View Full Version : Prayer request for my son...one of our great Country's newest Sailors.

08-02-2017, 12:55 AM
We in my family are all well....we are all blessed beyond words, and I can't really express the excitement I feel for my eldest son, Dustin, who leaves for his basic training at Great Lakes one week from today. I read here often, although I feel like I contribute way less often than I should, but I will humbly ask for the Prayer warriors of this great site to lift my boy up in God's Grace and pray for his safety as he begins his life as a United States Navy Sailor. You might also throw in a little something for his mother.......and maybe me as well. She's a wreck, and I seem to have come down with some kind of allergy....as my eyes have started leaking a bit here lately.

God Speed all of you!


08-02-2017, 01:01 AM
As the son of a sailor I have to say it sounds like you raised your boy right. I will keep him and your family in my prayers.

08-02-2017, 01:09 AM
Prayers sent.

08-02-2017, 06:39 AM
Father as trails4u's son begins his service in the Navy I pray that You give him the strength to endure and graduate from basic training. I pray that You protect him and grant him peace as he goes through his training. I pray that You walk with him as he endures the daily stresses associated with basic training. I ask that You hold him in Your hands as he serves this great nation. Father, please give peace to trails4u and his wife. It is difficult for them to see their son go off to serve but knowing that You will be with him and them through out his deployment will be a comfort. AMEN

08-02-2017, 06:54 AM
Father God. I lift up Dustin to you this morning. I pray that you will be with him as he goes and starts his training in the Navy. I pray that you will give him strength and guidance. I pray that he will remain strong in you and that others will see Jesus in him. Be with trailes4u and his wife as they see their son going off to serve this country. Give them all that they need to get through this as they prepare to send him to basic training. Once again I ask that you be with Dustin in all that he does and give him safety. I the name of your son ,Jesus Christ I pray. AMEN.

08-02-2017, 08:01 AM
Prayers sent

08-02-2017, 09:01 AM
Lord we pray every day for the men and women who serve and the families at home! Amen

08-02-2017, 12:02 PM
Lord be with Dustin , guide and strengthen him . Protect him from all harm . Thank you for Dustin and all like him that protect us . Thank you Lord . Amen

08-02-2017, 11:03 PM
Thank you all for your kind words and amazing prayers! I know and understand that he is one of many making this choice to serve his country, and I know that we all pray, and pray hard and often for our service members, but no surprise.....this one's a bit different for me.

Our Congregation held an entire service in his honor last Sunday, followed by a lunch, also in his honor. The men's group at the church took time during service to recognize him, and our Pastor invited all to the front during our last hymn to pray over him. My eyes were a bit blurry, but I don't think there was a soul that stayed in a pew. I don't think I've cried like that since my last was born.

I will share this post with Dustin before he leaves.....he is a good Christian man (not to mention a shooter, loader, and soon to be caster!), and I know he will find support, peace, grace and love in being lifted up by brothers he's yet to meet.

God bless you all!


08-03-2017, 12:50 AM
Prayers are up for the safety of your son and the comfort of his mother, I went that route to Great Lakes on 28Jun72.

Dustin Engel
OS2 - United States Navy

08-03-2017, 08:51 AM
Prayer sent to ask for Him to watch over our new Shipmate.
Alex (E1 to O3, 14 yrs)

08-03-2017, 06:21 PM
Prayers up for all of you. I know how proud you must be of your son, but it's good that you recognize the risks. However, there's no guarantee that if something happens, it wouldn't have happened (or something like it) if he's stayed home. Tomorrow is promised to none of us, no matter what choices we make in life. He's really in the same place he's always been - in God's hands - as are all the rest of us. You and I and he and everyone else has an appointed time to die, and there's nothing we can do about it. All we CAN do is just accept that, and let it help guide us in the path that God has in mind for us all. That way, no matter what happens, he'll be OK .... or even better. Life and death intimidate us much more than they should. We don't like thinking about them because we'd rather pretend things will never change and we'll always be the way we are now. But all of us know that's not true. Things change, people change, circumstances change - just about everything changes. And really, he may well be safer than you and I here back at home, because the military does a LOT to ensure their own are protected to the largest degree possible. Here, we like to NOT think about possibilities, and just pretend "It's all gonna' be OK."

We'll pray for him, and I suggest you do also, even nightly. It's all we'll ever really have. You've taught him great values, good sense and judgment. I'm so thankful that a guy like that is standing guard over all of us as we sleep. The really good ones are all that enables us the peace we all usually know. Thank you all for making a good military man, and letting him go so we all can sleep better at night. What more important thing could he do with a few years of his life?

08-04-2017, 03:40 PM
Prayers sent,Some mean ole DI will get him in shape before you know it.

08-09-2017, 09:13 PM
Many thanks to you all. He shipped today....and has made it to Great Lakes. Surprisingly he's had his cell phone a good bit of the day, so we've been able to keep up with his travels. If it might cross your mind.....continued prayers sure won't hurt.

08-09-2017, 09:17 PM
My prayer will continue...I have a son myself .

08-10-2017, 09:02 PM
Dustin and the family added to our prayer list.

08-10-2017, 09:38 PM
59 yrs.ago I joined the Navy at 17 yrs. old. My parents were a wreck too. I learned fast and did what I was told and grew up. Saw alot of memorable sites traveling the world I could have never traveled to as a civilian. Encourage him thru the tough times and as he looks back years later he will appreciate what he has seen and done.afish4570

08-10-2017, 10:46 PM
Father as trails4u's son begins his service in the Navy I pray that You give him the strength to endure and graduate from basic training. I pray that You protect him and grant him peace as he goes through his training. I pray that You walk with him as he endures the daily stresses associated with basic training. I ask that You hold him in Your hands as he serves this great nation. Father, please give peace to trails4u and his wife. It is difficult for them to see their son go off to serve but knowing that You will be with him and them through out his deployment will be a comfort. AMEN


08-11-2017, 02:45 PM
I almost always try to remember our service men and women when I pray. It just seems to be the right thing to do for them. If I can't be there, then I need to pray for sustenance for those who are there in my place. What a wonderful group of men it is, who maintain the peace for us, and who go upon our errand when the peace is breached! God bless them one and all, and bless and keep them. Amen.

08-11-2017, 06:59 PM
Prayers for him and all our service personnel.