View Full Version : A Peach Recipe 200 Years Old

08-02-2017, 03:18 PM
Since it's peach season, and this looks so simple and so good:

A Peach Recipe 200 Years Old


Townsend's YT channel on 18th century America is great but a dangerous timesink, beware.

08-03-2017, 09:20 AM
Sounds tasty. I like that guy. He has allotta videos on the youtube

08-03-2017, 04:37 PM
Will give it a try. Thanks

08-04-2017, 12:00 AM
So hard to find good peaches in MN, all hard as a rock, you try to ripen them and they just turn mushy...

08-04-2017, 02:33 AM
So hard to find good peaches in MN, all hard as a rock, you try to ripen them and they just turn mushy...

He says in the vid that this recipe is at its best with unripe peaches, maybe its a 200 year old solution to the modern problem of fruit that ships better than it eats.

08-05-2017, 05:42 PM
Pastries with fruit in them are my ultimate weakness! Peach, pear, blueberry, strawberry, or whatever else ya' got! I'll eat and love them all. I have a special spot in my heart for pear tarts or cobbler simply because I ate so many from our pear trees (pineapple pears mostly) we had growing up. Wow! What a joy to be out practicing baseball, and when we got peckish, just mosey over to the pear trees, and pick up ones on the ground or pick them off the hanging branches, and ... do what comes naturally! Back then, all male kids carried some sort of knife, even to school, where we'd often use them to sharpen our pencils, and various other things. So peeling the pears was very natural, and I got plenty of practice. So much that I prided myself in taking the whole peeling off in one long, spiraled piece! No big trick, really, but my brother never got the knack, and I liked to chide him about it. Ah! Those wistful days of youth, in the land of plenty and sweetness!

Lead pot
08-05-2017, 06:25 PM
Landy88 Just in time :) Thank you for the link.
I have a peach tree that split two years ago and I just picked them tonight. 1/2 is on the ground and it still produces good peaches. I don't know what type of peach tree it is but it has always had the best peaches. I replanted two but they come later in late August and late Sept. but they are not as good as the old tree. I live in zone 4B NW ILL............Kurt

08-05-2017, 06:46 PM
My mom used to make "hand pies' with canned or fresh fruit using crescent rolls.
When using fresh fruit such as peaches she would heat them up in a pan with a little sugar and when it made juice she would add cornstarch to thicken it up. Place between two crescent roll triangles and bake in the oven.

08-05-2017, 08:00 PM
"Hand Pies" just went on my must try list. I can see a lot of potential in those. A meat one, a vegetable one, and a fruit one could be a portable meal to shame the old standby of a sandwich and an apple or, worse, the default of fast food.

08-05-2017, 08:08 PM
Landy88 Just in time :) Thank you for the link.
I have a peach tree that split two years ago and I just picked them tonight. 1/2 is on the ground and it still produces good peaches. I don't know what type of peach tree it is but it has always had the best peaches. I replanted two but they come later in late August and late Sept. but they are not as good as the old tree. I live in zone 4B NW ILL............Kurt

You are welcome.

I prefer the early ones by a bit, too.

08-05-2017, 11:19 PM
Unripe off an old tree is going to be way better than unripe from the grocery store aka tasteless...

He says in the vid that this recipe is at its best with unripe peaches, maybe its a 200 year old solution to the modern problem of fruit that ships better than it eats.

Lance Boyle
08-08-2017, 09:20 AM
So hard to find good peaches in MN, all hard as a rock, you try to ripen them and they just turn mushy...

So true Half the time

08-08-2017, 10:29 AM
We been eating peaches till they come out our ears. Local Kroger store has them on sale for $.77 a pound.

08-08-2017, 11:12 PM
Mom used to can them, she would get 4 flats and we would blanch to remove the skins then pack jars with medium syrup, some would get made into jam... some got eaten as we were peeling and cutting(hey kids get hungry doing hard work!).

08-12-2017, 07:41 PM
The peaches from Chambersburg PA are hitting the farm stands now. I just started 2 1/2 gallons of peach wine with them. I usually use it for a blender with some other white grape.

Lloyd Smale
08-13-2017, 06:10 AM
Mary as you know I live farther up north then you. I have two peach trees. Both are reliance peachs. Both put up lots of peaches every year and many have told me there the best peaches they've ate. they ripen just fine but the only problem with them is there on the small side. About half the size of store peaches. By the way ill add this. Ive never seen trees grow so fast as these peach trees.
So hard to find good peaches in MN, all hard as a rock, you try to ripen them and they just turn mushy...

08-13-2017, 09:35 PM
Next year I am adding fruit trees, I want 2 apple trees(Honeycrisp and a pollinator for it), 2 peaches, and 2 cherry trees. I have a spot where the dwarf trees will fit well. Want them short for easy ladder less picking.

Lloyd Smale
08-15-2017, 07:02 AM
problem around here with dwarfs is the deer bear ect eat all the fruit off of them. Deer even eat the branches. that and being a hybrid tree they tend to not be as hardy and you get more problem with diseases.

08-15-2017, 03:47 PM
problem around here with dwarfs is the deer bear ect eat all the fruit off of them. Deer even eat the branches. that and being a hybrid tree they tend to not be as hardy and you get more problem with diseases.

Moose are extra fun from which to protect trees. They reach right over the best tree baskets, and worse than their eating what they can reach, until a tree is quite good sized, they'll not infrequently pull them up as a take-out meal.

08-15-2017, 10:13 PM
No bear or moose here and I will put up a deer fence! Standard 6' high privacy fence with 3 wires to 9' will keep them out. And the fence will keep people out too!

Iowa Fox
08-22-2017, 12:05 AM
My peaches are just starting. You can't buy peaches this good anyplace, the old home trees are the best. I don't know what kind they are and my old friend that gave them to me doesn't know either. They were so small I hauled them home in the trunk of the car. Will peaches grow true to form from the pits? My mom and grandmother planted pits and had some pretty good trees.

09-03-2017, 11:10 PM
I was working the other day at a house with a fantastic peach tree. This is new to me, but I hope to grow something. Tree was covered with fruit and the best I have ever had. I broke off a branch and put a couple pieces in Rooting hormone and into a pot, inside. I have LED sunlight bulbs that stay on all night. I noticed, new growth at the tips. My chances of success in a couple months?