View Full Version : Making a batch of unscented "Ballistol".......or as close as I can get.

08-08-2017, 07:04 PM
I've mainly been an Ed's Red user but want to switch to something non-toxic and bio-degadeable. I've got a lot of Mil-surps as well as moden ARs, AK, and pistols and wanted to switch to Ballistol since I could use it on wood, metal, and leather......and it's non-toxic....and the price is right (less than $20 for 16 oz). While it works well enough the problem is I can't stand the smell, ironically my wife (the main impetus for me dumping Ed's Red) doesn't mind the smell of it but it makes me nauseous, I hate it.

My google-foo searches haven't helped me much. It seems most of the "modern" CLPs either have toxins in them or if they are non-toxic are kind of pricey (like Froglube which seems to be coconut oil with some stuff added in that cost $15 for 4oz). I've looked for something like Ballistol which is unscented but can't seem to find anything. Does anyone know of something?

After looking at the MSDS sheet for it it says that "Ballistol contains medicinal grade white mineral oil, alkaline salts of oleic acid, several alcohols, Benzyl Acetate and an oil
from vegetal seeds".

Further down in the MSDS it list the following:

Mineral Oil
Potassium Oleate
Ammonium Oleate
Oleic Acid
Benzyl Alcohol
Amyl Alcohol
Isobutyl Alcohol
Benzyl Acetate

I would think the bulk of it is mineral oil (which is pretty inexpensive) and most of the smell I hate comes from the Anethole. Has anyone ever seen a recipe from back in the day for mixing up something that would work better than straight mineral oil or uses mineral oil as the base?

08-10-2017, 09:44 AM
Gun cleaners are supposed to stink arnt they?

08-10-2017, 10:08 AM
I may not love the smell, but I don't hate it. I would say I have a tepid fondness for the smell of Ballistol.
So, on I go happily using Ballistol.

08-10-2017, 10:55 AM
I absolutely hated the smell of Ballistol when I first used it. I'm still not a fan but I can now stand it. Works to well to not use it. If it didn't work it would be a different story. I don't have the time to mix up my own concoction that may or may not work. You eventually get used to the smell, I'm proof if this.

08-10-2017, 12:38 PM
What's the objection to Ed's Red?

You know you can leave out the acetone to cut down on the vapors,
it just won't cut powder fouling as fast, but works fine without it.

You can also leave out the lanolin to cut costs if you don't need a long term preservative.

08-14-2017, 04:41 PM
I hated the smell of Ballistol at first but loved the results with cleaning up black powder. I clean my guns outside for the most part and have just gotten used to the smell.

What does anethole do? I am curious what would happen if you simply left out that one ingredient.

08-15-2017, 12:46 AM
What's the objection to Ed's Red?

You know you can leave out the acetone to cut down on the vapors,
it just won't cut powder fouling as fast, but works fine without it.

You can also leave out the lanolin to cut costs if you don't need a long term preservative.

I tried Ed's Red for cleaning black powder. In my experience, it immediately turned the fouling to asphalt, and was extremely hard to clean. That was something I was aware of about mixing petroleum products with the fouling, but had to try it for myself.
If you are going to use it, flush the barrel well with water to loosen things up, then you can use the Ed's Red.

08-15-2017, 12:11 PM
I was taken by surprise by the pungency of Ballistol at first, but for some reason, it doesn't always seem to have that pungent quality except when it's up close. I don't know if that's the anethole, whatever that is. Have you thought to mix one of those aromatic "essential oils" to the Ballistol to cover the objectionable quality? Not sure where to get them, but I've seen them in those candle-heated air freshener thingies. They may be used in candle or soap making.

08-19-2017, 09:28 AM
I was taken by surprise by the pungency of Ballistol at first, but for some reason, it doesn't always seem to have that pungent quality except when it's up close. I don't know if that's the anethole, whatever that is. Have you thought to mix one of those aromatic "essential oils" to the Ballistol to cover the objectionable quality? Not sure where to get them, but I've seen them in those candle-heated air freshener thingies. They may be used in candle or soap making.

That, sir, is a great idea. Essential oils are all over Amazon and can even be found at wal mart. I'm going to try it.

08-19-2017, 10:07 AM
I would be very cautious with essential oils. My wife started using various oils and found out that they can only be safely stored in a glass container. The oil can damage metal and plastic.

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08-26-2017, 12:21 AM
Maybe add some vanilla extract to cover up the smell.

mold maker
08-26-2017, 11:37 AM
Maybe add some vanilla extract to cover up the smell.

And then add some banana oil and it'll smell like pudding.
Lots of ways to cover up a smell, but what's the point. It's not like we are gonna use it for cologne. One should always use chemicals and solvents in a well ventulated area only.
It's the ability to do the job that dictates the use.

08-26-2017, 11:42 AM
Lots of ways to cover up a smell, but what's the point. It's not like we are gonna use it for cologne.


09-08-2017, 01:07 AM
FROG lube is simply repackaged Soy Lube 100. I don't know much about Ballistol, it does get gummy at -30 c. An overlooked U.S. made CLP is Cleansoil.

09-10-2017, 12:28 PM

Dang you beat me too it I was going to suggest Hoppes on a cotton ball

DerekP Houston
09-10-2017, 02:24 PM
FROG lube is simply repackaged Soy Lube 100. I don't know much about Ballistol, it does get gummy at -30 c. An overlooked U.S. made CLP is Cleansoil.

I'd wondered what was in it, it works "ok" for me and I'm still using it up, but I won't be buying it again. Still using hoppes #9 as well since I have some.

09-10-2017, 05:22 PM
A few years back I found Hoppes 9 car air freshener cards, wife did not care to ride in the truck while they were still strong. But then I prefer the smell of a good engine shop and diesel smoke.

09-19-2017, 01:40 PM
Why not try Volck Oil spray?

09-19-2017, 01:56 PM
Try (ATF)/Acetone mix (50/50):

09-19-2017, 06:56 PM
Try (ATF)/Acetone mix (50/50):

That's a penetrating oil that has completely different properties from Ballistol. Main one being it creeps everywhere. Ballistol stays where you spray if which is one of its many redeeming qualities.

09-19-2017, 10:09 PM
I have one of the wife's old air fresheners the kind with the sticks in it and fill it with hoppe's #9 . Keeps the gun room smelling nice !!

09-26-2017, 08:30 PM
The mix of Ed's Red that I use is ATF, odorless mineral spirits and kerosene. This "cleaning mix" is almost scent free and I like it very much. I have a "bore cleaner" mix that includes acetone. I don't have a need for the long term preservative, so I leave out the lanolin.