silver spurs and his Army issue Stetson . Which is kid code for “No Dad everything is fine …….. Little brother if you rat me out you’re going to wake up with your chest hair braided to your leg hair and strategic parts of your urinary tract gorilla glued to your ankle” 🙂
So if you think of it on Sunday maybe add Corporal G Hart to your list of folks to look after .

Dad’s Dad , his father was a different guy , lied about his age to get in the Army , too young for WWI I guess . He did a 3 yr pull with I believe the 8th Cavalry about 1924-7 the boy tells me that the 8th was “restructured” and part of it’s command and crunchy old Sgts made up the 12th Cavalry .

Seems there’s not a lot of demand for horsemanship these days so the men only get spurs and a hat until they make some rank even officers have to earn their cutless .
He tells me he is an airframe tin knocker . His schools and associates would suggest he’s a gorilla , duct tape and tie wire if there’s any hope for salvage , strip the hardware burn the rest if there isn’t , crash recovery guy .
As a legacy Im pretty sure he will be comfortable in Bonnie Alonzo’s boots he might even stretch them a little . Too dumb to quit , heart as big as Texas and feet like Sasquatch .

Preacher Jim
08-11-2017, 11:09 AM
will add him to my prayer list.

08-11-2017, 01:23 PM
Prayers up for him and all our other great men and women "over there." Most of us here are too old and often too decrepit to be there any more, and Christ encouraged us to be grateful for those who serve us, and nobody serves us more or more critically than our great fighting men and women and those who support them and enable them to do what must be done. God protect and bless them all, and should any fall, I pray He'll take them in His loving arms, and admit them to Heaven, for "greater love hath no man than that he lay down his life for another." Amen.

Pine Baron
08-11-2017, 08:34 PM
Prayers sent for Corporal G. Hart. Stay frosty, brother.

Wayne Smith
08-12-2017, 09:04 AM
Prayers for Corporal Hart and his unit. Safety in danger and effectiveness against the enemy.

08-12-2017, 09:44 AM
Prayers for Cpl Hart and all his fellow soldiers/sailors/arimen and Marines in theater. We also need to pray for those who are in Korea, Guam and other locations under heightened awareness of the North Korea threat. God bless and protect our active duty, former and retired warriors.