View Full Version : Screw loose? More than one?

07-31-2017, 09:41 PM
Not exactly sure where to post this but doing a lot of shooting the last 5 weeks and I've had scope mount screws and ring screws come loose and , the thing that killed accuracy the most was a grip screw coming loose.
Yes part of my routine is checking these things and all screws were given a dab of lok tight and taken back to proper specs , but one scope mount slipped past me. The grip screw was on a 300 blackout ar I built around Christmas time;just could not figure out why all my groups were left of center and when I made appropriate clicks to the Nikon the groups were still left of center with a proven rifle and it's favored loads,then I felt the slop in the houge grip,almost one full turn of the screw to tighten her back up. And bam right back to center once old zero was reset on the scope
This was posted as a reminder to my boolit casting family; a loose screw can and will screw up accuracy!

07-31-2017, 11:13 PM
I too discovered loose scope screws last time at the range.

08-01-2017, 09:41 AM
We all need to send some 'lock-tight' to Washington DC...seems they are plagued with 'loose screws' too!

country gent
08-01-2017, 10:52 AM
Enamel paint, and nail polish will work on the small screws and it is easer to get to release than lock tite on these smaller screws. Even the blue removable version on screws under #10 size requires heat usually to release.

08-01-2017, 11:07 PM
Enamel paint, and nail polish will work on the small screws and it is easer to get to release than lock tite on these smaller screws. Even the blue removable version on screws under #10 size requires heat usually to release.

Thanks for the suggestion