View Full Version : For thought and meditation

08-03-2017, 06:57 AM
Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

—Luke 10:2

It seems, unfortunately, that the church could be compared to a giant football game where 60,000 people in the stands watch 22 people do all the work. We stand on the sidelines and shout, “Go, team, go!” while God is saying, “I want you down on the field. I want you to carry the ball. I want you to be a part of what I’m doing.”

Jesus said, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2). Notice that Jesus did not say that we should pray the Lord would send out more observers—or more spectators or more complainers. Rather, He said we should pray the Lord would send out more laborers.

No one can honestly pray for this work to be done if they are not willing to do it themselves. Let’s not sit around and say, “Yes, God, send more laborers into the harvest!” Instead, let’s say, “Lord, let it start with me. I will be a laborer. I don’t know what I can do. I don’t know what I can offer. I don’t have a lot. But it’s Yours, Lord. I give it to You.”

Just watch what God can do. He can do a lot with a little. He can take what you have and multiply it.

Maybe you’re thinking, “That’s the job of the professionals. Let the preachers do this preaching stuff. I’m just an ordinary person.”

There are many people you can reach far more effectively. You can reach them because they know you. They work with you. They live next to you. You are able to speak to them like perhaps no other person could. God has given you a group of people whom you can influence. God wants to use you right where you are.

08-03-2017, 06:31 PM
Amen. A church is like most other cooperative human endeavors, and there's nobody who can't contribute some measure of his time, talents or efforts for the church. Usually, it's not that often that the "crew" really need to pitch in, but when it's needed, just hold up your hand and say, "I'll give it a try." What you receive in return will be far more than what you contribute, but you'll have to do it to fully understand and appreciate that. Churches take folks to run and repair and maintain and check the sound systems (at least these days), folks to tend the children and babies outside the sanctuary, folks to keep the water and heat and A/C going good, folks to help plan and give input into things the church can or intends to do. Everyone can contribute something. Singing in the choir, etc., etc., etc. The list could go on and on and on. Just let the preacher or other appropriate person know you're available and when, and what you have the will or talent to do. They'll likely take care of the rest. AND ... they'll really appreciate it, too. It's surprising how much it takes for that man in the pulpit to deliver his message each Sunday!