View Full Version : Great Smashed Potatoes (NOT whipped)

08-04-2017, 02:50 PM
Stole this receipe from a friend.

I only make large batches because our family loves potatoes.

I use Russet potatoes because I like the texture but I have used red potatoes and Yukon Gold.

Five pounds of potatoes
One pound of the sharpest cheddar cheese you can find
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Bacon bits
Chopped chives
1/2 lb of butter or margarine
1 potato masher, these are mashed potatoes, not whipped potatoes.

Fill the kitchen sink with hot water and put all the potatoes in there. This is to loosen the dirt.

Loosen the dirt? Aren't you going to peel them? Nope. The skins stay ON.

After soaking the spuds for about a half hour, scrub them well, cutting off any obvious bad spots. Once all are scrubbed, rinse them to get any residual dirt off.

Cut the potatoes into halves lengthwise, then cut those again lengthwise, finally quartering each quarter. Doing the math, that's 16 small pieces from each potato.

Throw the potatoes into a large stock pot and cover with cold water. Drain and rinse a couple times.

Cover the potatoes with cold water and put it on the stove with the fire on. Add about a teaspoon of salt.

Bring to a boil and then let them cook until you can cut them with a fork easily. Drain well, leaving them in the pot.

Put the butter/margarine in with the potatoes.

Cut up the cheese into small chunks and add to potatoes.

Add a bit of milk, this is a judgement call.

Start mashing. Mash like mad.

Add enough pepper to see black specks throughout the potatoes.

Add a couple tablespoons of chopped chives

Add about two ounces of bacon bits.

Add garlic powder, salt and onion powder to taste.

Mash like mad! Be sure to get down into the corners of the pot or else you'll leave lumps there.

Sometimes, I'll finely dice a quarter of a large onion, sauté the onions and add those as well.

DerekP Houston
08-04-2017, 03:35 PM
Sounds delicious. I gave up on whipping potatoes, the texture was always hit or miss. I bought a potato ricer and it works like a treat, don't have to peel them either since it just gets caught in the blade.

08-04-2017, 03:51 PM
The skin of the potatoes is very high in nutrients that's why I like to do mashed potatoes over whipped. But there are times that everyone wants whipped so that what I do.

BTW, I make the mashed/whipped potatoes, me, not the wife. A long time ago, when we were first married (1972), my wife tried to make whipped potatoes and they came out like glue and my friend who was staying with us and I kinda made fun of them. The wife said, "That's it, if you want mashed potatoes then you make them, I will not do it again." And she hasn't. I make the mashed/whipped potatoes. She does make a mean scalloped potatoes and ham though.

08-04-2017, 03:56 PM
I've found home grown potatoes are easier to get a consistent texture w/. A KitchenAid mixer really helps. Use butter and minimal milk for a smooth texture.

08-05-2017, 04:09 AM
Yes, mashed with skins and a few little chunks left for some tooth, like al dente pasta.

You know how to do spuds right.

Lloyd Smale
08-05-2017, 08:50 AM
I like them whipped. Probably a silly reason why. Back when I was young we had 6 kids in the house and ate ALOT of potatoes. Allways were smashed except on thanksgiving and Christmas we had mashed as a treat. Ma didn't have a fancy electric beater to mash them and it was work to make enough for all of us. Today I don't even want a lump in my mashed taters and if there not mashed id just as soon have a baked tater.

08-05-2017, 10:08 PM
I grew up with potatoes boiled in water but when I got married my wife liked steaming them. A superior approach imho since the potato flavor doesn't get leached out. That said, I don't see how the OP's recipe could help but be delicious. Look at all that dairy! Love it.

08-05-2017, 11:02 PM
I almost always do smashed if I am making from fresh(I do instant quite often, Idahoan brand are not bad at all). To much work to make whipped potatoes for 1 person.

08-05-2017, 11:42 PM
I had a friend fresh off the boat from Ireland. I figured who would know how to make potatoes better than an Irish farmer? I asked him how he liked his potatoes. He showed me a very very simple technique that turned out awesome. The main thing is to cook them Al dente, slice them into chunks and smothered them with butter. I never knew you could over cook potatoes but that is what he did.

Lloyd Smale
08-06-2017, 06:54 AM
have to admit mary that we use instant as often as fresh too.
I almost always do smashed if I am making from fresh(I do instant quite often, Idahoan brand are not bad at all). To much work to make whipped potatoes for 1 person.

08-06-2017, 10:39 PM
Fresh will be coming up, I need to dig potatoes in the next day or two... if they produced... Norkotah Russets