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View Full Version : Second Post I have an opportunity....

08-05-2017, 08:51 AM
Good Morning. First off, I don't cast boolits (yet). I am new to this aspect of shooting and reloading and I am reading and reading and reading some more. I have been collecting COWW and sorting and I'm about to begin smelting raw material into ingots. I've been reading through the Fryxell document concerning moulds and alloy percentages.

I stopped in on a friend yesterday. He is the owner/editor of a newspaper here in my area. I just wanted to learn a bit about linotype and see what he or someone else locally might have laying around. He startled me with his knowledge of the entire typesetting process and I realized he would have been a kid working for his father when all that style of printing was popular. He is the one that took his newspaper "digital" quite recently; about 20 years ago. All this aside, I'll get to the point.....

He told me that when we both had more time he'd take me back and show me the remnants of the linotype casting machinery and pigs that he's never exactly known what to do to get it out of his way! He made it sound like a complete corner of a melting and casting process that was necessary to his business. He spoke of a "CASTOMATIC" or something like that would take the linotype plates and reduce them to bulk pigs to be returned or recycled back into the process. Whew.

I'm asking you guys how much of an opportunity this might be. I don't want to get all excited and end up with more square footage of junk that I can't unload into the marketplace. And yet I don't want to pass up a deal that could be a lead mine either. Any thoughts? Any similar experiences? I don't want to appear overly anxious with this guy either. I have a track record of seeing extreme value and interest in stuff that the rest of the world doesn't share. I have a barn full of junk to prove it. Any thoughts or comments are very welcome.


08-05-2017, 08:56 AM
finding linotype is like finding gold...

08-05-2017, 08:58 AM
Sounds to me that there may be an opportunity to get your hands on a large supply as well as help the man find buyers for the rest.
He may have more Linotype than you would ever need or use.

08-05-2017, 09:03 AM
What Moonie said.

Sounds like you're playing it cool with the guy, graciously offer to take it off of his hands for a fair price if it is a burden to him.

What you don't / can't use would surely be traded for or bought right here on the forum.

Good luck to ya!

08-05-2017, 10:06 AM
Type metal of any kind is getting harder to find. I think you may have a rare opportunity here. His melting equipment could be useful when you start smelting your wheelweights. He could also be a treasure trove of information about the whole melting/smelting process. Good Luck with this deal!

08-05-2017, 03:27 PM
Yeah, I'm learning that the material itself is absolutely worth having in my barn rather than his, but honestly I'm drooling over what the equipment might be. Just the sound of it lights me up. I wish I could remember the name of the manufacturer. I know it sounded familiar when he said it. It rang a bell and I know I've seen the name on here at some point. I'll do some research on that. My memory is great when I write it down. :-?

DerekP Houston
08-05-2017, 03:31 PM
Sounds like you made an excellent friend for getting into this hobby. I haven't seen any linotype around here but I'll keep looking!